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  1. #1
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Anyone here use high doses of gh and bi-weekly dosing?

    I'm in to my 3rd shot to jintropin right now...Trying it a different way this time,..I use to get painful pumps and carpal tunnel when running the jins at 5 IU's ED. I am using the advice of a couple pro's and running higher doses of gh every 3 days. I'm using 15 IU's every 3 days...Nothing too new yet but I haven't been ont he scale in awhile and I don't have any carpal tunnel going on. Some of the guys usinjg this technique have jumped up 12-16 lbs in 2 weeks while maintaining the rest of their drugs the same. I figured it was worth a shot. I'll see if I can find any literature for you guys...

  2. #2
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Here's a quote from 1 guy, I won't name names out of respect for his privacy

    Every day dose of 2 -4 ius is just like maintaining a little above natural gh levels and it promotes Protien Syn.. and helps with over all health and fat loss..

    By useing high dose you get the accellerated effect of GH's magic this is why when its used in aids people and burn patients they use 10-18iu does same as with youger people trying to get taller they use big dose..

    Its actualy very simple.. I think the reason most use it ED in low dose is because that what all the baord have been saying for years and most people can not affrord to do more... YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT STUFF YOU READ! and most people do not and they just follow...

    "Prior to the injury I after talking to 2 PROS for awhile on GH use decided to use a high dose twice a week injection schedule. They recommend 15-20 ius injected ~3 days apart.
    The only thing I deviated from is the timing of injection. They both recommended 15-20 ius before bed on an empty stoamch per se. I tried GH before bed and didn't like the hyperglycemic effects-in the past.

    now in almost 2 years of GH use over the past 3 I had experimented with a variety of doses and administration times....very hard to gauge progress like a double blind study and shit but had settled on an EOD once a day dosing with 6 iu's.
    It is my opinion from that and this past experience that GH has a very profound and prolonged physiological effect for SEVERAL days after dosing.

    To cut to the chase I did 15 iu's of a sero/jin mix one injection on Monday and one injection on Thursday of the two weeks. This was a total of 30 iu's a week and 60 total.
    In the two weeks I gained approximately 16 lbs and yes some was water but a tremendous amount was in the muscle and very little water retention or pain-numbness.

    Now unfortunately I tore my patella and quad on a Saturday and last GH shot was on that previous Thursday. I did continue to gain and swell a few pounds in the hospital after the surgery due to the GH, in fact my leg felt so tight I was afraid it would rip the sutures.
    I know post surgical swelling is common, but this was different as I boatloaded some Bromelain to reduce swelling and inflammation and got out of the hospital.

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
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    I know the AIDs patients use 18iu ed, but I'm interested, my runs of HGh at doses up to 4iu was very disappointing


  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    To cut to the chase I did 15 iu's of a sero/jin mix one injection on Monday and one injection on Thursday of the two weeks. This was a total of 30 iu's a week and 60 total.
    In the two weeks I gained approximately 16 lbs and yes some was water but a tremendous amount was in the muscle and very little water retention or pain-numbness.
    Am I the only one that isn't buying the statement above?16 pounds(take a few off for water retention) of muscle in 2 weeks?....ok.....


  5. #5
    goose is offline Banned
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    Very strange method,taking 15iu in one shot,that will be a waste,you have to break it down,4iu max in one shot.Running HGH ED is the best method.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    In the two weeks I gained approximately 16 lbs and yes some was water but a tremendous amount was in the muscle and very little water retention or pain-numbness.
    Ironfist would you happen to know what other compounds were being used at the time?

    I have always been a hard gainer and gain weight slowly but progressively. At the rate I gain I'm happy with b/c its retainable. Now for someone to gain 16lbs. in 2 weeks I cant see anymore then just a couple of pounds tops being muscle. Even just a couple of pounds is awesome if its just GH. But there are too many unknown variables, mainly diet and other compounds.

    Its too bad an injury occured so close to the end of administration. I'm curious to see what the retention rate was, surely not high.

