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  1. #1
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Will the GH gurus help on this promptly, so i could continue with my GH??

    Hey all.

    Ive been taking Serostim since May with great results. Ive been using the suplied sterile water that comes with it. I then put in fridge and take about 1-2 IU's/day out of the 18 IU's total the 1cc will produce.

    Problem: It takes me about 1 1/2 week to use this 1cc. Im worried that towards the end of the week the GH is no longer good and im just wasting it. Is this possible?????

    Question: I now recieived some BA water from AR shop. Should i just draw 1cc out of jar and insert it into the vile with the GH, the same way i was before with the 1cc of sterile water??? Is it going to last longer???

    This stufff is working wonders i want to really make sure this BA will not destroy the GH, and instead make it last longer hopefully.

    Please fill me in so i could continue my transformation.

    Thanks guys, Fina....

  2. #2
    Sc0rch is offline Associate Member
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    It will be fine with the BW for at least that long.

    That's what I've been using for 10 months and it's holds up fine for several days. I mix 10 days worth but have gone a little longer and it's good to go.

    The BW is supposed to last several days to a week or two longer than sterile, but I have never tried to max it out.

    Yeah, mix 1cc BW into the 10iu vile.
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 08-30-2010 at 06:07 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If your vial is an 18iu vial I would recommend you put 1.8ml into the vial. Then every 10 on the insulin syringe will be 1iu. It's just a little easier to keep track of your iu's.

  4. #4
    ramacher's Avatar
    ramacher is offline Member
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    does like say put 0.9ml in the vial effect the gh instead of 1.8? obviously you would take half as less but would less BA water have any effect?

  5. #5
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramacher View Post
    does like say put 0.9ml in the vial effect the gh instead of 1.8? obviously you would take half as less but would less BA water have any effect?

    if youre only taking 1-2iu a day. that would make it very hard to measure accurately. once mixed, youd only be drawing 5-10iu at a time on your syringe.

  6. #6
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    The reason for originally asking this question is because everytime i Google this topic i get mixed opinions. Some say it lasts longer, some say the sterile water that comes with it is good enough if left in fridge, while i have even read in some places that the BA water if it contains sodium will destroy it!!

    I cannot complain of the results i have been getting with just the sterile water left to around 10 days in fridge. My only concern is that by day 10 i mite just be injecting nothing because its destroyed. That was the only reason i ordered the BA water.

    I will be putting in 1.8 cc in 18 IU's from now on. I just hop[e u guys are rite because i would hate to waste this expensive stuff.

    Thank you all very much, Fina...

  7. #7
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    Don't worry, putting more BW into the vial just dilutes the concentration. It does not effect the potency at all. BW is the recommended re-constituent because of the 1% benzyl alcohol in it. It stops bacteria from growing. Sterile water allows for bacteria growth. If the vial is left out you might get an infection. The BW just stops the bacteria from growing.

  8. #8
    DANCINDAD954 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys and gals,...
    ...I have a 'script' for Serostim. I started using one of the kits, I have several kits, but it made my blood sugar go off the chart. I'm diabetic and I can't seem to get the dosage correct to maintain a blanced blood sugar level under 180. I've decided to control my diabeties and forego the benifits of taking Serostim in my routine. Any suggestions?

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