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  1. #1
    simm's Avatar
    simm is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Can Somebody Help Me On This Please..

    Guys. 4yrs ago i did a 8 week course of somatropin (russian). I was getting unreal headaches where i could not lift my head up. nausea the works! Anyway. My eyesight has been getting worse ever since. opticians said all is ok. very foggy sight. i am seeing a british endocrinologist now, since i had an mri scan that showed a pituitary adenoma. it is only 3mm big and on the anterior part of the gland. i had an (ogtt) glucose tolerance test and am waiting for the results! thyroid, test and other hormones seem ok! do you think that the hgh i took back then could have caused this? i am 6'4 tall and age 27.. Any thoughts on this would be great. Thanks!

  2. #2
    supersteve Guest
    It would not have caused the tumor but if definitely could have accelerated its growth.

  3. #3
    simm's Avatar
    simm is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks for the reply steve! I was thinking that too. Would you suggest that i stay away from future hgh use? Could it now cause s***loads of problems for me?

  4. #4
    supersteve Guest
    I'm assuming it's benign (non-cancerous), but nonetheless you don't want it to get any bigger.
    If you want to use hgh again you will probably have to look at getting it cut out first.

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