  7. #7
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Ironfist would you happen to know what other compounds were being used at the time?

    I have always been a hard gainer and gain weight slowly but progressively. At the rate I gain I'm happy with b/c its retainable. Now for someone to gain 16lbs. in 2 weeks I cant see anymore then just a couple of pounds tops being muscle. Even just a couple of pounds is awesome if its just GH. But there are too many unknown variables, mainly diet and other compounds.

    Its too bad an injury occured so close to the end of administration. I'm curious to see what the retention rate was, surely not high.
    He was also taking tren , dbol , test and EQ...So yeah, it was pretty heavy...The gains sound exaggerated to me but I'm trying it just for the hell of it. I';m keeping my gear, diet and training the same so after 3 weeks I'll be able to tell if it really was worth it...I'm sure it was alot of water but there are quite a few guys experimenting with this right now so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it..../

  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    He was also taking tren, dbol, test and EQ...So yeah, it was pretty heavy...The gains sound exaggerated to me but I'm trying it just for the hell of it. I';m keeping my gear, diet and training the same so after 3 weeks I'll be able to tell if it really was worth it...I'm sure it was alot of water but there are quite a few guys experimenting with this right now so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it..../

    Great to see someone knowledgeable trying out a new theory. PLEASE keep us posted Iron. Considering that everything else will remain unaltered, that will make it much easier for us to view attainable results.

  9. #9
    spound's Avatar
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    I also had a top level amateur competitor advise me to take GH in this manner for a period of two weeks. He called it GH blitz cycles, and said not to do it if I was not experienced or felt comfortable with GH. I havent even used GH b/c I decided I am too young and too poor, but I was thinking about it andthis is what he advised in the case that I did actually use it.

  10. #10
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    This is a good theory of yours, but 15-20 iu's of GH in one day is alot, I get sick off of too high dosages of GH, not to mention plan on doing nothing but sleeping for the following day or 2 after you hit all that in one day. I'd say definitely not for the beginner or intermediate level GH user.

  11. #11
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Very strange method,taking 15iu in one shot,that will be a waste,you have to break it down,4iu max in one shot.Running HGH ED is the best method.


    This is how I've always thought Goose. I'd run a moderate to high dose (depending on goal) of GH daily consistently timed. But then you hear this...............and dont know what to make of it. If it was a shot in the dark its one thing but when you have people that seem to be higher level BB'ers using it you have to think. Iron said he got this info from a couple of higher level BB'ers. As Spound said he had a top level amateur competitor advise him.

    I'm just getting itchy b/c I just finished PCT and timed it so I'd have enough GH to last another 2 months after my cycle ended. So with about 160iu's in front of me, my injection finger is gettin' itchy. I'm going to bump this thread and check on some other boards for more info.

    As I stated in post #6 I wouldn't see how this would benefit us, but it wont hurt to research and see what comes up. I"m curious.................

  12. #12
    JohnnyB's Avatar
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    Are those doses split up or all in one hit?


  13. #13
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Are those doses split up or all in one hit?


    Good and critical question

  14. #14
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Are those doses split up or all in one hit?

    THe competitor that informed me of this method did not mention whetther to split up the shots or not, I did not ask, but I will try to get in touch with him and find out. I will also quote his post from the other board.

    He also said this is the only way to go when you are an experienced GH user and are comfotable with. He said this is the way most of the pros use as well. He trains at golds venice.

  15. #15
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    Here is the first part of his post: BTW, I AM IN NO WAY TAKING CREDIT FOR THESE POSTS, IT DID NOT COME FROM MY KNOWLEDGE< BUT FROM ANOTHER VERY KNOWLEDGABLE MEMBER OF ANOTHER BOARD. If you would like to know who you can PM me, but only if it very necessary please. Thanks

