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Thread: Anavar cycle log

  1. #1
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    Killa Kali

    Post Anavar cycle log

    So I decided to do an Anavar-cycle. Mainly, I want to gain strength, power, and look better, all with adding as little weight as possible; hence the Var-only cycle. In any case, for those interested, I figured it might be helpfull to some if I post detailed progress data on a weekly basis, with pics, in the event any of you were wondering about results, saftey, and all the other stuff that comes with doing this. I will begin tommorrow.

    The dosing will look like this

    Week 1 (40 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 2 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 3 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 4 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 5 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 6 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 7 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 8 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 9 (40 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 10 (100 mg Clomid ED, 2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 11 (50 mg Clomid ED, 2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)
    Week 12 (2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)

    The Anavar will be split into 2 equal doses taken 8 hours apart.
    The N.O. Explode is take to help with the pumps and strength gains.
    Clomid and Tribulus will be taken for PCT.

    My workout schedule will look something like this;

    Monday (day: Chest and Tris, Evening: Boxing)
    Tuesday (Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Legs)
    Wednesday (Day: Rest, Evening: Boxing)
    Thursday (Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Shoulders and Traps)
    Friday(Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Back and Bis)
    Saturday (Day: Boxing/sparring)
    Sunday (Rest)

    As far as my diet, it's always been pretty clean. I'm going to keep this way, but up it to about 3000 calories, with plenty of protein. I will see how this works out, and adjust it accordingly.

    As far as my stats, I'm 24, 5'11", 195 lbs, and about 13% bf (but i'm not really sure how accurate it is, it's a home testing thing..)

    I will post pics in a few minutes. I will take them a little later today. I will be mostly updating this every Sunday with pics and any changes in weight/bf data. I don't really know what my 1 rep maxes are, but I'll post the weights I'm pushing on a weekly basis as well. Hopefully this will help some of you to determine if Anavar is the right AAS for you. By all means, questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed, and appreciated.
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 07-06-2008 at 08:32 PM.

  2. #2
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    You just wasted alot of money! but Im sure you wont listen any ways....anavar alone will help a little but for the cost its deff not worth it!

  3. #3
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    I don't if this matters, but I forgot to mention that I will be taking multi-vitamins, fish oils, calcium, and some milk thistle daily as well as everything else.

    Here is what I look like today. Don't laugh at 'em, I'm not a bodybuilder, so I don't really have the poses down too well!
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:02 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    You just wasted alot of money! but Im sure you wont listen any ways....anavar alone will help a little but for the cost its deff not worth it!
    Well, I've been doing my research for over a year now, and from everything that I've learned, I found that for what I'm trying to accomplish, Anavar will have good results with minimal side effects. Some may find it pricey, I really didn't. But I guess I'll find out how well-spent my money was!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    just a heads up, theres a separate board on here for cycle logs. this might get moved there.

    and if you don't mind me asking, whats the tattoo translate to? its pretty intense looking

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    just a heads up, theres a separate board on here for cycle logs. this might get moved there.

    and if you don't mind me asking, whats the tattoo translate to? its pretty intense looking
    Oh, I didn't know that. If it does, I'll just continue posting over there.

    In any case, I probably should've covered the tats up, don't want to get identified too easily. It roughly translates to saying that my home country, Palestine, is in my blood and soul. The one below it is a symbol for socialist r*********.

    Arabic language does look/sound intense to different cultures, kinda like German.

  7. #7
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    thats cool. it definitely does, like people say about german, it makes it sound like they're always angry.
    but i don't think too many people are gonna ID you from them. unless you walk around with your shirt off all the time

  8. #8
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    Ok, so I'm gonna pop 20 mgs at 2 pm and 20 more at 10 pm. I'll hit the weights around 2:30.

    In your opinion, is taking about 6 X 10 mg pills of Var daily, along with 2 pills multi-vitamin, 4 pills fish oil, 2 pills calcium, and the milk thistle doing too much? Is it fine on my liver to take all these pills everyday (well, obviously the Var is only for 9 weeks)?


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    Ok, so I'm gonna pop 20 mgs at 2 pm and 20 more at 10 pm. I'll hit the weights around 2:30.

    In your opinion, is taking about 6 X 10 mg pills of Var daily, along with 2 pills multi-vitamin, 4 pills fish oil, 2 pills calcium, and the milk thistle doing too much? Is it fine on my liver to take all these pills everyday (well, obviously the Var is only for 9 weeks)?

    I would split the doses up so you take them every 4.5 to 5 hours.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    arent genetics weird....your chest is jacked but arms lag....good luck with your cycle, i think u will have good results

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Keep an eye on the blood pressure.....

