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  1. #1
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
    marcus_arillius is offline Junior Member
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    $$$$$$$$$$$$ wow

    I just started a program of gh serono, serotim 6mg and i paid 1500 u.s.d. for a box which is equal to two kits. I hear of all these poeple paying 500 a kit or even 450 a kit why the hell is my pharmacy charging so much?

    Should i go to a different pharmacy?

    The only reason i didn't it is cuz atleast i know its real and starting week two im getting leaner and i have been doing less cardio lately too....

    my plan is to run 4 kits not sure how many i.u's a day ill go up too. But for now im doing 1.5 u.i's might up another half i.u. Any opinons?

    "Can't wait to add some ass"

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Bro serostim is prescribed to AIDS patients, some of those pateints are drug addicts, they sell them for drug moany at a fraction of the cost. They get them for free, through government programs, they get 4 kits a month. They are supposed to do 1 vial a day, yup 18iu. If they get 200 a kit that's 800 bucks for drugs a month


  3. #3
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
    marcus_arillius is offline Junior Member
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    N da avatar of dis photo
    Thanks JohnnyB,
    Now that I have the real stuff Would I be able to avoid buying stuff that is not real on the black market?

  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius
    Can't wait to add some ass"
    Dude ASS is the best, I try to get as much as I can .

    It's not that the price you paid is expensive, it's a relatively standard price. I checked with different pharmacy's in my area and they all charge the same exact thing. Well, within like $20.

    People have connections, as Johnny stated some people know these addicts/patients and take their kits for a small fraction of what its worth. In my case, I was getting them from someone that was getting them for free through Medicade. They were getting them for free and hooking me up with a great price.

    It's all who you know these days.

  5. #5
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    thats interesting and sad jon

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    If a company learns the government is paying for something they are going to charge top dollar cause they know it will get payed. I always like when my tax dollars are spent in this manner. rhGH is expensive in general and is usually cheaper on the black market, without all the insurance company paying markups that goes on in the "white market".

  7. #7
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Dude ASS is the best, I try to get as much as I can .

    correct !

  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    correct !

    At least someone else got that huh Ossie?

  9. #9
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    of course ! rounded and big very orbed
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 11-20-2005 at 03:22 PM.

  10. #10
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    of course rounded and big

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my favorite

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Damn, that's a good idea to buy from a crackhead or opiumhead. Anyways, 18 I.U. a day is a lot of gh but I guess an aids patient would really need that much to survive.

  12. #12
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Damn, that's a good idea to buy from a crackhead or opiumhead. .

    Money makes the world go round kiddo. Just take a look at all those people who have scripts for Oxycontin. With medicaid they get them for free or others can have a $20 co pay. You can take them, turn around and sell them on the streets for $50 a clip. With the proper connects there can be alot of money to be made.

  13. #13
    znak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Damn, that's a good idea to buy from a crackhead or opiumhead. Anyways, 18 I.U. a day is a lot of gh but I guess an aids patient would really need that much to survive.
    Maybe we could get some crackhead or opiumhead to put a banner up. We know there is a market on this site.

    But all kidding aside, I don't think that I want to get mixed up with some junkie to save money. Next thing you know, you house gets robbed or he rolls over when he gets stuck in the joint for couple hours without dope. Ain't worth it.

  14. #14
    guildwars05's Avatar
    guildwars05 is offline Associate Member
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    i assume your getting a box )7 vials?) from serono etc its like blue and white etc. I get one box for 400.

    how about you

  15. #15
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus_arillius
    I just started a program of gh serono, serotim 6mg and i paid 1500 u.s.d. for a box which is equal to two kits. I hear of all these poeple paying 500 a kit or even 450 a kit why the hell is my pharmacy charging so much?

    Should i go to a different pharmacy?

    The only reason i didn't it is cuz atleast i know its real and starting week two im getting leaner and i have been doing less cardio lately too....

    my plan is to run 4 kits not sure how many i.u's a day ill go up too. But for now im doing 1.5 u.i's might up another half i.u. Any opinons?

    "Can't wait to add some ass"
    didn't read everyone eles's response..

    mine is.. i don't see any real results for 2 months.. the sides are noticable right away, but those just let us know it is legit..

    3iu is normal for fat loss.. and 4iu-6iu for body building...

    so, now i am wondering if you are just putting this question here to get a source to contact you and ask you if you need some GH..

    sneaky, but a possibility..
    The answer to your every question


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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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