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  1. #1
    jgg1221 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    why wait an hour PWO to take protein when using insulin?

    i hear a lot of people saying to take protein an hour after lifting weights and an hour after using insulin (taking the insulin immediately after lifting)

    why is this?

  2. #2
    GetNBig is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2003
    I'd like to here the ans to this one too, my trainer told me to take both, about equal amounts for now anyways. Cause the insulin is helping to get that protein in there...

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You have to let your body digest your previous meal before consuming another one. Otherwise, there will be excess nutriens which can lead to fat gain. That is why we have a PWO shake immidietly after training, wait about an hour for your body to use up the nutrients just consumed, and then have more nutrients about 1hr later.


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    i hear a lot of people saying to take protein an hour after lifting weights and an hour after using insulin (taking the insulin immediately after lifting)

    why is this?
    1 hour after training is the same as 1 hour after insulin dose because insulin is taken immidietly post training.


  5. #5
    QBERT's Avatar
    QBERT is offline Junior Member
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    May 2005
    So Gear you seem to know allot about the use of insulin . Just so I am able to utilize this powerful substance to it's maximum potential, take my 10iu shot humalog IM PWO. Then have my 5-7g dextrose/iu + 5g glutamine mixed in H2O. 15min. l8tr 80g isolate whey+liquid aminos+5gcreatine mixed in H2O. 1hr eat complex protein/simple carbs. 2.5hrs complex protein/simple carbs. No fats all simple carbs and then 4 hrs CLEAR. And of course at all times keep a source of sugar near by for hypo. I will start at 4iu increase x1iu/PWO shot daily till 10iu max. if my body adapts well. Correct?

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Hi QBERT,

    Follow this:

    * Train.
    * Immidietly post training have your "x" amount of dextrose, 5g of creatine and 5g of glutamine.
    * 15 minutes later have about 75g of protein isolate.
    * About 1.25hrs later have have a solid meal that consists of both carbohydrates and protein.
    * About 2.00hrs have another solid meal, the same as previous meal.

    Assuming you are using Humalog and doing IM or Sub-Q, insulin should no longer be active by this time therefore you may eat as you usually do. Don't consume fats while slin is active and no not fal asleep either.

    All the best.


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