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Thread: My Log

  1. #1
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    My Log

    Well I've decided with much debate to go ahead and start a cycle. I'm 5'10" 160 lbs, less then 10% bf and been working out for 6 years, 3 more seriously. I'm 19 years old and have done two previous cycles which I highly regret doing as I don't believe I wasn't even somewhat ready. I've just started on a pretty good diet thanks to some advice from a board member. Anyways... On to my cycle...
    I'm taking 30 mg a day of D-bol for 30 days and 300 mg of test E for 8 weeks... I don't want to take a huge amount just enough to help me get some decent mass and with my new diet I hope to keep most of my gains. I have nolvadex on the side incase the D-bol effects get out of hand and some Clomid post cycle... Um... I know most of you don't fully believe someone my age and weight should be taking, but I have decided to go ahead with it. Now on to what I've been feeling.
    The first night I started feeling very bloated and gassy but the second day the bloatedness has gone away and I've just been somewhat gassy (don't know if gas is attributed to the d-bol or if it's just the increase in food ) Anyways... Last night (which was the second day) I went to the gym, been out for a couple weeks cause of work but recently have got some time off to go a lot more. After my first set of exercises I noticed a massive pump, and once I had finished my entire workout I had a pump like I had never experienced before. Also, my veins were bursting out so that made me happy.
    Aside from the workout pump I've also noticed my mood has been boosted greatly. Which has really helped me because last week I was still feeling the remnants of a broken heart and now it feels as if that "hurt" feeling is being blocked and I love it, I feel great. I have tons of energy, even after waking up at four with four hours of sleep. I'll keep you guys updated!!!

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    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    Post them.

  4. #4
    king6's Avatar
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    If I were you bro, I would run the cycle MartyMcFly is doing. Var and test. I think you will like the results better. I am running Test E and Dbol , and I wish I would have gone with either Tbol or a prop kickstart. I think Dbol is overrated, I would also up the test to 400mg/week. I am doing 500, but from what you want from the cycle I think 400 would be suffice.

  5. #5
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Well if I uped it to 400 I'd get about 6 weeks worth and from what I've read it only kicks in about 4 weeks into.. Although... I could get another bottle

  6. #6
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    This is a little older pic and the most recent one I have...
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  7. #7
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Well if I uped it to 400 I'd get about 6 weeks worth and from what I've read it only kicks in about 4 weeks into.. Although... I could get another bottle
    I would up it to 500/week for 12 weeks and get more bottles. If your gonna do it, do it. Some people take longer than 4 weeks, I hope I am not one of them. But good luck with whatever you do.

  8. #8
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I think you are using AS for the wrong reasons. Masking emotions by adding drugs to your life is not a good idea IMO. At least the cycle you are running is half sensible. I just hope your diet and training are too.

  9. #9
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I think you are using AS for the wrong reasons. Masking emotions by adding drugs to your life is not a good idea IMO. At least the cycle you are running is half sensible. I just hope your diet and training are too.
    Beast has a good point. I didn't even think of that. If you are using AAS for any other reason than your own personal gain and perfection, then it is the wrong reason. I hope this sudden urge to do a cycle has nothing to do with your ex. Because if it does than you might be setting yourself up for emotional failure.

  10. #10
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    I would up it to 500/week for 12 weeks and get more bottles. If your gonna do it, do it. Some people take longer than 4 weeks, I hope I am not one of them. But good luck with whatever you do.
    Agreed, def get another bottle. I would run either 400 or 500 per week. I would also drop the Dbol , and add Var in weeks 7-14, but I think the best bet is to stick with the test alone.

  11. #11
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    I'm doing it for the muscle gain, but I don't mind the mood boost

  12. #12
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Went to gym again tonight... Had an even more massive pump and veins were off the wall... I seem to look more ripped yet I'm taking D-bol, strange... anyways... great so far...

  13. #13
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Well it's day four and I'm up four pounds... My vascularity has greatly increased and people are already looking at me like wtf... I now love D-Bol and hope the Test will be as good when it kicks in...