    "I saw you posted this on pro muscle as well and no one has responded to either post yet, so I'll try to help you out. I'm assuming that there is no possible way for you to use GH while you are out of town. I'm also assuming that finances are not an issue for you really. Meaning using a few kits now will in no way effect you or hinder you next year. I would run 2 GH baths/blasts. You have time for two blasts before Christmas. Your first would start the first week of November, leaving you off when you are out of town for Thanksgiving. The second will start the first week of December, assuming you will then be back from Thanksgiving, and will leave you off the two weeks you are out of town for Christmas. I think you will find that this will do wonders in keeping your bf in check during the holidays. Albeit, its a very expensive way to go about it, which is why I mentioned finances. Most find that fat loss occurs well beyond the blast period, and most find that they notice the greatest effects after the 2nd blast. Using GH while traveling is a major pain in the ass even if you can swing it, and its not something that I personally want to be focused on, especially while traveling during the holidays. So, if money is not a problem, there is a solution for you. If you are not familiar with this method of GH use LMK and I will elaborate. I'll give a quick example. Basically, you will use 18-20 IU/day for 7-10 days, take off the rest of the month, then at the beginning of the next month, repeat. If you are using Jino for example, you could get away with using 3 kits. 20 IU x 7 days the 1st blast, and 20 IU x 8 days the 2nd blast, or vice versa, you get the picture. Or, you could use 4 kits and run 20IU x 10 days for both blasts. If you are using Sero, you would use 2 kits. You will want to use insulin during this time as well b/c that amount of GH will have you somewhat hyperglycemic more than likely. If you can't afford to run through 3 kits in the next 2 months then just wait. If finances were not an issue, this is what I would do though.


    EDIT: DISCLAIMER: I should say that you should obviously be somewhat advanced if you are going to attempt this. I am giving this advice to a pretty decent size guy (240 or so I believe?) who is competitive, meaning that he is not a recreational bodybuilder, and who I also believe has a significant amount of use experience under his belt. If this is not you, you have no business wasting your money."
    Last edited by spound; 12-09-2005 at 01:08 PM.

  16. #16
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    "There are a lot of guys on pro muscle who run GH blasts. There are a lot more advanced guys on that board than here and it will be a huge resource in your pre-contest prep. Most guys stop their GH 2 weeks out, although some stop 4 weeks out and others stop @ 7-10 days out. So, you will use as large of a dose as you can afford for as long as you can afford it. Honestly though, it sounds to me like the GH expense is going to be somewhat taxing for you financially. If that's the case I would not use it. You may be very disappointed. I have used lots of GH since I first competed as a teen 17 years ago, but I have rarely payed for it out of my own pocket. Come to think about it I don't think I have ever payed for it out of my own pocket. I have always had "sponsors" give it to me, or bought it w/ proceeds from drug sales of some sort. Unless you are making a substantial amount of money in your career (which to me is @ least $200-250k/yr) or you are an older guy (@ least 35 or so) who is using self prescribed GH for anti-aging pruproses, or you are a top national level competitor (in which case you could prob get someone to spring for it anyway), I do not think that you should be wasting your money on GH. The money could be better spent elsewhere, or saved. I just don't see it as something responsible to do financially for a regular Joe. The results are simply not worth the expense in my experience, if you are someone who it is an expense for. Get what I'm saying. I would take like half of the money you were going to spend on GH and just buy more juice, and leave the other half in the bank. Something to think about."

  17. #17
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    On pro muscle MANY pros hang and post on that board.Seems as though if this was common practice,they would have posted and stated there experience.
    Because the poster trains at Golds Gym Venice,that makes his statement credible?He knows all the pros personally and thier cycles as well?

    Science and research certainly doesn't back this protocol by any means.

    I'll ask a retired IFBB competitor about this tonight.We talk about this type thing on occasion.He'll tell me whether it's total BS or not.


  18. #18
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    On pro muscle MANY pros hang and post on that board.Seems as though if this was common practice,they would have posted and stated there experience.
    Because the poster trains at Golds Gym Venice,that makes his statement credible?He knows all the pros personally and thier cycles as well?

    Science and research certainly doesn't back this protocol by any means.

    I'll ask a retired IFBB competitor about this tonight.We talk about this type thing on occasion.He'll tell me whether it's total BS or not.

