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  1. #1
    kingof516's Avatar
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    HGH newbie questions

    I have been running with it for about 6 weeks now. Everyone says you don't see results till the second month or so. I have some general questions that I am sure have been asked before but screw it...

    Spot reduction-i think its not really true-anyone?

    B12-is it worth it to take with it? I have no pain but still seems like it wouldn't hurt.

    General timing what times are the best I do morning and night, but dont eat before or after for 1.5 hours.

    BTW 2.5-3.5 IU/d

    General pricing I pay 400 for 100 jino kit is that a good price?

    I would like to ask more questions but I feel like this is ebay where you need the posts/feedback count to not be a narc.

    Thanks for the help these posts help all of us out.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    It's not ture

    If you want to go ahead

    Morning and afetrnoon seem to be the best times unless you have low HGH.

    2.5-3.5 is good but you never mention your cycle history or age


  3. #3
    toolman is offline Banned
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    400 is high if it is an international source, but acceptable if it is domestic.

  4. #4
    kingof516's Avatar
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    i started w 2 iu/d for about 3 weeks
    then upped it 1-1.5 iu/d

    total time so far about 4 weeks.
    25 yo - i have seen some good affects lost about 1 inch in my waist and put on 7 lbs.

    i am new at it all so any pms/emails/aim would be a great help. i only have one source domestic, but its through the guy i am splitting it with.

    also i am doing more on my handles and seem to be getting pockets-am i retarded or is this normal?

  5. #5
    G-Force's Avatar
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    kingof156 - i was just wandering if you are taking anything else with the HGH?
    AAS or IGF-1?

    i have just started HGH today, i am running AAS aswell

  6. #6
    kingof516's Avatar
    kingof516 is offline Associate Member
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    dont even know what aas is-i am a true newbie

  7. #7
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Bro you need to ask you boy to see thye list and for him to let you do a trasaction to see if he is really splitting it with you or tacing on a little bit for him.


  8. #8
    kingof516's Avatar
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    i am guessing him and his boy are making 40-60 off of me, but its low risk and i do little work to get it. I just tried a new source for 1 kit on my own so hopefully i should be cool.

    BTW i do one shot first thing in the am
    then 1 when i get home from work.

    i was looking at igf but i am way to worried about it.

  9. #9
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    [QUOTE=kingof516i was looking at igf but i am way to worried about it.[/QUOTE]Yes on the morning shot, then an afternoon shot.

    What's the worry about IGF-1?


  10. #10
    kingof516's Avatar
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    from what i heard it really screws with your insulin levels over half the people in my family (both sides) are diabetic little afraid.

  11. #11
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingof516
    from what i heard it really screws with your insulin levels over half the people in my family (both sides) are diabetic little afraid.
    Then you should be extremely careful with HGH AND IGF from everything I have read.

  12. #12
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingof516
    dont even know what aas is-i am a true newbie
    yeah you do, you just havent heard the abbreviation before

    AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroids / gear / juice etc

  13. #13
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    is this your first cycle ever?

    i wanted to do HGH for a first cycle but after reading and asking,no one recomended it at all!!!!

  14. #14
    macthedaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecstacy-_-
    is this your first cycle ever?

    i wanted to do HGH for a first cycle but after reading and asking,no one recomended it at all!!!!
    I do, I've used Jintropin HGH and I loved it!!! I've never had such good results with anything else, there is no bloating, and no bad sides that I could tell! I shreded fat, and gained muscle, plus with HGH it doesn't expand your muscle cells like AAS it grows more, that in turn can be expanded. if your looking to cut you can do a cycle of just HGH, but if your looking for gains, there is nothing that can compare to HGH and Slin, the problem is that slin is very dangerous, even I havent ventured to use it yet. but you can still get gains from HGH and AAS together, everyone has an opinion, but in my opinion HGH (as long as its Jintropin) is highly recomended!!! I have used it several times, and its AWESOME, I have also used Fitropin and I'll tell you right now don't waste you money, Fitropin sucks!!!

