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  1. #1
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    IGF-1 LR 3 once or twice a day?

    So I started running 50 mcgs of Omni's IGF last week. This is my first run with it. Im started taking it during my second week of PCT from test, tren , and var. I was originally just shooting PWO and in AM on non work out days.

    After more research and talking to Omni some more he said shoot at least twice a day. So now what Im doing is half the dose in the AM and the other half PWO and on non-workout days first thing in the AM and then about 8 hours later. I was wondering is it better to shoot IGF once or twice a day? Anybody noticed different results by shooting only once a day vs twice a day or more? thanks

  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    I'd like to hear what people have to say about this also. I just started my first run with LR3 about 2 weeks ago once a day PWO. I have yet too feel or see anything. From what I've read it seems better to take it all in one shot PWO.

    Lets see what other have to say.

  3. #3
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    So I started running 50 mcgs of Omni's IGF last week. This is my first run with it. Im started taking it during my second week of PCT from test, tren , and var. I was originally just shooting PWO and in AM on non work out days.

    After more research and talking to Omni some more he said shoot at least twice a day. So now what Im doing is half the dose in the AM and the other half PWO and on non-workout days first thing in the AM and then about 8 hours later. I was wondering is it better to shoot IGF once or twice a day? Anybody noticed different results by shooting only once a day vs twice a day or more? thanks
    The IGF cycle I'm on now is the first time I ever split the dose.I'm running 80 mcgs ED.40 AM/40 PWO.Last time I ran IGF @ 80 mcgs I only shot it PWO.
    Here's the differences I've noticed between the two styles.

    At 80 mcgs PWO I felt fuller in the sense that I was getting a large uptick in glycogen storeage.One hour after the shot,i just felt this full,pumped feeling.Another thing I noticed was whatever muscle I shot in seemed/was fuller than the other opposite muscle(bi for example).Strange,but true.Possibly more carbs being shuttled to the area that had a high concentration of IGF? I also felt lathargic at times.Did see a decrease in BF,but wasn't nothing special.Put on a few pounds of LBM.

    At 80 mcgs split 2x daily.I feel full all day long.Have a slight pumped look.No
    lathargic feeling at all.The biggest thing I've noticed is the loss of BF.I'm 15 days in right now and lost 2% BF,and put on 1.75 lbs so far.I started at 10% BF and as of this post,I'm was 8% BF.Bear in mind I'm on a strict diet,mild AM cardio(3x wkly).I'm running a maintenace dose of Enanthate @ 250 mgs,Deca 100 mgs,drol @ 200 mgs.HGH 6 ius.These are all things that have to be factored in when looking at my results thus far.

    My conclusion is that IGF is better split 2x daily at higher doses over 60 mcgs.
    I'd like to add that I run IGF 30 days straight.No off days.

    Last edited by Pinnacle; 09-09-2005 at 01:47 PM. Reason: Add info

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The IGF cycle I'm on now is the first time I ever split the dose.I'm running 80 mcgs ED.40 AM/40 PWO.Last time I ran IGF @ 80 mcgs I only shot it PWO.
    Here's the differences I've noticed between the two styles.

    At 80 mcgs PWO I felt fuller in the sense that I was getting a large uptick in glycogen storeage.One hour after the shot,i just felt this full,pumped feeling.Another thing I noticed was whatever muscle I shot in seemed/was fuller than the other opposite muscle(bi for example).Strange,but true.Possibly more carbs being shuttled to the area that had a high concentration of IGF? I also felt lathargic at times.Did see a decrease in BF,but wasn't nothing special.Put on a few pounds of LBM.

    At 80 mcgs split 2x daily.I feel full all day long.Have a slight pumped look.No
    lathargic feeling at all.The biggest thing I've noticed is the loss of BF.I'm 15 days in right now and lost 2% BF,and put on 1.75 lbs so far.I started at 10% BF and as of this post,I'm was 8% BF.Bear in mind I'm on a strict diet,mild AM cardio(3x wkly).I'm running a maintenace dose of Enanthate @ 250 mgs,Deca 100 mgs,drol @ 200 mgs.HGH 6 ius.These are all things that have to be factored in when looking at my results thus far.