    Most of the pros at pmuscle hardly even post abotu their gear usage, much less their GH usage. Look, I never claimed any of this stuff, I am simply trying to add to the discussion/debate of the protocol at hand. Okay? I am passing on information form a guy who's posts I have studied for months now, who has some EXTREMELY informative posts. He claims to be a national level competitor, althoguh I can not prove it. Hell you can't prove shit abotu anybody on the boards on who they RELALY are, but I believe him simply from the knowledge this guy seems to posses. He is also experienced in the medical field which I think is a big plus in this game. Take it as you will, I have never tried this method, hell I have even used GH (never said I had), but I was jsut doing soem reearch on things and he helped me out. Geez

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    On pro muscle MANY pros hang and post on that board.Seems as though if this was common practice,they would have posted and stated there experience.
    Because the poster trains at Golds Gym Venice,that makes his statement credible?He knows all the pros personally and thier cycles as well?

    Science and research certainly doesn't back this protocol by any means.

    I'll ask a retired IFBB competitor about this tonight.We talk about this type thing on occasion.He'll tell me whether it's total BS or not.
    Please get back to us and let us know what he says. I woudl liek to know as well. Like I said, I was never caliming this info. I got from RF to be the "gospel of GH use" I was jsut adding to the discussion. Many people form many different theories abotu every aspect of bodybuilding anyways.

  20. #20
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    . I'll give a quick example. Basically, you will use 18-20 IU/day for 7-10 days, take off the rest of the month

    So basically using Serostim Kits you would use 1 kit a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . This is a little different from Irons initial post of running 15iu every 3 days. But I"m interested.

    I would have never thought this would work. There has never been research to back it up. But I do have to say that I have seen this way mentioned more and more. Someone I know ran 1 kit a week of Seronos Serostim for a month. Said it was the best gains he has ever made. He injected the full 18iu's before bed and ran Slin PWO. That's why this thread is important to me. It's something that I thought of after what he said and now its popping up more and more. I was never too serious about it after he ran it b/c he's the type that will do something if just 1 person says it works. But now I"m beginning to think more and more.

    This may be something I'm getting myself all worked up for nothing. But it's also something new to look into. Trial and error, trial and error...

    Thanks for the input Spound.

  21. #21
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    I know spound..I wasn't directing anything towards you.Please don't think I was.

    This just sounds rather far fetched to me.I've seen guys make claims like this in the past,and the end result was it was just a bunch of BS.They usually got called out and made a complete fool of.

  22. #22
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle

    This just sounds rather far fetched to me.

    As it does to me, but I'm such a dam curious person!!!! I've been on Pubmed all day searching for answers. Other boards will probably just produce the same answers. If I find anything it will be posted.

    We shall see.................

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    So basically using Serostim Kits you would use 1 kit a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . This is a little different from Irons initial post of running 15iu every 3 days. But I"m interested.

    This may be something I'm getting myself all worked up for nothing. But it's also something new to look into. Trial and error, trial and error...

    Thanks for the input Spound.
    Yea, I realized that after I went bakc and read the post, but failed to mantion that.

    No probelm

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I know spound..I wasn't directing anything towards you.Please don't think I was.

    This just sounds rather far fetched to me.I've seen guys make claims like this in the past,and the end result was it was just a bunch of BS.They usually got called out and made a complete fool of.

    Ok cool, sorry about that, I thought you were and I was like WTF? LOL I know your a good bro, I see you around a lot, and you seem to be pretty well educated on these matters (more so than I).

    It seemed far fethced to me as well, but I had to consider his post simply b/c of who it was coming from.

  25. #25
    kaorialfred is offline Member
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    now to find a sponsor for this test.

    don't be shy, and don't everyone jump forward at once.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaorialfred
    now to find a sponsor for this test.

    don't be shy, and don't everyone jump forward at once.

    Check post #1

  27. #27
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Are those doses split up or all in one hit?