  14. #14
    ITripMidgets is offline Junior Member
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    Hell yeah man, I'm pretty sure Dbol is Gods gift to man kind.

  15. #15
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Okay well It's been a week and a half since I started my cycle... The only problem is I haven't started test cuz my damn dealer didn't get me any syringes and I'm having a hard time reaching him, tried buying some (have the needles) but said I needed a subscription... I've heard of some techniques to buy some so if anyone knows any please let me know (live in california) anyways... Been running D-bol (30 mg ed) for a week and a half and my results... I'm up 7 lbs. My strength has gone up really quick which I enjoy, my libido is down (I'm assuming this is the effect of not letting the sex hormone bind or whatever it said in the d-bol profile), and my poop is green (yeh, ionno... lol)... No gyno or any real negative side effects, except the green poo...

  16. #16
    king6's Avatar
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    See the pretty blue letters.

  17. #17
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah I would get some syringes asap! The reason you kickstart with dbol for 4 weeks is to allow time for the test to kick in and to keep the sides/ill effects on your liver to a minimum. The longer you wait on the test, the longer you'll be on dbol or the longer you'll have a break between the two being active in your system.

  18. #18
    chest6's Avatar
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    cmon type syringe and its a link..cmon now

  19. #19
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Do you ever wonder why you weigh 160lbs after TWO cycles? I mean, really?

    I'm just in awe, you are the posterboy for people who should NOT be doing steroids .

  20. #20
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1zach4
    yeah I would get some syringes asap! The reason you kickstart with dbol for 4 weeks is to allow time for the test to kick in and to keep the sides/ill effects on your liver to a minimum. The longer you wait on the test, the longer you'll be on dbol or the longer you'll have a break between the two being active in your system.
    Yup, you might as well trade the test e in for some prop.

  21. #21
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Do you ever wonder why you weigh 160lbs after TWO cycles? I mean, really?

    I'm just in awe, you are the posterboy for people who should NOT be doing steroids.
    my thoughts exactly.

  22. #22
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Do you ever wonder why you weigh 160lbs after TWO cycles? I mean, really?

    I'm just in awe, you are the posterboy for people who should NOT be doing steroids.
    Okay let me give you the facts, ass... First off, yeh, I made a mistake when I was 17, I know I'm only 19 but who the hell cares. I'm at a nice 170 now and am taking it real light with the steroids so they act as a "light" supplement rather then me supporting on them for growth. I only wish to achieve between 180-190 ultimately and am almost there. I look better then 90% of the guys in my gym... I'm definately not the strongest, biggest, but I am very proportionate and lean. Guys are already asking me at the gym, "What do you take?" Or... "Looking good man." I feel I'm doing very well for myself right now. I know taking them at my age isn't the best idea, but who the hell cares... I'm taking about 1/4 the dosage people on here take and have suggested and am getting great results. However... I wish I stayed the way I did when I get pumped, cuz I grow like twice as big, lol

    P.S. Here's a recent pic (have missed 4 workouts in all cuz of getting very sick, twice!...) I'm only on 30 mg of d-bol atm... bout 2 weeks in... I think it might be fake but ionno, only thing I'm feeling is a little less horny and that's all.. maybe they lied on how much mg is in each capsule)
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  23. #23
    chest6's Avatar
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    Your goal weight is 10-20 lbs away. Easily attainable naturally, especially at 19.

