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  1. #1
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Exclamation Igf-Lr3 and organ growth

    Everyone knows that HGH promotes organ growth. Does Igf-Lr3 promote organ growth and nerve regeneration?? Any knowledgeable advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    pioneer's Avatar
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    Does anyone know about this?

  3. #3
    goose is offline Banned
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    Igf-Lr3 may not produce muscle growth,well it didnt with me,at a very high dose,It`s very unlikely (99%) it will cause organ growth with normal cycles.(4 weeks 60-120mgs)

    Does Igf-Lr3 cause any growth?? Prove it.I have found IGF to be disequilibrium.



  4. #4
    pioneer's Avatar
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    thanks for the info, but are you sure that IGF-Lr3 doesnt produce muscle growth and Organ growth??
    Last edited by pioneer; 01-05-2006 at 06:21 PM.

  5. #5
    goose is offline Banned
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    The thing is we dont even know the Half-life of IGF-Lr3 ,so many unknown factors. We can only assume at this point,but with 4 week cycles the chance of organ growth is almost nill.


  6. #6
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    If gh converts to igf in the body and gh can cause organ growth it makes sense igf could. Theres lots of coulds in there.

  7. #7
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Rational Debate

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Does Igf-Lr3 cause any growth?? Prove it.I have found IGF to be disequilibrium.
    This,ladies and gentlemen,is the true spirit of this forum!


  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groundandpoundpwr21
    If gh converts to igf in the body and gh can cause organ growth it makes sense igf could. Theres lots of coulds in there.
    HGH Stimulates(not convert) the release of IGF-1,and IGF-2 in organs like the liver,kidneys ect..

    Here's a thread on this topic of discussion..

    By using IGF-1 will it make my brain release IGF-2?


  9. #9
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Does Igf-Lr3 cause any growth?? Prove it.I have found IGF to be disequilibrium.
    Both through research and personal use I still can not prove this statement Goose. I'll have to leave this alone and let some other people keep experimenting with LR3.

  10. #10
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Both through research and personal use I still can not prove this statement Goose. I'll have to leave this alone and let some other people keep experimenting with LR3.

    Well because of this board,and great guys like you and pinn,I have shown my
    friends (I only know 2 who run it) what`s been going on here,one has found a company that could test the products we use in Engerland,not cheap I might say,he is considering the thought.
    One of the reasons I came to this board was to learn about IGF,it`s Initial
    interest to me was that it could add 2 pounds of LBM in a cycle.I like an aggressive AAS regime,and very open minded,well my girlfriend says I am.
    Pinn really nailed this thing on the head,the one thing I don`t like is putting a substance in my body that could be rat poison,I don`t care what it does.
    The worst thing is ,I don`t believe spending this type of money for fat loss,
    I will pay a very high price for LBM,but not to drop a few pounds in fat!!! When I know something like Var will add LBM and give me fat loss,just to name a few of the effects,and cheaper for me.
    The search for the perfect Physique Continues,it`s very hard work when your IQ is 105.

    Last edited by goose; 01-06-2006 at 06:56 AM.

  11. #11
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    the one thing I don`t like is putting a substance in my body that could be rat poison,I don`t care what it does.

    That is what really topped the cake for me. I'm very into health and worry about what I do and try to do it right. In saying that Goose, I can't go ahead and keep injecting something that I have no idea what it is. No idea what's in it or what the long term sides effects will be.

    As far as that gains that are associated with LR3 I totally agree with you once again. Fat loss is the easiest thing to achieve, far easier then LBM. Before any drugs or supplements come into to play it's the knowledge of how to lose fat. Once that knowledge is aquired then the sky is the limit for fat loss. We don't need a drug, especially at that price, to aid in fat loss. That money is better spent in AAS to build up some LBM. Ever heard that statement "hard earned muscle?" Well it's completely true so let's keep searching for ways to build muscle instead of using products to burn fat. Even if I wanted to use is for fat loss I wouldn't b/c of what you already stated could be in it. It's kind of crazy if you think about it. Injecting something that you cant even answer yourself why it's doing what it is.

  12. #12
    goose is offline Banned
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    Great post jay-

    I`m still on my IGF cycle,need to finish my remaining gear,until we have concrete answers I will put things on hold.For fat loss I have clen ,HGH and sex.It`s time for for to try SLIN,a genuine product.

    Provocative,influential,morbidly fascinating,IGF is an apocalyptic ride through the darker recesses of the human psyche,however, it`s time to call it a day,for the present time.The sides are very heavy at high doses,I have to take an hour sleep during the day,which I never do,plus I can`t get up in the morning.


  13. #13
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    That is what really topped the cake for me. I'm very into health and worry about what I do and try to do it right. In saying that Goose, I can't go ahead and keep injecting something that I have no idea what it is. No idea what's in it or what the long term sides effects will be.

