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  1. #1
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    test only with hgh?

    ok going on 1 month of hgh. can i do 500mg of test cyp after my second month of hgh? or should i do a combo of deca / test?if anyone has any suggestions plz reply

  2. #2
    toolman is offline Banned
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by frogg
    ok going on 1 month of hgh. can i do 500mg of test cyp after my second month of hgh? or should i do a combo of deca/ test?if anyone has any suggestions plz reply
    what are your stasts, cycle histories, goals?

  3. #3
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    lol sorry. 5'10 190lbs. i really dont know how to explain this but i was a major fuk up and did juice whenever i felt like doing it. so i can say i never did a true cycle of aas. my goal is like 210lbs.
    Last edited by frogg; 01-09-2005 at 05:55 PM.

  4. #4
    toolman is offline Banned
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by frogg
    lol sorry. 5'10 190lbs. i really dont know how to explain this but i was a major fuk up and did juice whenever i felt like doing it. so i can say i never did a true cycle of aas. my goal is like 210lbs.
    Nothing wrong with honesty.

    Run your gh 9-12 weeks before the AS. Then go ahead with 500 mgs of test e for 10-12 weeks. If you are eating, lifting and resting right, you will gain your 20 lbs. But learn from your mistakes and plan everything else to the last detail. Have your diet ready to go as eating is everything when it comes to mass gains.

  5. #5
    scotty082865's Avatar
    scotty082865 is offline Junior Member
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    If you only have enough HGH for a short cycle then by all means, do like toolman says. But I personally like to run them concurrently. HGH, in my opinion, has a profound impact when your test levels are high. Your may naturally be so, but 500 mgs of test will surely do it.

    My .02 worth - and just barely worth it :-)


  6. #6
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    1 month of Hgh is the equivelent of doing 1 week of test. do 12 weeks of gh do your cycle with the gh for another 12 then another 12 of gh if u can afford it or stop after you need atleast 24 weeks of gh. if anything sell the gh and buy tren 75mg every day this will burn as much fat as 4-5 monthes of gh

  7. #7
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    or sell the gh use ifg 1 for weeks 50mcg a day use the ifg1 smack in the middle of your 12 week cycle or use it as a bridge between cycles

  8. #8
    jerzeyfiveoh is offline New Member
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    can someone tell me how much water they add to there gh. my dr said one bottle of 8.8 saizene to add 3.4 cc's of water and that is to last 2 weeks. seems very watered down to me????

    that is doing 20 a day on the insulin needle

  9. #9
    frank_frank's Avatar
    frank_frank is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyJuice
    1 month of Hgh is the equivelent of doing 1 week of test. do 12 weeks of gh do your cycle with the gh for another 12 then another 12 of gh if u can afford it or stop after you need atleast 24 weeks of gh. if anything sell the gh and buy 75mg every day this will burn as much fat as 4-5 monthes of gh
    one month is equivelent to one month of test?? where did u get that from?? strength , size, i dont understand what u mean by that???

  10. #10
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyJuice
    1 month of Hgh is the equivelent of doing 1 week of test. do 12 weeks of gh do your cycle with the gh for another 12 then another 12 of gh if u can afford it or stop after you need atleast 24 weeks of gh. if anything sell the gh and buy 75mg every day this will burn as much fat as 4-5 monthes of gh
    Frank 1 month of gh is equal to doing 1 week of test. It makes no sense. Its just a waste of money

  11. #11
    nbavosa's Avatar
    nbavosa is offline Junior Member
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    Save it for when you get enough to do a good 3-4 months.

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