    I'm hitting in a couple different area's around my stomach but all at the same time...Some guys get hypoglycemic with high doses at once so I take it in the morning to be safe...I get sleepy for an hr or so but I am good to go after that....

  28. #28
    kaorialfred is offline Member
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    Ironfist deinately keep us up dated. This is a very intresting thread. Now when you say all at once are u using multiple syringes around these areas? So it seems you would have to have help injecting multiple area at the sametime or am I way off.

  29. #29
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaorialfred
    Ironfist deinately keep us up dated. This is a very intresting thread. Now when you say all at once are u using multiple syringes around these areas? So it seems you would have to have help injecting multiple area at the sametime or am I way off.
    LOL...Not all at the EXACT same time but one after the other, within 5 minutes....I think the other guy was asking if it was done all at once or over the course of say 24hrs...

  30. #30
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound

    "There are a lot of guys on pro muscle who run GH blasts. There are a lot more advanced guys on that board than here and it will be a huge resource in your pre-contest prep. Most guys stop their GH 2 weeks out, although some stop 4 weeks out and others stop @ 7-10 days out. So, you will use as large of a dose as you can afford for as long as you can afford it. Honestly though, it sounds to me like the GH expense is going to be somewhat taxing for you financially. If that's the case I would not use it. You may be very disappointed. I have used lots of GH since I first competed as a teen 17 years ago, but I have rarely payed for it out of my own pocket. Come to think about it I don't think I have ever payed for it out of my own pocket. I have always had "sponsors" give it to me, or bought it w/ proceeds from drug sales of some sort. Unless you are making a substantial amount of money in your career (which to me is @ least $200-250k/yr) or you are an older guy (@ least 35 or so) who is using self prescribed GH for anti-aging pruproses, or you are a top national level competitor (in which case you could prob get someone to spring for it anyway), I do not think that you should be wasting your money on GH. The money could be better spent elsewhere, or saved. I just don't see it as something responsible to do financially for a regular Joe. The results are simply not worth the expense in my experience, if you are someone who it is an expense for. Get what I'm saying. I would take like half of the money you were going to spend on GH and just buy more juice, and leave the other half in the bank. Something to think about."
    I've heard about those as well but that is a bit too radical for my taste....I'm hitting 30 IU's a week which is pretty much the same as taking 4 IU's every day so as far as expense goes, it's the same...

  31. #31
    rodge's Avatar
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    looking forward on how results turn out with these kind of experiments.


  32. #32
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    This is all very interesting. I think we need a log here Iron. I might get kinda lumpy if I were to hit that much GH all at once. It's getting harder to pinch skin around my waste to inject once a day.

  33. #33
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    I'm in to my 3rd shot to jintropin right now...Trying it a different way this time,..I use to get painful pumps and carpal tunnel when running the jins at 5 IU's ED. I am using the advice of a couple pro's and running higher doses of gh every 3 days. I'm using 15 IU's every 3 days...Nothing too new yet but I haven't been ont he scale in awhile and I don't have any carpal tunnel going on. Some of the guys usinjg this technique have jumped up 12-16 lbs in 2 weeks while maintaining the rest of their drugs the same. I figured it was worth a shot. I'll see if I can find any literature for you guys...
    blitz cycles.
    louis rea advocate.

  34. #34
    !!BarmaN!!'s Avatar
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    If someone would sponsers me I would be happy to keep a log of my results
    Last edited by !!BarmaN!!; 12-10-2005 at 10:23 AM.

  35. #35
    N4cer's Avatar
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    Here's some info on EoD dosing:

    Quote Originally Posted by Wetback at AnabolicMinds
    A very thorough well controlled 4 year study published on
    The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 87, No.8 3573-3577
    clearly shows every other day (EOD) hGH injections to be much more beneficial in
    the long run to everyday injections. Everyday injections seems to drastically lower
    your body's sensitivity to it's own GH secretion. The study included children with idiopathic
    short stature, but can be ever casting on us, normal non-deficient hGH individuals who
    may use hGH periodically for bodybuilding, sports and health purposes.

