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    GearIdentity is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    Cutter: L3Igf-1/Slin/AAS/T-3?

    Would appreciate opinions on cutting cycle in mind. Specifically on how to incorporate slin and igf-1 into cycle for cutting purposes, and T-3 with igf-1.

    Stats: I am turning 24, I have more than several cycles under my belt, around 3 cycles of igf-1 and 3 cycles of slin. Weigh around 220lbs, bf% unknown...guess would be in the 15-18% range. Havent worked out in a couple of weeks, just recently got over the flu with antibiotics which really threw me off.

    Highest dose on igf-1 has been 80mcg's.
    Highest dose on slin has been 20ius.
    Cycles have been in the 1000-2000mg total range for the last year.

    I have been on 560mg EQ for 3 weeks. Been sick for more than half that time.

    I havent started tren e, test e due to sickness...EQ was started due to its slow activity.

    Contemplated cycle;
    wks4-15 Test Enanthate

    wks4-18 .5mg Adex ed
    wks4-18 20mg
    nolvadex ed

    wks5-15 HCG 500iu on Sat and 500iu on Sunday.

    wks16-19 PCT Nolva/Clomid

    Startting on Wk 4..........Igf-1 at 50mcg ed for a total of 40 days. Post workout on workout days and first thing in the mornings on rest days. Planning on high doses of T-3 for those 40 days.

    Starting around Wk 10.....Humalin or maybe humalog at 10iu ed post workout. Most carbs will be consumed around workout and insulin .

    T-3 schedule with the 5/45/55% rule where approximately 5 % of the time is spent ramping up, 45% of the time on higest dose and 55% of the time ramping down.

    Days 1-6 Ramp up to 200mcg
    Days 7-31 200mcg
    Days 32-70 Ramping down to 25mcg

    Main Questions....

    From what I understand, I can run higher dosages of T-3 while on Igf-1, is this T-3 sheduling correct?

    Would the nolvadex during cycle interfere with the igf-1?

    Would it be ok to inject igf-1 post workout only considering I am running such a high dosage of T-3?

    Would you guys think it would be better to run slin first and then igf-1 instead?

    Thank you for any help.
    Last edited by GearIdentity; 05-09-2005 at 05:09 AM.

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