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  1. #1
    supersteve Guest

    Just did first shot, a few questions

    Okay so I just did my first shot of HGH 2iu, SQ. Just have some questions:

    1 - When i reconstituted the HGH (the vials are only 2iu each) I noticed there was a frothyness, is this normal?
    2 - Also there was one tiny air bubble I couldn't get rid of, is it okay just to inject this?
    3 - As soon as I injected (abdomen) a tiny hard white lump appeared just above where I poked the needle in, it doesn't hurt, its just like a hard pea, did i do something wrong?


  2. #2
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    1) The frothiness is not a problem so long as that is what it is. Sometimes when I mix mine there it is there so I let it sit. You have to be sure that it fully dilutes. Let it sit for awhile and make sure that it is completely clear before you inject.

    2) I will tell you that technically you should remove the needle from the vial and gently depress the plunger until a drop appears on the tip of the needle. This will clear the bubble and lubricate the needle. That being said I can't seem to do that with a slin pin and the tiny bubble has never hurt me. Just don't hit a vein.

    3) No clue. Try massaging it and see if it goes away. I have had that problem with oil solutions but I don't think it should happen in a water solution. Someone else will have to comment on that one.

  3. #3
    LL08's Avatar
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    Any other responses, i'm interested too.


  4. #4
    lavaman's Avatar
    lavaman is offline Associate Member
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    what kind of gh are you using? i had that happen to me with club hgh, I had pea size welts on my stomach from their gh.

  5. #5
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    I'm pretty sure supersteve is using generic jin from a reputable source. If you shoot too much Bac Water with the H could this account for the welts? ie 1ML for 2iu...


  6. #6
    lavaman's Avatar
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    bro I have tried 3 diffrent brands and the generic gin was what made the welts for me I gurantee you it's the 192 rdna or anasome.

  7. #7
    supersteve Guest
    Just did my second shot today, no little welt thankfully. I think it may have been because I removed the needle before letting go of the skinfold yesterday, or that i was holding the skinfold too tightly.

    There was still foam though and I used a 1.5" needle this time as well and ran it down the side of the glass. Does anybody see a problem with me injecting (SQ) this foam?

    Also, it's impossible to get every single bit of liquid out of the vial isn't it? There's always a few drops left in there for me

  8. #8
    dale is offline Associate Member
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    do you mean you get the foam when you draw it out of the vial into the pin? if so, just take your time and let it enter the pin...don't draw to fast. i can never get ALL the air out of the pis when i inject and i don't ever have a problem with it. if you're worried about getting every little drop out of the vial then just inject a little more BW into the vial and draw it up. you won't get absolutly every micro-gram out of it, most people just toss the vial.

  9. #9
    supersteve Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dale
    do you mean you get the foam when you draw it out of the vial into the pin? if so, just take your time and let it enter the pin...don't draw to fast. i can never get ALL the air out of the pis when i inject and i don't ever have a problem with it. if you're worried about getting every little drop out of the vial then just inject a little more BW into the vial and draw it up. you won't get absolutly every micro-gram out of it, most people just toss the vial.
    No I get the foam when reconstituting. When I inject the bac water into the vial it goes foamy. I let it sit for a while but it didn't go away. When I draw it out into my slin syringe the foam goes into the syringe (some stays behind in the vial which i can't get at) and sits at the top of the syringe ... i've just been injecting it.

  10. #10
    dale is offline Associate Member
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    take your time when you reconstitute the GH. try to use a 1 1/2" needle and let the BW just barely drip on the side of the bottle. as long as you do that it shouldn't be degrading the GH.

  11. #11
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    Supresteve, be very carful. I don't know why all of the literature out there says that if it is not completely dissovled then you have to pitch it. I don't know why but evidently if you inject the the powder while it is still in solid form something bad will happen. If you let it sit and it is dissolved it will turn totally clear.

    Let me know what happens.

  12. #12
    dale is offline Associate Member
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    should disolve within 4-5 minutes of resconstitution even without swirling it so very lightly.

  13. #13
    Titan1 is offline Member
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    those small bubbles cant hurt you

  14. #14
    supersteve Guest
    Well I did it again this morning and there was still foam, albeit less than the past two. When I draw it into the syringe there is about 0.5cm of foam at the top of it and a fair few air bubbles throughout the liquid part. I just went ahead and injected though because I couldn't get rid of either.

    I injected into a very lean bit today (down near the hip) so it was basically a thin bit of skin. As I injected a white lump formed where the fluid was actually going in, the more i injected the bigger it got, but I just rubbed the lump and it dispersed and was gone.

    I'll take a pic of everything when i do it tomorrow morning. I hope the foam etc. doesn't mean my hgh is totally damaged and wasted

  15. #15
    Jerzey's Avatar
    Jerzey is offline Member
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    I just started GH this past week and have done 2 shots, my 3rd tonight as I am doing it EOD. The first shot I did was right under the skin and a "pocket" formed, I'm not sure if that's kinda like your white lump, but it was just a pocket under my skin which was gone when I woke up. I am doing them at night.

    The second shot I went deeper and it didn't happen, both were abdominal.

    The foam sounds weird.... I have never done GH before this but my I know people who have and mine is very clear... the bubbles, you should get those out of the syringe before you inject it by flicking it so they go to the top and then pushing them out of the syringe. I'm surprised that you still have foam after it has been sitting...

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