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Thread: New Forum Idea

  1. #1
    Drkodiak1's Avatar
    Drkodiak1 is offline Associate Member
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    New Forum Idea

    I was wondering of anyone elese is interested in the Subject of gene doping because i feel that gene doping is going to be the future of bodybuilding and professional sports and the olympics and knowing more about it now will prepare us more for the future. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this topic. I feel there should be a forum dedicated to just gene doping

  2. #2
    alwayson is offline Associate Member
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    why would you modify your genes?

    Wouldn't that mess up any kids you have??

    Isn't that sin?

  3. #3
    Drkodiak1's Avatar
    Drkodiak1 is offline Associate Member
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    here is a good article to express what area of gene doping im refering to with using viruses as vector carries so that you would only need to inject things like igf-1 and GH once or twice a year and still get the same results most likely better than a person who is doing dialy injections. Also research stem cells and proliferation of cells to better understand my idea..Article

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Without there being a product that we can use at this time, it's all speculation at this point in time. This has been around for over a year, look at the date of that link, it's 2004. Look at the supplements companies that have come out for myostatin blocking supps. This isn't new, but it is going to be the future as you said, all we can do is wait.


  5. #5
    LL08's Avatar
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    At the moment gene doping could be likened to playing with fire. A study which came out post that article was conducted on animals with anemia. They were given a gene for epo. Firstly they made too mny rbc's which is NOT GOOD because they had to have blood removed to reduce it, many even got sick and got worse anemia. And the really bad news -the gene doped epo creates a different EPO and the animals immune system then destroyed it!

    Like JB is saying its the future and we can't do much more than wait and its one thing i would hold out on being a guinea pigg for but then its your muscle or your life...btw the virus method of insertion seems to be becoming old school although just a year old...The method which is working is RNAi delivery via silica. Give it a few years drkodiak1 and things might be different.

  6. #6
    awl8up is offline New Member
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    Gene doping, as many types of genentic research, is extremely interesting to me as I have a child with a genetic disorder. I think there is a lot of potential to solve many disorders as well as increase our "vain" pursuits.

    In regards to sports I think that gene doping is an interesting topic. If (and it's a big if) there is minimal side effects is it cheating? Wouldn't it be similar to taking OTC supplements to increase performance?

  7. #7
    alwayson is offline Associate Member
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    look into PGD IVF if you want to have more kids

    just google "PGD IVF"

  8. #8
    alwayson is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drkodiak1
    here is a good article to express what area of gene doping im refering to with using viruses as vector carries so that you would only need to inject things like igf-1 and GH once or twice a year and still get the same results most likely better than a person who is doing dialy injections. Also research stem cells and proliferation of cells to better understand my idea..Article

    this is way over the line.

    I would rather just take a peptide that suppresses myostatin (which is being developed by wyeth), instead of hacking my genes.

  9. #9
    LL08's Avatar
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    The bottom line is the potential is great but there are still anomelies in mapping the human genome - they only take into account the sequence and not the repeats so at the moment it is like playing with fire and the risks are large, if not enormous. Potential for curing disease is great - cancer research has started to take this route with potential. Cheers LL08

  10. #10
    LL08's Avatar
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    And it certainly is cheating in the worst sense - it would be near impossible to catch and it wouldn't be sport in the traditional sense as talent is made obsolete by big hip pockets.

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