  15. #15
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by macthedaddy
    I do, I've used Jintropin HGH and I loved it!!! I've never had such good results with anything else, there is no bloating, and no bad sides that I could tell! I shreded fat, and gained muscle, plus with HGH it doesn't expand your muscle cells like AAS it grows more, that in turn can be expanded. if your looking to cut you can do a cycle of just HGH, but if your looking for gains, there is nothing that can compare to HGH and Slin, the problem is that slin is very dangerous, even I havent ventured to use it yet. but you can still get gains from HGH and AAS together, everyone has an opinion, but in my opinion HGH (as long as its Jintropin) is highly recomended!!! I have used it several times, and its AWESOME, I have also used Fitropin and I'll tell you right now don't waste you money, Fitropin sucks!!!

    so do u recomend it for a first time user?

    i have never used roids nor hgh

    why does everyone say HGH is for advanced users?

  16. #16
    macthedaddy's Avatar
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    I got the same thing, and yes you do want to be carfull with it but as long as you do it correctly you will be fine! what are you looking to do, cut, or bulk?

  17. #17
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by macthedaddy
    I got the same thing, and yes you do want to be carfull with it but as long as you do it correctly you will be fine! what are you looking to do, cut, or bulk?

    i want to bulk up a bit but want to gain lean mass insted of water retention and get shredded at the same time

    is that possable or im asking for too much

    my status: 28/5'10/180/15-18% (roid virgin)

    my aim is 190-200 pounds with 10% bf (something that a can keep without using roids all the time)

  18. #18
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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  19. #19
    macthedaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecstacy-_-
    i want to bulk up a bit but want to gain lean mass insted of water retention and get shredded at the same time

    is that possable or im asking for too much

    my status: 28/5'10/180/15-18% (roid virgin)

    my aim is 190-200 pounds with 10% bf (something that a can keep without using roids all the time)
    It’s not impossible but it does make things a bit more complex, see juicing is like chemical engineering of the human body. You can take one thing to get you big and then you can take several other things to counter the bad sides of the first and then maybe even something else to counter the sides from those, so yeah this stuff can and does get pretty complicated, depending on what you’re looking to accomplish. If I were you and I was not so long ago, I would start with a simple Test E cycle and get used to taking the needle, see how you like it and what sides if any you have to it. Just be sure to have some PCT stuff on hand like nolva or clomid, cause if you’re prone to bitch titties you wanna have something close by!!! But after you get a cycle or 2 under your belt then you can start to through in some other stuff. In my opinion the reason HGH is not for beginners is because it requires daily injections, yeah daily! When I'm on GH I do several injections a day, because it has an effect on the injection site, I'll usually do 2 low dosage shots in the morning and 2 in the evening after work. So if you can handle that I'd say go for it! I absolutely love the stuff, I love the results and I love the feeling I get when on it, I have never had any bad sides with HGH!

  20. #20
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't care what anyone says. I got great site fat loss around my waist. Love handles are gone. I was already pretty lean to begin with so if your 14% bodyfat I wouldn't expect miracles.

  21. #21
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    I do mine first thing in the morning and right before bedtime... and you don't want to eat any CARBOHYDRATES 1hr before and 1hr. after injection.

  22. #22
    Warrior1700's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macthedaddy
    In my opinion the reason HGH is not for beginners is because it requires daily injections, yeah daily! When I'm on GH I do several injections a day, because it has an effect on the injection site, I'll usually do 2 low dosage shots in the morning and 2 in the evening after work. So if you can handle that I'd say go for it! I absolutely love the stuff, I love the results and I love the feeling I get when on it, I have never had any bad sides with HGH!
    My Doc wants to give me 2 inj. a week not sure which one or how much at this point, but is that NOT gonna work if you are saying 2 daily?? And should I let him add that after 5 weeks of 200 mg/week CYP, I asked about deca and he said he would add 100mg deca , I could also bump up the CYP to 300 mg/wk. He said he wanted to give me a boost,to my Throid, immune sysyem, among a few other things giving me the HGH??

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