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  1. #1
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Scary article about Insulin causing cancer

    read it in US News And World Report. It sounds like an honest article (Non biased) and discusses how taking insulin can be like "throwing gasoline on a fire" if there are any existing pre cancerous or benine cells...

    After reading this, makes me want to think twice if i'll ever take slin. Article also says insulin resistance is linked to heart attacks, strokes, and cancer affecting possibly 1 in 3 american adults.

  2. #2
    alwayson is offline Associate Member
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    I don't know how to feel about this article....

    On one hand, the media is WRONG half the time they report scientific. Read this:,00.html

    On the other hand, in this particular case, it would seem to be correct. But we need to go back to the studies.

  3. #3
    jmt's Avatar
    jmt is offline Associate Member
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    Everything causes cancer.

  4. #4
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmt
    Everything causes cancer.
    i don't think this was a biased piece from the media. If you read it it did not focus on bodybuilders or anything (Knowing how they are almost negative about steroids ...) The article discussed people needing insulin for diabeties, not bodybuilders

  5. #5
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
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    Actually, I could see that happening. Insulin increases free IGF-1 levels I've read somewhere...

    But then again, not CAUSE, but accelerate cancer.

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dont worry about it!

    Though all of that artivcle is true, you must realizr that they are talking about chronically elevated insulin levels. When using insulin, you are doing no more damage(probably less) than if you werent using isnulin but eating the same amount of carbohydrates as if you were. Either way, your gonna have insulin in your blood whether its from you pancrease, or a syringe. It's just the stuff in the syringe works better than the stuff in your pancrease. Therefore, taking slin with high carb intake would actauly be safer for your lipids, cancer, whatever, because the synthetic stuff is just as more effective than your own at alower doses. Your receptors are more sensitive to fake skin than yours.
    Peaple with isulin resistance are the ones who have all these problems. Fact is, insulin resistance has three major causes and an added fourth
    1. Lack of excersise
    2.Vitamin+mineral deficaincy
    3. Overconsumption of refined or high GI carbs.
    4. smoking and tabacco use.

    As the last paragraph says, excersise icreases insulin sensitvity, ESPECAILLY WEIGHT TRAINING!People who dont excersise get insulin resistance.
    Also, read a book on vitamins and minerals, and you'd be shocked how many of them have to do with insulin function. People who dont take there vitamins get insulin resistance.
    Binging on carbs your whole life and not eat ing protien and fiber with your carbs, and sticking to low GI carbs causes overexposure of inuslin to its receptors and downregulates them over the decades(much like steroid receptor downgrade), and causes insulin resistance. People with shitty diets get insulin resistance.
    Smoking. Smoking kills insulin sensitivity as well as bringing down test, GH, and glutathione. Smokers and tobacco users get insulin resistance.
    Have any one of these factors and its your fault if you get cancer, diabetes or heart attack. Add any of these together and your really asking for trouble. And there are plenty af fat asses ou there who dont excersise, dont take a multivitamen, eat Mcdonalds, and smoke. So there ya go.

    That article does not apply to us health conccious people who work out eat right , take vitamnas and basically give a shit about our bodies.

  7. #7
    jmt's Avatar
    jmt is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2005
    I was kidding.

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