    As far as that gains that are associated with LR3 I totally agree with you once again. Fat loss is the easiest thing to achieve, far easier then LBM. Before any drugs or supplements come into to play it's the knowledge of how to lose fat. Once that knowledge is aquired then the sky is the limit for fat loss. We don't need a drug, especially at that price, to aid in fat loss. That money is better spent in AAS to build up some LBM. Ever heard that statement "hard earned muscle?" Well it's completely true so let's keep searching for ways to build muscle instead of using products to burn fat. Even if I wanted to use is for fat loss I wouldn't b/c of what you already stated could be in it. It's kind of crazy if you think about it. Injecting something that you cant even answer yourself why it's doing what it is.
    DNP at $2/cap is a way more effective fat loss strategy. The stuff works and works fast.

  14. #14
    RM_DUDE is offline Banned
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    Here Is What Igropin (frmly Gensci) Says Its Igf-1r3 Does In Humans....

    Here is a copy and past of what Igtropin (fromerly part of GenSci) has to say about what its IGF-1r3 does IN THE HUMAN BODY.....(see )

    IGF-1 Long R3
    Insulin -Like Growth Factor I, Long R3™, Synthetic Peptide (IGF1 Long R3) is an analog of human IGF-I with a 13 amino acid extension at the N-terminus. It is used to support growth of various cell types in low serum or serum-free culture. IGF1 Long R3 can be used as a substitute for insulin and its effectiveness at low concentrations facilitates downstream protein purification.

    There are many different things that IGF does in the human body; here are some of the points that would be important for physical enhancement.

    # increased amino acid transport to cells
    # increased glucose transport
    # increased protein synthesis
    # decreased protein degradation
    # increased RNA synthesis

    When IGF is active it behaves differently in different types of tissues. In muscle cells proteins and associated cell components are stimulated. Protein synthesis is increased along with amino acid absorption. As a source of energy, IGF mobilizes fat for use as energy in adipose tissue. In lean tissue,

    IGF prevents insulin from transporting glucose across cell membranes. As a result the cells have to switch to burning off fat as a source of energy.

    IGF also mimic's insulin in the human body. It makes muscles more sensitive to insulin's effects, so if you are a person that currently uses insulin you can lower your dosage by a decent margin to achieve the same effects, and as mentioned IGF will keep the insulin from making you fat.


  15. #15
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    DNP at $2/cap is a way more effective fat loss strategy. The stuff works and works fast.
    I'll second that. Makes you feel like shit burning in hell but it gets it done fast.

  16. #16
    RM_DUDE is offline Banned
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    IGF-1r3 acts like Slin, and Slin is the most powerfull anabolic known...

    Slin is clinically the most powerful anabolic known! and the most dangerous to use.

    So if IGF-1r3 acts like Slin - but for the fact that it burns fat, that would make it along with Slin the most powerful anabolic known!!!..(oddly both are legal)....and it would not be the same as using Clem or would be more like doing a TA and Dbol along with DPN or Clem....

    Clearly IGF 1r3 is more than an expensive sub for Clem or is anabolic agent!!! and along with slim - the strongest anabolic known...and perhaps as dangerous too.

    The issue regarding IGF 1r3 cousing growth and at what concentration is still not clear, but I believe we should assume it acts just like IGF (natural) until its demonstrated not some concentration however unknown.

    I have IGF-1r3 available at 50 buck a mg...and at that price...u bet its worth it just as an anobolic fat to the issue of growth...more likely than not it acts on growth same as natural IGF does ....and untill there are clinical studies to show otherwise thats what i am assuming....but no not gonna think its will do miricals from a growth stand point....
    Last edited by RM_DUDE; 01-07-2006 at 10:40 PM.

  17. #17
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    IP check MODs.Run it RM DUDE against redmuscle3.You'll find a match.

  18. #18
    RM_DUDE is offline Banned
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    RedMuscle my partner buddy

    RedMuscle my partner have a problem with that?

  19. #19
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    Yes,those are my legs
    See ya........

  20. #20
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    I'll second that. Makes you feel like shit burning in hell but it gets it done fast.
    Me and Satan are roommates these days... He always turns up the heat at night.

  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by RM_DUDE
    RedMuscle my partner have a problem with that?
    You lying sack off useless shit.

    Stay gone kid, no one wants you here.


  22. #22
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You lying sack off useless shit.

    Stay gone kid, no one wants you here.


    Haha! Swole with the swipe of his paw.... riff-raff gone....lmao....

    What up bro? Nice to see ya... I'm back...I was gone for a few months in PCT. You know, crying in my bathrobe watching soap operas all day long. I'm a week away from my prop jump, test e & EQ cycle...can't wait... It's been 13 weeks since I was myslef....

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