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  1. #1
    RM_DUDE is offline Banned
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    Jan 2006

    Post your Experience with IGF-1r3 the Good, the Bad or the Ugly

    I for one am tired of hearing PINN and Johny's very conflicted and inconsistent views on IGF-1r3.

    What i would like in this string is for guys who have done 2 or more cycles of IGF-1r3 to post their results...Disclosing the following :

    0. Number of cycles done.

    1. The source of their IGF-1r3 (maker if the know GenSci etc, and seller (Omega, AR, etc.)

    2. How they reconstituted it

    3. what dosages (mcg/day) they did do, and for how long

    4. what results did they achieve -(a) short term (decrease in fat, pumps, muscle gains)...and.(b) long term results - did they experience gains months latter (even if not sure if igf was the cause directly or indirectly)

    5. What side effects did they experience while on IGF if any....(swelling, lack of sleep, etc..)

    6. What roid or HGH cycle did they do, if any, while on IGF-1r3 (give dosages per week)

    7. State if you are pleased with having used IGF-1 and if you would recommend its use to others.

    So that maybe we can figure out a pattern here, by maker, by seller, by method of reconstituting, by roid cycle done with, ....or the lack of one...more clearly...without being insulted by some VET, or having some vet call us names or giving us the finger for expressing views and experiences….

    Last edited by RM_DUDE; 01-07-2006 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    RM_DUDE is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    My results

    0. Number of cycles done. 2 cycles

    1. The source of their IGF-1r3 (maker if the know GenSci etc, and seller (Omega, AR, etc.)

    Maker : Unknown Source Omega

    2. How they reconstituted it

    Did not reconstitute, just used the 1ml solution it came in.

    3. what dosages (mcg/day) they did do, and for how long

    40mcg/day (take in two dosages – morning and evning over 4 weeks (apprx)

    4. what results did they achieve -

    (a) short term (decrease in fat, pumps, muscle gains). Slight decrease in fat, did not notice any pumps, appeared to get harder with it, results seemed to linger post cycle both times..and.
    (b) long term results - did they experience gains months latter (even if not sure if igf was the cause directly or indirectly). Gains were small but appeared to linger long term…

    5. What side effects did they experience while on IGF if any....(swelling, lack of sleep, etc..)


    6. What roid or HGH cycle did they do, if any, while on IGF-1r3 (give dosages per week)

    4-6iu HGH / day, Test prop 100mg/day, TA 75mg/day, Dbol 50mg/day – on both cycles

    7. State if you are pleased with having used IGF-1 and if you would recommend its use to others

    Yes…but results not great…they appears to be small\moderate but real increase in muscle mass….

  3. #3
    j martini is offline Member
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    0. 3 cycles
    1. Muscle research
    2. Already reconstituted(premixed)
    3. 1st cycle 60mcgs 4 weeks, 2nd cycle 80mcgs 4 weeks, 3rd cycle 100mcgs 4 weeks
    4. Short term gains where fat loss definitely down to igf1 as i was not dieting are doing anythinh different than before the igf1, incresed appetite and a fuller look. Long term pretty much nothing certainly not anything dramatic that can be seen in the mirror anyway.
    5. Low blood sugar slight hypo at times nothing dramatic.
    6. 1000mg Test E
    7. Would only reccomend it for the advanced, who are looking something a little different. Most would be better spending there money on AAS and some clen for fat loss certainly a lot cheaper. I will be using it soon as i am pre contest and it seems to burn fat and give a fuller look if i wasnt pre contest i likely wouldnt use it.

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm starting to think GH for a prolonged period is a better investment than IGF-1? I tried MR lr3IGF-1 once and I was pleased but not blown out of the water by it. Pumps and workouts were great and my arms seem to grow on it. I was taking it with 700mgs prop each week.

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by RM_DUDE
    I for one am tired of hearing PINN and Johny's very conflicted and inconsistent views on IGF-1r3.

    What i would like in this string is for guys who have done 2 or more cycles of IGF-1r3 to post their results...Disclosing the following :

    0. Number of cycles done.

    1. The source of their IGF-1r3 (maker if the know GenSci etc, and seller (Omega, AR, etc.)

    2. How they reconstituted it

    3. what dosages (mcg/day) they did do, and for how long

    4. what results did they achieve -(a) short term (decrease in fat, pumps, muscle gains)...and.(b) long term results - did they experience gains months latter (even if not sure if igf was the cause directly or indirectly)

    5. What side effects did they experience while on IGF if any....(swelling, lack of sleep, etc..)

    6. What roid or HGH cycle did they do, if any, while on IGF-1r3 (give dosages per week)

    7. State if you are pleased with having used IGF-1 and if you would recommend its use to others.

    So that maybe we can figure out a pattern here, by maker, by seller, by method of reconstituting, by roid cycle done with, ....or the lack of one...more clearly...without being insulted by some VET, or having some vet call us names or giving us the finger for expressing views and experiences….

    Hey redmuscle3 you are out of here.......... don't come back. I have your IP addys that match up with this user account and the redmuscle3 account.

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