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  1. #1
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    help! sore joints.

    been on hgh for 2 months now. went from 182 to 200 lbs in this time period with no aas. i am currently taking 3.3iu ed. In the beginning i had no pain whatsoever now i am getting unbelievable joint pains. Is it the gh or is it the increase workout poundage? And what is my solution.

    my bench press went from 185 a few times to 295 4times. i can shoulder press 175 for reps. do you think this is the reason? thanks

  2. #2
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2004
    Wow, that is hard to believe you gained 18lbs in only two months only with HGH. Real gains takes time slowly so my guess is your pain is due to both high water retention(weight gain) and the much higher poundages lifted. That is a really good increase, you must be eating like a horse. Your joints can only handle so much so if I were you would tone it down a tad notch.
    Last edited by bluethunder; 02-16-2005 at 10:51 AM. Reason: spell

  3. #3
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds like you are bloated beyond belief Bro - some people are much more sensitive to the effects of HGH than others. Also if your poundages have increased that much it can put a considerable amount of stress on your joints

  4. #4
    Jessyjack10's Avatar
    Jessyjack10 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow ! Which HGH are u using?

  5. #5
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    jintropin. thanks for the replys. I guess that being in the gym 7 days a week for one month and eating really well has paid off. But there are downsides about a week ago i started experiencing pains in my shoulders knees and biceps i am hoping its from increase poundages if not i will discontinue gh use.

    Another question. will i get bloated even if i am on a strict diet? and how can you tell if someone is bloated?

  6. #6
    soo2bhuge's Avatar
    soo2bhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Try adequan

  7. #7
    frank_frank's Avatar
    frank_frank is offline Senior Member
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    WOW, those r some crazy gains!!
    good job!
    how is your diet like? what how much and how often r u eating? im asking because im trying to gain weight off of the GH and i was wondering how u did it.

  8. #8
    frogg is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    well for me it has never been easy. I guess the trick is eat often and moderate. As hgh will be changing your tyroid and metabolism. so it is important to eat often with alot of protein intake

  9. #9
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by frogg
    jintropin. thanks for the replys. I guess that being in the gym 7 days a week for one month and eating really well has paid off. But there are downsides about a week ago i started experiencing pains in my shoulders knees and biceps i am hoping its from increase poundages if not i will discontinue gh use.

    Another question. will i get bloated even if i am on a strict diet? and how can you tell if someone is bloated?
    7 days a week is way too much time in the gym. Resting is as important as working out. This may be giving your joints problems as well.

  10. #10
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    7 days a week is way too much time in the gym. Resting is as important as working out. This may be giving your joints problems as well.
    yes this could be a lot of your problem. You need to get rest.

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