    I took NO-xplode and nitrix with VAR and bp shot way up....4 hours is better for your split ....Also I highly recommend taking some creatine with var. kre-alkyn works good for me, Good luck

  13. #13
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    BUYLONGTERM, thanks for the advice. I'll split the doses into 1 PM, 5:30 PM, and 10 PM.

    dannyh11, yeah, my genetics blow. Actually, Middle-easterners in general have not the best genes. I can only think of 2 successfull Arab body builders. Believe it or not, most of the guys in my community are quite impressed at the results I've gotten thus far from working out naturally (sad, I know). Hopefully, this cycle will give me the kick I need to give my genes the middle finger.

    Garbanzo Dude, thanks for the heads up. At what point is my bp too high? Also, doesn't NO-xplode have a bit of creatine in it already? And, if I take a bunch of creatine, won't I retain too much water, which would defeat the purpose of trying to "harden up"?

    Thanks for the input guys, I'm quite excited about this

  14. #14
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    Wow, I put on 3 lbs of muscle already!!!

    J/k today is only day 3, I actually don't feel different at all!

    In any case, I thought it would be helpfull to share my diet and workout plan. I follow this diet pretty strictly. The workout plan was stolen from a magazine; don't laugh, that thing doesn't look too bad. As always, any comments and suggestion are welcome.

    Also, I found a place that does body fat testing. I'm going tomorrow to see where I am at this point. I will test it again once the cycle is over, and see how much I dropped realistically.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #15
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    I'm curious to see what your bf is as well. I agree with what you said about the creatine and for that reason i would leave it out.

  16. #16
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    So I just went and got my body fat tested. There are a few corrections I need to make. Apparently, I'm an even 200! wow!! I didn't know I was that heavy. Also, I'm at 11.2% bf! That's crazy too. I definitely don't look like I'm that lean, or have that much muscle (177 lbs of my body is muscle). Whatever..

    Anyways, I got bored and uped the dosage to 60 mg ED starting today. Also, it looks like I'm going to need to eat at least 3200 calories aday, so I'm going to up that also. I'll post my weight and pics of my first week this sunday, but I doubt it's going to be any different after only one week of dosing.

  17. #17
    [QUOTE=48volts;4073693]So I just went and got my body fat tested. There are a few corrections I need to make. Apparently, I'm an even 200! wow!! I didn't know I was that heavy. Also, I'm at 11.2% bf! That's crazy too. I definitely don't look like I'm that lean, or have that much muscle (177 lbs of my body is muscle). Whatever..

    BF%, means if you weight 200lbs and are 10% BF then 10% of your body is fat, but that doesnt mean the other 180lbs is muscle. You have fluids, bones, organs muscle.

    Also I agree about your ink. To be honest when I first saw them I was like is that 2 aK-47s with a red star in the middle, and then arabic around your neck I was like, wtf is up with this terrorist mofo!!! JK... I commend you on your compasion about your homeland. I would do the same for my country

  18. #18
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    [QUOTE=Batlin MD;4074424]
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    So I just went and got my body fat tested. There are a few corrections I need to make. Apparently, I'm an even 200! wow!! I didn't know I was that heavy. Also, I'm at 11.2% bf! That's crazy too. I definitely don't look like I'm that lean, or have that much muscle (177 lbs of my body is muscle). Whatever..

    BF%, means if you weight 200lbs and are 10% BF then 10% of your body is fat, but that doesnt mean the other 180lbs is muscle. You have fluids, bones, organs muscle.

    Also I agree about your ink. To be honest when I first saw them I was like is that 2 aK-47s with a red star in the middle, and then arabic around your neck I was like, wtf is up with this terrorist mofo!!! JK... I commend you on your compasion about your homeland. I would do the same for my country
    Fluids, bones, organs and muscle are all part of what is referred to as LBM (Lean Body Mass). For simplicity sake calling it "muscle" is a commonly accepted term.

  19. #19
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    [QUOTE=Batlin MD;4074424]
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    So I just went and got my body fat tested. There are a few corrections I need to make. Apparently, I'm an even 200! wow!! I didn't know I was that heavy. Also, I'm at 11.2% bf! That's crazy too. I definitely don't look like I'm that lean, or have that much muscle (177 lbs of my body is muscle). Whatever..

    BF%, means if you weight 200lbs and are 10% BF then 10% of your body is fat, but that doesnt mean the other 180lbs is muscle. You have fluids, bones, organs muscle.