  24. #24
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Okay let me give you the facts, ass... First off, yeh, I made a mistake when I was 17, I know I'm only 19 but who the hell cares. I'm at a nice 170 now and am taking it real light with the steroids so they act as a "light" supplement rather then me supporting on them for growth. I only wish to achieve between 180-190 ultimately and am almost there. I look better then 90% of the guys in my gym... I'm definately not the strongest, biggest, but I am very proportionate and lean. Guys are already asking me at the gym, "What do you take?" Or... "Looking good man." I feel I'm doing very well for myself right now. I know taking them at my age isn't the best idea, but who the hell cares... I'm taking about 1/4 the dosage people on here take and have suggested and am getting great results. However... I wish I stayed the way I did when I get pumped, cuz I grow like twice as big, lol

    P.S. Here's a recent pic (have missed 4 workouts in all cuz of getting very sick, twice!...) I'm only on 30 mg of d-bol atm... bout 2 weeks in... I think it might be fake but ionno, only thing I'm feeling is a little less horny and that's all.. maybe they lied on how much mg is in each capsule)

    Wow, Maturity. I'm real surprised.

    Ya know, I was gonna bust your balls a bit for having no discipline, no idea how to eat, partying all the time, and not even being able to bang a slut, but then I read you'd gained TEN pounds on your Dbol cycle, I mean, WOW. I've never heard of that happening before, you sure must know your shit. I mean TEN pounds! holy crap, you must be doing something right. Jeez, I wish I could gain ten pounds off Dbol, I bet Ronnie Coleman wishes he could train with you, you could show him some tips right?

    Hey Chest, you ever hear of anyone gaining TEN pounds off Dbol? I vote Lawman for hall of fame, thats some crazy shit right there.

    And you've been on 2 weeks and ONLY missed 4 workouts? Gawd, You're a trooper. Man I bet if you had a leg amputated you'd be down the gym the next day doing one legged squats. You are truly an inspiration.
    Last edited by Snrf; 02-15-2007 at 05:56 AM.

  25. #25
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Wow, Maturity. I'm real surprised.

    Ya know, I was gonna bust your balls a bit for having no discipline, no idea how to eat, partying all the time, and not even being able to bang a slut, but then I read you'd gained TEN pounds on your Dbol cycle, I mean, WOW. I've never heard of that happening before, you sure must know your shit. I mean TEN pounds! holy crap, you must be doing something right. Jeez, I wish I could gain ten pounds off Dbol, I bet Ronnie Coleman wishes he could train with you, you could show him some tips right?

    Hey Chest, you ever hear of anyone gaining TEN pounds off Dbol? I vote Lawman for hall of fame, thats some crazy shit right there.

    And you've been on 2 weeks and ONLY missed 4 workouts? Gawd, You're a trooper. Man I bet if you had a leg amputated you'd be down the gym the next day doing one legged squats. You are truly an inspiration.
    I know, I plan on giving Ronnie some tips sometime it's crazy isn't it? Oh wait... Was that sarcasm, tsk, tsk... My diet is good, my training is great, sure I dick around, but even the greatest bodybuilder of all time did... Now I'm not comparing myself to Arnold in any way but hey, if he can do it so can I... It's very difficult for myself to gain weight as I am an ectomorph and my diet has been bringing up the pounds... and like i said... I think I may have got some fake shit, placebo effect? Maybe... The ****in dye comes off of the pill in my hand and makes my teeth and tongue blue... wtf is that?

  26. #26
    chest6's Avatar
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    post your diet.

  27. #27
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    I'm week 4 of my cycle... I only was able to administer the test last week cuz my dealer is a moron and unreliable so I just got em online... My libido was severely deplenished however today I notice it coming back so I'm curious if I'm already starting to feel the effects of the test E after 1 week... Anyways, I'm up 12 lbs. which is good seeing as how I made my dosage very small (30 mg ed of dbol and 250 mg a week of Test E) and my diet has been lacking a bit this week cuz of job and what not, but still, that shouldn't be an excuse... My strength at the gym has gone up a lot which I am pleased and am looking and feeling great... Also I am curious to know if throwing in some Creatine Monohydrate would hurt at all... I know Dbol sucks water into your muscles as does Creatine but ionno if the two hand in hand would be good, some input would be nice!

  28. #28
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Out of interest, how is your cycle going?

    I'm running the same cycle as you, started 30 lbs heavier and have gained 17lbs so far...also started 10 days after you.

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