    The 38 children were divided into 2 groups:
    Group I received daily hGH injections.
    Group II received alternate day hGH injections.

    It is important to note that the total weekly dosage of hGH
    was the same for both groups.

    Both groups received the hGH therapy contiguously for 2 years.
    Their natural growth was followed for an additional 2 years after hGH therapy ended.
    They were all measured at 3-month intervals during the 4 years period (2 years
    with hGH therapy and 2 years after). Their Serum GH was measured by double antibody RIA kit.

    During hGH therapy, both groups accelerated their growth substantially.
    Group I receiving the daily hGH injections first & second year velocity was 3.4 and 2.3 SD
    Group II receiving the alternate hGH inj. had 3.0 and 2.0 SD for first and second year respectively.

    Over the initial 6 months after withdrawal of therapy, growth velocity decelerated to a low nadir -3.9 SD score
    for the daily therapy group, whereas it decelerated in the alternate day group to only -0.2 SD score.

    During the 2 years off therapy, the later group (taking EOD injections)
    maintained growth rates of -0.2 to -1.2 SD score, which is similar to their SD score prior to the hGH treatment.
    The daily group also recovered but very slowly, on the fourth semiannual evaluation off therapy.
    The cumulative 4-year growth velocity (2yrs on and 2 yrs off therapy) of the alternate day group was greater
    than that of the daily therapy group (mean, 0.9 vs. 0.3 SD score).

    At the end of the 4-yr therapy period, the adult height prediction of the alternate day group was greater
    than that of the daily group by a mea of 6.5cm (that's over 2.5" in height, quite a lot of difference)

    In even simpler English, to translate what it may mean to us is that using hGH everyday will only
    negligibly give better short-term results. Yet using alternate day hGH will give radically better long-term
    results and much better recovery. As the body may get back to homeostasis much faster.

    Remember the two groups got the same weekly total hGH dosage,
    so your every other day hGH injections would be twice as if you used
    it every day.

    The researchers said, the dose was of less impotency than the schedule of the injections.
    Daily hGH therapy for 3 years caused subnormal growth persisting for 1.5 years (very bad)

    It may be that the problem is not enough hGH or IGF-1 secretion but rather
    the body's decreased sensitivity to it. The interesting part is that the serum GH levels
    and serum IGF-I and IGF-binding protein remained unaffected or relatively mutely affected.
    Even your body's endogenous pulsatile secretion of GH resumes within just days
    even after long-term hGH therapy.

    The researchers hypothesis is that the tolerance may be in the "GH signal transduction in
    selective target organs in response to the disappearance of the unique pulsatile
    pattern of serum GH during GH therapy". You see, hGH taken via sc injections
    do not imitate the your body's own GH secretion.
    "Indeed, daily sc administration of GH results in an unphysiological serum GH profile, with peak
    levels at 4 h and a slow decline over the course of the following 12–24 h. This pattern can be
    regarded as continuous administration, rather than the physiological GH pulses,
    with a frequency of about eight per day."
    "Assuming that the withdrawal syndrome is related to tolerance that might have developed toward
    hGH or IGF-I, we tried to prevent it by alternate day treatment. Moreover, hGH doses used in
    therapy often stimulate IGF-I to supraphysiological serum levels, suggesting that target
    tissues IGF-I may also be higher than normal. The mechanism seems, therefore, to rest
    with hGH and IGF-I action at their target tissues. We now show that alternate day therapy
    with hGH in children with an intact GH-IGF-I axis prevents the withdrawal syndrome"

    Researchers mark the analogy to another endocrine tolerance and withdrawal syndrome:
    "alternate day therapy with glucocoricoids prevents tolerance to that hormone to a substantial degree,
    "Interestingly, glucocoricoids withdrawal syndrome can also occur while the
    hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is intact (, indicating that tolerance to glucocoricoids has developed
    at the target organ level (9). "

    An example of a good safe protocol to follow in my opinion could be

    hGH taken for 4 months (16 weeks) or more at 8IU every other day,
    split to 4IU three hours after waking up (say 11:00am)
    and another 4IU taken 4 hours later (say 3:00pm).
    This approach is quite conservative and may be optimal.

