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  1. #1
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    AM HGH Use, and Breakfast

    I have been trying to educate myself on the ramifications of using HGH first thing in the AM. I get up around 5, shower, eat, and then go to work. I try to have a meal every 3 hours for the rest of the day.

    From what I have read, I should take my shot first thing in the AM to avoid disrupting my natural HGH pulse (I am 38 and believe my levels are still normal). My question is this: if I take a shot at say 5:15, can I eat a protein and fat meal (eggs with cheese) shortly thereafter? At what point can I have some carbs, if at all? I plan on ramping up to 4-5 iu and holding that for a year or longer.

    If there is a better schedule for me to consider, please fire away.

  2. #2
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Take your shot, have your shower, then eat.

    People worry about blood sugar levels when you eat carbs too close to your shot but fats will also blunt igf-1 release. So it's best to wait a bit if possible to eat.

  3. #3
    Spartans09's Avatar
    Spartans09 is offline Member
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    I would wait 1 hour. No sense dicking around and bringing on type II adult onset diabetes.

  4. #4
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the responses guys. Unfortunately, I have an hour plus commute each day so I have to leave my house 1 hour after I wake in order to make it to work on time. I could do a liquid breakfast during my commute but I prefer to eat real foods.

    In this case, would I be better off doing my shot after I get to work? Lets say around 7:30 AM or so (I would have eaten breakfast at 5:30 or so)? That would give me a full hour before my next meal. My concern with this approach is that it might interfere with my early sleep pulse of HGH . . . how should I go about this?

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Main thing is to inject when your cortisol levels are at peak..because you actually want to blunt cortisol

    This is usually early morning and early-mid about 3ish? Could you do it around then?
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 09-10-2010 at 09:23 AM.

  6. #6
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    Afternoon would work fine for me but I am concerned with introducing a negative feedback loop from the introduction of the HGH.

    I go to bed around 9:30 most of the time so if I were to take 4-5 iu at around 2 PM would this mess up my natural overnight pulse?

  7. #7
    Belial10732 is offline New Member
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    subQ HGH serum levels peak about two to three hours after inject, half life around 7 hours. If you're doing 4-5 iu, based on what I know of the PK I would assume 12-14 hours before levels return to baseline. So technically, if you take it at 2:00 it may interfere with natural levels overnight.

  8. #8
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    ^^Thank you, that is what I was afraid of, so an afternoon injection might be a bad idea.

    In this case, do you think it would be best to take it after rising just before a protein/fat meal (minimal carb) or take it an couple of hours later (say 7:30)? I would then have eaten a protein/carb/fat breakfast around 5:30 AM and would be about an hour until my next meal.

  9. #9
    Belial10732 is offline New Member
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    I try very hard to refrain from making explicit recommendations on these things... I'm not an endocrinologist. However, given what I said about peak blood levels, half life, etc., you can probably figure that I don't believe trying to time carb intake around GH therapy is very practical.

    I think Dcannon's recommendation is one I would agree with.. do your shot, take your shower, then eat.

  10. #10
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I won't eat anything within an hour of the injection. I always get up to pee sometime in the middle of the night, that's when I inject my hgh. What I do is pre-load the syringe and put it back in the fridge. Then I can get up, pee, and go grab that real quick and inject, and back to sleep. Some times its only an hour before I have to get up for work and sometimes it's as much as 3.

  11. #11
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    ^^^^^^this is wake up in the wee hours and inject and then go back to sleep if you can pull this off

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    These are all good counsel. I used to follow them pretty well for about a year. On the second year, trying to follow all the rules so I could get perfect results from HGH just got old. Now I wake up at 5am, take my shot, take a shower and prepare for the day (about 30 to 45 minutes) then I eat. I'm sure I'm breaking some rule but it's good enough for me. I'm still getting good results. At least good enough for me. I wouldn't get overly concerned. Just be safe and stay away from carbs for about 30 min before/after you pin.

  13. #13
    Anticatabolik is offline New Member
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    Some research has shown the best time to take HGH injections is in the morning, upon awakening. Other research has also shown the majority of naturally produced HGH is pulsed from the Pituitary Gland at night. This has led to further studies showing that a once-a-day injection at night seem to have the most beneficial effect, while some have found injections in the morning provide the best results. A third option is distributed dosing.

    Either way do not consume carbs within 1-2 hours of having your shot...

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