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  1. #1
    ampt.up's Avatar
    ampt.up is offline New Member
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    HGH vs. IGF-1 R3 is there a difference in the Insulin sensativity?

    A close friend of mine, who is a pretty repitable body builder placing at the USA and the masters division this year, recommended that if I want to get the most out of my IGF-1 R3 that I should take it with some slin. Now my friend knows quite a bit about GH, but admits he is not as knowledgable about IGF. So, my question is... Ive read a lot on how caution should be taken about how sensitive IGF makes you to slin. What Im wondering is, is there a difference in the level of sensativity between GH and IGF? Anyone got any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    Just by the name Insulin Like Growth factor you get the feeling that it is going to be more sensitive to insulin, and it is. If you run them both together your chances of going hypo are much greater. So make sure you watch your sugar intake.

  3. #3
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    very educational reply redbaron


  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Good post RB


  5. #5
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by ampt.up
    A close friend of mine, who is a pretty repitable body builder placing at the USA and the masters division this year, recommended that if I want to get the most out of my IGF-1 R3 that I should take it with some slin. Now my friend knows quite a bit about GH, but admits he is not as knowledgable about IGF. So, my question is... Ive read a lot on how caution should be taken about how sensitive IGF makes you to slin. What Im wondering is, is there a difference in the level of sensativity between GH and IGF? Anyone got any thoughts?
    Bro this is not a put down, you need to read what you said. You give your friends credentials, you give his advise, then say he doesn't know that much about LR3. It would be nice if he knew something about what he's recommending. Being reputable, being big or place in the Mr O, doesn't make an informed person on anything. These type of guys scare me, they give recommendation about stuff they know nothing about. The good thing is you asked for more info to see if it was right or not. Most people will look at what was mentioned and say, he most know, look at how big he is or he placed in X competition.

    Props to you for asking and not taking what he said as gospel, just because he placed in a competition, I wish more peopel were like this


  6. #6
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Great Post Baron.. Nice to see you back.

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