    Also I agree about your ink. To be honest when I first saw them I was like is that 2 aK-47s with a red star in the middle, and then arabic around your neck I was like, wtf is up with this terrorist mofo!!! JK... I commend you on your compasion about your homeland. I would do the same for my country
    Lol yeah, I know what you're saying. My country has been under occupation for over 60 years, we have to stay loyal or we start to forget and eventually lose the battle.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batlin MD View Post

    Fluids, bones, organs and muscle are all part of what is referred to as LBM (Lean Body Mass). For simplicity sake calling it "muscle" is a commonly accepted term.
    Yeah, that's what I meant. FFM, or fat free mass is everything in your body beside air and fat. I was just surprised cause for some reason I thought I weighed 195 and was well over 13% bf. I guess I was a little happy to hear I was 200 at 11.2%. My goal now is to be at 189 and 6%.

    That's gonna take a little bit of hard work..

  21. #21
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    Here's something else I'd recommend checking -your cholesterol and lipid profiles. You can pick up test kits at a drug store for like $10 each. Get the kind that check LDL and HDL as well as total.

    Var can really mess up your lipids so I'd be keeping your cholesterol intake as low as possible and consider taking niacin as well.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody View Post
    Here's something else I'd recommend checking -your cholesterol and lipid profiles. You can pick up test kits at a drug store for like $10 each. Get the kind that check LDL and HDL as well as total.

    Var can really mess up your lipids so I'd be keeping your cholesterol intake as low as possible and consider taking niacin as well.
    Hey, thanks for the advise brother; I'll keep an eye on it.

    In any case, I didn't post any pics or updates yesterdays cause, well, there aren't any! I did get my weight and bf checked on Thursday, so there was no point in updating that 2 days later. As far as physical appearance, I don't see a difference at all. I will workout real hard this week, and post results both in data and pics on Sunday.

    On a side note, I'm not sure if others have experienced this also, but I don't really feel or act any different as of yet. Today I will begin dosing day 8, and I still don't notice changes in strength, size, vascularity, or anything at all. Maybe I'll feel a little change today when I go lift, but nothing just yet.

    I'll keep you guys posted in case you are still interested in finding out my results from this drug.

  23. #23
    Yes Niacin is good against cholesterol, I personally HATE taking it. For me it takes about 10 minutes and I get flushing really bad. My skin gets red, puffy, and feels likes needles all over. I look bloated with a sunburn then 15-20 minutes later im back to normal. Let me know if you take niacin/b3, if you get the flushing. Good luck with your cycle, I'm looking var for a future cycle myself.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batlin MD View Post
    Yes Niacin is good against cholesterol, I personally HATE taking it. For me it takes about 10 minutes and I get flushing really bad. My skin gets red, puffy, and feels likes needles all over. I look bloated with a sunburn then 15-20 minutes later im back to normal. Let me know if you take niacin/b3, if you get the flushing. Good luck with your cycle, I'm looking var for a future cycle myself.
    Well I guess it can't hurt to add one more supp to the pack!

    I remember taking Niacin when I was 17 thinking it would help me pass a drug test (weed) I never took the test, but I did get the hot feeling.

  25. #25
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    They make long-release niacin now that's supposed to stop the flush thing -I've got some but never taken it.

    I'd advise staying away from high cholesterol stuff on Var -I've read that if your cholesterol level is below 165 or so, there's much less concern about low HDL or high LDL. I've gotten mine down to 150 easily by watching what I eat.

    I had a good study (which I've since lost unfortunately) comparing Var to Deca in AIDS patients. The Var patients had less water retention and fat gain but their HDL levels got so low they ended the study and put them all on deca instead. It was just too unhealthy longterm. Fortunately you're not going on it that long anyway.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody View Post
    They make long-release niacin now that's supposed to stop the flush thing -I've got some but never taken it.

    I'd advise staying away from high cholesterol stuff on Var -I've read that if your cholesterol level is below 165 or so, there's much less concern about low HDL or high LDL. I've gotten mine down to 150 easily by watching what I eat.

    I had a good study (which I've since lost unfortunately) comparing Var to Deca in AIDS patients. The Var patients had less water retention and fat gain but their HDL levels got so low they ended the study and put them all on deca instead. It was just too unhealthy longterm. Fortunately you're not going on it that long anyway.
    True, I'm only going to be taking this stuff for 9 weeks total. However, I do want to make sure that I'm on top of everything; I am taking this stuff to be more "healthy" after all! I'm gonna pick up some home testing stuff tonight. I do watch what I eat very carefully, and I improve my diet all the time; as a matter of fact, I have a new one that I started today and would like to share with everyone. Please feel free to comment.

