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  1. #1
    MattyH7688's Avatar
    MattyH7688 is offline Junior Member
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    Insulin with a carb drink intraworkout

    would a carb drink intraworkout(size on/mass xplosion) be beneficial or negative at all if using slin pwo with a carb/protein drink pwo anyways

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    As long as you are not consuming too many carbs, carbohydrates are never a bad idea when using insulin .


  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    you want the least amount of carbs you can take without going hypo because over doing it will make you fat. most people get away with around 5-6 grams per iu but if this is your first time i would start out with 8-9 then go down if you dont feel any negative signs. you want a clean carb and protein drink with little sugar. i shoot 10ius then drink my 50g of whey followed by 45 grams of dex and creatien

  4. #4
    MattyH7688's Avatar
    MattyH7688 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    As long as you are not consuming too many carbs, carbohydrates are never a bad idea when using insulin .

    good point
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    you want the least amount of carbs you can take without going hypo because over doing it will make you fat. most people get away with around 5-6 grams per iu but if this is your first time i would start out with 8-9 then go down if you dont feel any negative signs. you want a clean carb and protein drink with little sugar. i shoot 10ius then drink my 50g of whey followed by 45 grams of dex and creatien
    i was figuring on 75 grams wms/50 grams whey isolate/10 grams bcaas/10 grams creatine mono followed by whole food(white or sweet potatoes and fish) 45 minutes later.. the first couple times with 4iu just to be safe and get a feel

    a ton of dextrose/wms/sugary stuff kept on hand as well

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