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  1. #1
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    How long on GH b4 I start seeing any results?

    I mean anything. I know most guys say that fat loss startes to come before actual growing does, but how long are we talking before it gets noticeable? I plan on running it 6 months at 3-4 iu/day

  2. #2
    Latimus's Avatar
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    3-4 is a little on the low side. I have known people to not really notice gains for quite awhile. Maybe introduce some slin with it for better gains.

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    depends.. on how old you are (older people (35+) get better and faster results.. 3-4 is low, but is what is recommended for a 1st cycle..

    6 months. 5 on 2 off.. but that is more because of $$$.. run it 6/1 instead..

    takes 2 months before you really notice anything.. and 4 before you think you have discovered the fountain of youth.. (if older)..

    that's my experience anyway..
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  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    I agree with the above comments that 3-4 iu's is low dose.To be rather honest you don't see any HGH related growth til you hit the 6+ iu mark.And that's with anabolics included in the cycle.If you're just running HGH by itself you'll see no muscle gain at all running a dose under 8 iu's ED(That's everyday,7 days straight).


  5. #5
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I agree with the above comments that 3-4 iu's is low dose.To be rather honest you don't see any HGH related growth til you hit the 6+ iu mark.And that's with anabolics included in the cycle.If you're just running HGH by itself you'll see no muscle gain at all running a dose under 8 iu's ED(That's everyday,7 days straight).

    You get power pin?

    For the reasons mentioned, I would use LR3 if I were going to use over 4iu of HGH. The cost to result ratio is better then HGH, I'm not much of an HGH fan. I've used it 3 times and seen better results using LR3 and it didn't cost as much.


  6. #6
    Duct Tape's Avatar
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    I agree with Johnny here. My run with IGF was much more anabolic than my current run with HGH. I gained some mass DURING pct! I'm 39, so I'm using low dose HGH (2iu/day) for overall health and re-juve. Still yet to feel like it's the fountain of youth but looking forward to getting shredded in 6 mo! Just starting to notice speedier hair growth, nail growth, and the 5-6 gray hairs that have made my temples their home are now gone.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I agree with the above comments that 3-4 iu's is low dose.To be rather honest you don't see any HGH related growth til you hit the 6+ iu mark.And that's with anabolics included in the cycle.If you're just running HGH by itself you'll see no muscle gain at all running a dose under 8 iu's ED(That's everyday,7 days straight).

    Come on man, dont tell me that shit, SHIT!!! So I suppose I need to buy more then. This ****ing GH is driving me to the poor house, any way I can keep the GH at 3 -4 iu's/day but just hit up some LR3 to make up the difference? Can I see near the same results running both and save some $$$$???

  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Come on man, dont tell me that shit, SHIT!!! So I suppose I need to buy more then. This ****ing GH is driving me to the poor house, any way I can keep the GH at 3 -4 iu's/day but just hit up some LR3 to make up the difference? Can I see near the same results running both and save some $$$$???
    Yeah bro..if you run 4 iu's HGH ED and 60-80 mcgs LR3 IGF-1 you can do well with that.Throw some slin in there as well.That's a great combo bro..running that myself as we speak.Plus anabolics of course.


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