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  1. #1
    BuffGuy is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Is taking GH dangerous when going for surgery?

    I just started GH 3-4 IU per day...

    I am considering getting lipo-surgery to remove my love-handles....this would take place in about 1-2 months taking GH dangerous before, during, or after the surgery?

    The reason I ask is because maybe GH increases causes growth in thrombotic agents which could be dangerous...I dunno, something like that...

    So yes, is it dangerous or will I be OK?

  2. #2
    NewBreed is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Don´t think so.Gh is dangerous in high critical patients after great abdominal,or heart surgery in doses >10iu/day.
    It has been reported that mortality was significantly higher than without gh.

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