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  1. #1
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004

    Do they have new packaging for serostim ?

    I use to have the 84 iu boxes and today i just received 126 iu boxes.
    They look very different from the 84 ones. I was told that these are thier new boxes. I found it funny that they didn't have a plastic wrapping, just some type of transparent sticker with serono written on it to seal the box at the openings
    Here are some pics
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Do they have new packaging for serostim ?-img_0474.jpg   Do they have new packaging for serostim ?-img_0472.jpg  

  2. #2
    bodyd19's Avatar
    bodyd19 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessyjack10
    I use to have the 84 iu boxes and today i just received 126 iu boxes.
    They look very different from the 84 ones. I was told that these are thier new boxes. I found it funny that they didn't have a plastic wrapping, just some type of transparent sticker with serono written on it to seal the box at the openings
    Here are some pics

    Yes bro, They are the real Deal. I had 6 of those last summer. It wored great.

    I cant get the serostim anymore so I had to switch to Jintropin, there is not a real big difference between the two in my opinion.

  3. #3
    bigbodyjosh's Avatar
    bigbodyjosh is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Yup, i just finished one of those definately legit. I was scared first of the new boxes as well.

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