    My conclusion is that IGF is better split 2x daily at higher doses over 60 mcgs.
    I'd like to add that I run IGF 30 days straight.No off days.

    So are you going to do split from now on with IGF? Do you feel a distinct advantage vs PWO only or increased growth?

  5. #5
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    So are you going to do split from now on with IGF? Do you feel a distinct advantage vs PWO only or increased growth?
    Yes.For sure I'll split my dose 2x daily.At least in the higher dose bracket anyway.
    I liked the surge I got shooting 80 mcg PWO,but dosing 2 x daily is more logical and the reason I'm seeing better results this way.It's like shooting Prop EOD virsus ED.Sure you'll get results shooting EOD,but ED will yeild the premium results.
    IMO it's not worht splitting a 50 mcg dose into 2 shots.If one 50 mcg dose yeilds respectable results,splitting it into to 25 mcgs doses would deminish the effects IMO.I'd just go for the one surge at 50 mcgs and call it a day.


  6. #6
    juict's Avatar
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    GREAT POST. I also am very interested in this. Presently I am running IGF from Ome** at 50mcg/day (only on workout days). I am shooting PWO and I feel the same full effect. Right when i get back from the gym I shoot and then immediately have a protein shake and some carbs and then an hour later I do the same. I defenitely noticed a fullness in my muscles and my strength has increased but only slightly. Also I do not feel like I have noticed any fat burning effects. So, going by what pinnacle said I think the next time I will go to 80mcg/day and shoot AM and PWO.

    Also I should probably say that the IGF is the only thing I am on right now.

  7. #7
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juict
    GREAT POST. I also am very interested in this. Presently I am running IGF from Ome** at 50mcg/day (only on workout days). I am shooting PWO and I feel the same full effect. Right when i get back from the gym I shoot and then immediately have a protein shake and some carbs and then an hour later I do the same. I defenitely noticed a fullness in my muscles and my strength has increased but only slightly. Also I do not feel like I have noticed any fat burning effects. So, going by what pinnacle said I think the next time I will go to 80mcg/day and shoot AM and PWO.

    Also I should probably say that the IGF is the only thing I am on right now.
    You want to drink your PWO shake with dex (carbs) then shoot your IGF-1 approx 15 mins later. You're doing it backwards bro.... Then eat a solid protien rich meal a hour later, not another shake.

    Right Pinnacle?

  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    You want to drink your PWO shake with dex (carbs) then shoot your IGF-1 approx 15 mins later. You're doing it backwards bro.... Then eat a solid protien rich meal a hour later, not another shake.

    Right Pinnacle?
    From my experiences,that seems to work best.Doing your shot first without any carbs in your system to be shuttled immediately to your muscles,isn't the most effective way IMO.


  9. #9
    juict's Avatar
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    good info guys...i guess that way would make more sense...i think now i will eat my carbs then inject then a little while later eat my protein

  10. #10
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juict
    good info guys...i guess that way would make more sense...i think now i will eat my carbs then inject then a little while later eat my protein
    Just about right....You want to mix your dex and whey protein (+ creatine if ya want) in your PWO drink then take yer shot bout 15 mins later...Then eat a solid meal with good protein a hour later....Your body will assimilate a lot more protein at a faster pace during this PWO period. Don't think about the 50g max per meal theory during this time.

    I'm not Pinnacle but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-11-2005 at 09:56 PM.

  11. #11
    cubanojoe is offline Junior Member
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    Since I take a protein drink before I goto the gym, I shoot the IGF as soon as I get back and have another protein drink right after I inject it.

  12. #12
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubanojoe
    Since I take a protein drink before I goto the gym, I shoot the IGF as soon as I get back and have another protein drink right after I inject it.
    cj, no. You want to drink a PWO whey/dex/creatine(optional) drink 10-15mins before your PWO IGF shot. Then a solid protein meal a hour later. Your pre work out protein drink is fine, keep that up.

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