    In any case, what should my HDL/LDL levels be at?
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  27. #27
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    any update? im thinking of a var only cycle also.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    any update? im thinking of a var only cycle also.
    no, nothing noticeable yet. I'll post up weight and pics this Sunday, but nothing has really kicked in yet.

  29. #29
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    Wow, I just found a pic of myself last summer. I was working a lot, so I didn't have time to work out, and all I did was drink beer. After the summer was over, I got on a natural cycle of protein powder and cardio. I went from 215 lbs and bf in the 20's (in the pic here) to the 200lbs 11% bf you see in the pic in my first post. Going natty does work! I did hit a plataue, however, in muscle gain and fat loss (I'm probably over-exaggerating that) that is why i'm doing this cycle.

    I'm the one assisting with the beer bong..check out the arms and the gut!

    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:03 PM.

  30. #30
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    Ok, well today is the end of week two. Honestly, no real noticeable results yet. I feel a little tighter, a little stronger, but definitely lazier and not as energetic. I went down about 5 lbs since day one, so right now I'm at 195lbs. I will start logging my workout weights tomorrow, this way I can measure progress in strength gains.

    Here are a couple of pictures I took today. This is day 14.
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:03 PM.

  31. #31
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    Judging by your pictures looks like you dropped a lil bf. Your chest looks more defined too. Keep going it'll only get better!

  32. #32
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    yea i can see a difference too, and for only 2 weeeks id say thats pretty good, without some type of steroid over 2 weeks there shouldnt be a noticeable difference, so id have to say they are doing their job, which is good cuase im gonna do a var only cycle also. chest looks alot bigger, i can see more definition in your ab region, and from the back the love handle area looks like its smoothed out alot more.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    yea i can see a difference too, and for only 2 weeeks id say thats pretty good, without some type of steroid over 2 weeks there shouldnt be a noticeable difference, so id have to say they are doing their job, which is good cuase im gonna do a var only cycle also. chest looks alot bigger, i can see more definition in your ab region, and from the back the love handle area looks like its smoothed out alot more.

    What he said. Your only taking 60mgs ed right?

  34. #34
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    when u say 60gm ED, what do u mean by "ED"? and from those pix after2 weeks, there should be a really good difference after 4 weeks, also, did u dramatically change your training ruteine for this cycle or is it pretty much the same?

  35. #35
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    I took 40 mg for the first 3 days, and then I've been taking 60 mg ED for the past 11 days. I will continue 60 mg ED for a total of 8 weeks, and then do 5 days of 40 mg.

    ED means "everyday".

    To be quite honest, I'm very surprised you guys can see a difference; I don't see shit! It's probably cause I look at myself in the mirror everyday, so unless it's a significant difference, I'm not going to notice it. I'm more excited now, since you told me it's working, it's going to push me to work even harder. We'll see where this cycle goes.

    Oh, and ray0414 I tried to email you back, it was blocked. If you have any questions, just pm me. By the way, I don't source check, so please don't ask me to do so!

  36. #36
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    yo momas house
    ya bro theres definitely a difference, not much but its there, you should take pics every week and keep track of your transformation

  37. #37
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    ok i PMed u back but i dont know how to check my messages, and btw why are u taking tribulus after your var cycle and not during?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    ok i PMed u back but i dont know how to check my messages, and btw why are u taking tribulus after your var cycle and not during?
    You're actually not PMing me, your sending an email. Everytime I try to respond to it, or PM you, it says you are not accepting them. I don't think you have PM set up on your account. See if you can mess around with it.

    In any case, the Tribilus is to elicit natural test production after the cycle, along with the Clomid. I don't think it's gonna do anything if i take during, since I'm already taking the Var.

  39. #39
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    i fixed it can recieve emails now.

  40. #40
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    Ok, so I ended week 3 yesterday, and today was the first day of week 4. I didn't take pics last night, but I will tonight. So far, I don't really notice anything drastic, again, but maybe I'm expecting too much. To be quite honest, I don't feel much stronger than normal. When I read the Anavar profiles on this site and others, it made it seem a lot different than what I'm experiencing.

    I'm back to 198lbs today, and I don't notice much fat loss. I'm wondering if I should up the dosage to 70mgs a day, which will cut the cycle to 6 weeks, or I should keep it at 60mgs for 8 weeks. Also, I'm considering lowering the calories and carbs to aid with the fat loss, I'm just afraid I will lose muscle mass.

    I kept data for weights, and I will post results also.

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