    Obviously, you may extend past 4months, and take more IUs per day.
    This approach goes with 8IU EOD, so it is equivalent to folks that would
    otherwise go with 4IU ED, which is what most do.

    There is some controversy as to how many of these IUs the body
    can utilize at once

    Obviously, there are lot of studies, some better conducted, some less.
    Lots of opinions and doctrines in endocrinology, bodybuilding etc..
    So you should make your own decision, I guess old individuals on
    hGH for life would not mind, as no rebound would affect them. Professional
    bodybuilders probably wouldn't mind as well.

    I would rather follow a protocol like this. For most part due to the
    nasty rebound that I could get after withdrawing from long-term ED hGH treatment.
    Nothing worse then look awesome, stop hGH then after several months having:
    Low body sensitivity to your own body's GH.
    Slow recovery
    Decline in resting cardiac output
    Increase fat mass
    Decrease in metabolic rate
    Negative nitrogen balance, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

    Again, I said "could" not "would", because this study cannot absolutely manifest
    our use of hGH. Moreso, we are not children, we are not idiopathic hGH deficient
    and not aGHD. But since the weekly dosages do remain the same as well as the
    duration of the hGH usage. Just changing to the EOD protocol from the well
    hyped everyday inj protocol is worth in my honest opinion. It seems statistically
    a better bet, with more chance to win, than loose as opposed to the ED protocol.

    I just tried to summarize the findings of the study, which was by the way,
    a pleasure to read as the study is well written and was prepared by
    Dr Hochberg, MD, a renowned well respected figure in endocrinology.

    You can read the full article with all the graphs and details here:
    With references to 23 studies.

    Here are some interesting graphs:
    This graph shows the difference growth velocity difference pre GH treatment, and at the
    end of the trial, 4 years after (2 years after withdrawal from GH treatment)
    The dark bar marks the alternate day injections. The light bar marks the every day injections,
    note that the every day injections group saw worse long-term (4 yrs) results as opposed
    to the alternate day group.
    This graph shows the annual bone age advancement in children treated with
    alternate GH injections and daily injections.
    The light bar marks the every day injections, the dark bar the alternate day injections.
    In first two years (the years they were taking hGH), take a look at the relatively
    small advantage ED injections gave over the EOD inj, as opposed to the 2 years
    after withdrawal of the treatment.

  36. #36
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    The problem with that study is that it was done on kids, that still have their growth plates open and the study was for linear growth not muscle growth.


  37. #37
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Doesnt make sense to me bro, but hey i havent tried so who knows. As for 16 lbs in 2 weeks, ud struggle to do that on 150mg+ drol ed without an anti e on ur first ever cycle!

  38. #38
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    I spoke with a retired IFBB competitor(who trains at my gym),who still is very friendly with many high level guys that are still active.

    His answer was "Never heard of anyone doing anything this ridiculous".That comment was followed by laughter.


  39. #39
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I spoke with a retired IFBB competitor(who trains at my gym),who still is very friendly with many high level guys that are still active.

    His answer was "Never heard of anyone doing anything this ridiculous".That comment was followed by laughter.


    Well thats good to know.

    Whenever I hear of a new approach I try to air out any misconceptions and breakdown the theory. So far I think I'm going to stick with the more mainstream way of adminstration like I have been doing. Although the 3 day split is quite interesting, Hmmmmmmmmm. That hypothesis thread posts 122-126 are getting me thinking.

  40. #40
    spound's Avatar
    spound is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Well thats good to know.

    Whenever I hear of a new approach I try to air out any misconceptions and breakdown the theory. So far I think I'm going to stick with the more mainstream way of adminstration like I have been doing. Although the 3 day split is quite interesting, Hmmmmmmmmm. That hypothesis thread posts 122-126 are getting me thinking.
    Yea, I do the same is always good to keep an open mind.

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