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Thread: NovoRapid

  1. #1
    westy's Avatar
    westy is offline Junior Member
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    Looking for a little info on these NovoRapid Penfills

    Have a friend who can supply these PenFills

    Come as 100U/ml 3ml

    Is it 100IUs??

    Thanks just trying to get as much info as poss on these thanks

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Novorapid onset time is at the 15 minute mark. It peeks at about 1 hour, and its active life period is about 4 - 5hrs.

    The penfills are small cartridges that are inserted in those insulin pens, so you don't have to use syringes. The slin pens are very accurate and user friendly. Each cartridge contains 300IU of insulin (3ml, 100IU p/ml).

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    TDS is offline Associate Member
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    im on the end of 4 weeks now on novo & find it to work beta for me than act. i also found that i stayed alot leaner too. i think its because its not active as long (or maybe my diet is a little better). i'd just like to thank GEAR for all his inso knowledge. Cheers mate.

  4. #4
    westy's Avatar
    westy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Novorapid onset time is at the 15 minute mark. It peeks at about 1 hour, and its active life period is about 4 - 5hrs.

    The penfills are small cartridges that are inserted in those insulin pens, so you don't have to use syringes. The slin pens are very accurate and user friendly. Each cartridge contains 300IU of insulin (3ml, 100IU p/ml).

    Good luck.

    Thanks Gear, will have to get hold of a Slin Pen... going to work up to taking 10IU PWO and see how that goes, also how long to stay on this?
    Thinking 4 weeks?? Will be on HGH as well, also looking into t4..

    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by TDS
    im on the end of 4 weeks now on novo & find it to work beta for me than act. i also found that i stayed alot leaner too. i think its because its not active as long (or maybe my diet is a little better). i'd just like to thank GEAR for all his inso knowledge. Cheers mate.
    Not a problem mate, hope all went well for you.


  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by westy
    Thanks Gear, will have to get hold of a Slin Pen... going to work up to taking 10IU PWO and see how that goes, also how long to stay on this?
    Thinking 4 weeks?? Will be on HGH as well, also looking into t4..

    Thanks again
    Starting at a low dose and working your way up to 10IU sounds good. Cycle insulin 4 weeks ON/OFF.

    All the best.


  7. #7
    westy's Avatar
    westy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Starting at a low dose and working your way up to 10IU sounds good. Cycle insulin 4 weeks ON/OFF.

    All the best.

    Would you just use it on training days (4 Times Per Week) or everyday??

    Thanks Again..

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Use it on training days only, immidietly after a workout.


  9. #9
    westy's Avatar
    westy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Use it on training days only, immidietly after a workout.

    Yep thought that, just wanted to double check...
    Sorted a Slin Pen out, also got a blood sugar monitor (dunno it I need it)
    but a friend is diabetic and let me have one for nothing...

    This is stack

    Jin HGH 4 IUs per day (2IUs in the morning & 2IUs at night) 6Months
    Slin PWO 4 times per week (Working upto 10us) 4 Weeks on 4 weeks off
    T3 stacked with Clen (Using this for the 4weeks on slin)

    First 4 weeks AS
    Sus 1500 Per Week
    Dianobol (Working upto 10 a day then back down again, running 6 weeks)
    Week 3 - 7
    Testex 1500 Per Week
    Week 6 - 8

    How long coming of b4 starting my PCT? Was thinking a week?
    and running it for 2 weeks, also going to run tamoxifen if needed...


  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sustanon actually takes about 4 weeks to kick in so you want to run it for at least 8 weeks. IMO, no less than 10 weeks. A lot of people would run it for 12 weeks.

    I never taper dianabol . I always start on a dose that I know is effective for me, and stay on that dose till the end. So, if you want to run 50mgs p/day, then start on 50mgs, and use 50mgs ED weeks 1 - 4. If you have had good results with tapering dianabol, then stick to what works best for you, but I think tapering is not necessary.

    Bump this for the HGH users. Perhaps someone will be kind enough to set up a cycle for you that consists of the compounds you want to use. I have never used HGH, so I would rather leave it for the more experienced ones.

    All the best.


  11. #11
    Xe0n is offline Junior Member
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    HGH dosage and length is good, same with slin... You should use T3 ED during your HGH cycle at 12.5mcg/day. Cycle the clen on and off with slin if you wish.

    Cycle looks good, however, as gear suggested, I wouldn't taper.

    1-4 50mg Dianabol ED
    1-10 1500mg Sustanon /Testex
    8-12 Winstrol

    PCT beginning week 13, with clomid and/or nolvadex . (I personally run nolvadex alone with good results, for clomids sides of over-emotion and acne are worse than nolva's)

    Use HCG during your cycle rather than during PCT... this will also keep your balls from shrinking too much. 250iu twice a week should be sufficient.


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