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  1. #1
    lil mikey is offline New Member
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    MR igf problems?

    Does anyone know this guy? Please PM me if you do, and know why it might be taking so long. On vacation or something? Anyone whos ordered before, how long did it take to recieve? thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    strong island, NY
    did you send him a money order? cause he wont send the goods until the MO clears the bank.

    i just ordered from him yesterday... i sent cash to speed up the process.

  3. #3
    supersteve Guest
    If it's very close to the weekend he will wait until monday to send so the package doesn't sit around for as long. Also as FE said, the money has to clear. He also goes away for a few days sometimes.

    But don't stress man once he does send it will arrive asap.

  4. #4
    lil mikey is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks, He recieved my M.O. on sat morning, thought I should have at least got an e-mail from him. guess Ill give it till monday and try to reach him again

  5. #5
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    He has his moments...usually pretty good TA but slips at times.

  6. #6
    lil mikey is offline New Member
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    Got my stuff today. Would be concernd about it being in the mail for 3 days,( it got shipped out friday and i didnt get it till this AM), but Ive seen studies on it being stable for up to a year in 98 degree temps. It also had an ice pack that was a little cool still. gonna start at 40mcgs this week then go to 60 next week then possibly to 80 if im not having any problems. Will let everyone know how it goes.

  7. #7
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    if its your first run with igf just stick with 50mcg ed for 4 weeks.


  8. #8
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    yea i did 40mcg first time and it worked great... no need to go crazy your first time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    strong island, NY
    MR turnaround was great. i sent him cash on thursday... had my stuff on saturday morning.

    planning on running 60mcg\ed for 4 weeks.

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