So I decided to do an Anavar-cycle. Mainly, I want to gain strength, power, and look better, all with adding as little weight as possible; hence the Var-only cycle. In any case, for those interested, I figured it might be helpfull to some if I post detailed progress data on a weekly basis, with pics, in the event any of you were wondering about results, saftey, and all the other stuff that comes with doing this. I will begin tommorrow.
The dosing will look like this
Week 1 (40 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 2 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 3 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 4 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 5 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 6 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 7 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 8 (60 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 9 (40 mg Var ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 10 (100 mg Clomid ED, 2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 11 (50 mg Clomid ED, 2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)
Week 12 (2500 mg Tribulus ED, N.O. Explode ED)
The Anavar will be split into 2 equal doses taken 8 hours apart.
The N.O. Explode is take to help with the pumps and strength gains.
Clomid and Tribulus will be taken for PCT.
My workout schedule will look something like this;
Monday (day: Chest and Tris, Evening: Boxing)
Tuesday (Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Legs)
Wednesday (Day: Rest, Evening: Boxing)
Thursday (Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Shoulders and Traps)
Friday(Morning: 30 min. Cardio, Day: Back and Bis)
Saturday (Day: Boxing/sparring)
Sunday (Rest)
As far as my diet, it's always been pretty clean. I'm going to keep this way, but up it to about 3000 calories, with plenty of protein. I will see how this works out, and adjust it accordingly.
As far as my stats, I'm 24, 5'11", 195 lbs, and about 13% bf (but i'm not really sure how accurate it is, it's a home testing thing..)
I will post pics in a few minutes. I will take them a little later today. I will be mostly updating this every Sunday with pics and any changes in weight/bf data. I don't really know what my 1 rep maxes are, but I'll post the weights I'm pushing on a weekly basis as well. Hopefully this will help some of you to determine if Anavar is the right AAS for you. By all means, questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed, and appreciated.