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  1. #1
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    IGF1 - Using a virus as a genetic vehicle

    This part is interesting to me because it talks about using a virus as a vehicle to deliver IGF1 over long periods. It's working in mice so far.

    The results of this study are similar to other studies where IGF-1 was injected directly into muscle tissue, resulting in increases in size and strength of experimental animals. Using a virus as a genetic vehicle has an advantage over simply injecting the growth factor. The effects of a single viral treatment last significantly longer (months if not years) because the muscle cell itself is constantly overproducing its own IGF-1 from injected DNA.

    The fact that the IGF-1 produced by the muscle of these mice did not reach the blood stream is interesting. Systemic injections of IGF-1 have not been successful in inducing this kind of anabolic effect in humans. In addition, IGF-1 produced by the liver is genetically different than that produced by muscle tissue. It could be that providing additional DNA for the muscle to produce it’s own IGF-1 is the key to achieving anabolic and rejuvenative effects specifically in skeletal muscle.

  2. #2
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds pretty interesting, I just wonder how controllable it is - seeing as viruses are quite often hard to treat........

  3. #3
    supersteve Guest
    they are talking about igf-1 though not lr3 right?

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by supersteve
    they are talking about igf-1 though not lr3 right?
    If I understand right, IGF1 keeps being reproduced in the rat muscles with this virus. So IGF1 is actually being produced in these rats by the presence of this target virus in the muscle tissue, so there is no IGF1 circulating in the blood. Pretty cool shit actually. LR3 increases the half life to 10 hrs from 30 mins. Doesn't matter, as long as it keeps coming out for free with that IGF1 producing virus.

  5. #5
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    Sounds pretty interesting, I just wonder how controllable it is - seeing as viruses are quite often hard to treat........
    Exactly, it seems impossible to control. I saw something on TV about IGF1 and they showed some mice running around. Then they showed some fat mice laying around. They said they shot the IGF1 into the same mice and they were before and after pics.

  6. #6
    TheNextBigThing is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    so there is no IGF1 circulating in the blood..
    So this would mean that there would be no way to test for this type of IGF?

  7. #7
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    Its called gene doping, and I dont believe the virus works exactly like a standard retrovirus where it encodes itself in the host's DNA and causing it to make viral DNA + viral proteins. I am pretty sure with gene doping it just delivers the target gene to the cells and your immune system eventually destroys the virus.

  8. #8
    Big M's Avatar
    Big M is offline Associate Member
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    immune system eventually destroys the virus.
    the virus is just the delivery boy, Does´nt matter if it getts "destroyed" (viruses cant be destroyed the body just gets imune, the virus will always be there)

  9. #9
    vestax's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure your white blood cells eat the virus and digest it. Once you have a virus does not mean that you always have it, you dont become "immune" to it but your body produces antibodies that bind to a site on the virus so macrophages and phagocytes and eat it.

  10. #10
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    I am pretty sure your white blood cells eat the virus and digest it. Once you have a virus does not mean that you always have it, you dont become "immune" to it but your body produces antibodies that bind to a site on the virus so macrophages and phagocytes and eat it.
    Correct, sir.

    I can't wait for this technology to finally become usable for humans! I would love to take one shot a year and be jacked as hell...

  11. #11
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    man I wouldnt ever **** around with this shit. imagine the consequences if something went wrong

  12. #12
    Mr. Punisher is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    man I wouldnt ever **** around with this shit. imagine the consequences if something went wrong

    yea you will become like Ronnie

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