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  1. #1
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Toronto, Ontario

    Preferred lr3 protocol

    I'm about to start my winter bulker which will include my first run of lr3. As far as IM injection protocols the most popular ones seem to be post workout bilateral, pre and post workout, and morning/post workout. I'd like to see what protocol seems to recieve the most favour amongst this forum.
    Also, i'm curious as to those who do morning/post-workout and pre post-workout, whether they use bilateral shots as well and how they go about it, for example: morning left pec, port work-out right pec.

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    The dose people have used will dictate how they have ran it.Not a real lot of guys have gone up to 80 mcgs or better.That's when it's ideal to split the dose AM/PM.
    Spot injecting LR3 IGF-1 isn't a factor for localized growth...rIGF was though.

    I ran my last LR3 IGF-1 cycle at 80 mcgs.AM (40 mcgs)/then PWO(40 mcgs).I shot only my bi's.AM right/PM left.No localized growth occured.

    My next cycle will be 120 mcgs.I'm experimenting.I'll shoot 40 mcgs pre workout/40 mcgs 6 hrs later/then 40 mcgs pre work out again.I'm training 2x daily.Very early AM/and in the evening.


  3. #3
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    I'll see how the first run goes at morning/post then on delts. I'll probably experiment from there to 3 times a day myself as i'll be running it 3+ times this cycle.

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