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  1. #1
    juicedpump is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002

    Wink I need advice and a cycle to start that fits my needs?

    whats up everyone i just joined this forum and i have alot of questions to ask. First off here are my stats i am 17 years old 6"1 175 pounds my bf% was 16% 3 months ao but think it went down a good amount since then. my current max is flat bench-260. i hve been lifting and working out consitently for about 7 months now 5 days a week. i hve gotten some pretty solid and good gains off creatine, andro, and th usual supplements that people take. the one problem that bothers me and that i have though is that i get my good gains and get to be a size, and then it just disapeers right after that, even when i am still on supplements. any suggestions or reasons. i eat very healthy and i take in on average about 300 grams of protein per day and it very clean most of the time.i am veryserious about working out and changing my physique but i naturally can not do it. i change my routines and lift hard but for some reason i lose my gains, ten sometimes regain them hen lose them again. it seems very odd but its very heartbreaking and depressing because i spend on average 10-12 hours at the gym each week. i was wondering if someone could make out a sample cycle for me that could cut me up, burn a little fat and also in the end of it have me go from like 175- to about 200-210 mark that would be great. sorry for the long post and thanks

  2. #2
    This Is Bench Day is offline Junior Member
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    juicedpump here's my advice to you

    I am a drug free lifter but about 4 years ago I was ready to do a cycle, I was 16 then. I weighed about 135 at 5'7. Long story short my parents found the gear about 2 weeks in.

    After several breaks from lifting -- I have been lifting for 6 months straight now and in that time I have gone from 140 to 165, naturally. There's no real trick.. just up your caloric intake and you'll grow.

    Aim to up your calories by 1000/day and you'll probably end up missing a day here or there and it'll even out to only a few hundred a day... but will still keep you growing. But aim for 1000 that's what I do.

    But definitely don't start thinking about a cycle at this point. It's a short term solution to a long term problem of getting bigger. I don't know how I can get this accross to you -- but at 17... you'll regret it afterward.. Wait a few years. Gain naturally.

    Yes natural gains come slower... but AS gains tend to disappear within 6 month after the cycle. The bottom line is you need to eat big in order to gain whether on cycle or not. Real big. So try eating big before you try AS. Then once you learn to eat big and you've gained another 30 lbs that way... then try AS. At 6'1 you could easily make it to 220 within the next 4 or 5 years and then a cycle will be much easier (you'll be living on your own and it won't effect the people around you as much) and more gratifying (you'll know you've reached your natural potential).
    Last edited by This Is Bench Day; 12-15-2002 at 07:43 PM.

  3. #3
    juicedpump is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002
    any advice to this would be appriciated. i need hlep in a 12-15 week lasting cycle like i said. i was thinking of deca ,sustanon ,dbol ,clomid,clenbuterol . i dont know though. if someone cold make me a sample cycle that would be good for me that would be great thanks alot peace

  4. #4
    juicedpump is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002
    This is bench day, thanks for the advice., i will stick with what you said but i dont want to gain alot of fat especialy in my stomach. i eat clean but i dont think i eat enough.if you cold make me a aily plan on what i should eat or atleast give me some tips that would be great thanks alot dude

  5. #5
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Even though you don't want to hear this... 17 is to young to take anabolics steroids ... Your body is already producing more then enough test to grow...

    All you need to do is lift heavy on the basic compund movements and eat a high protein high calorie diet and YOU WILL GROW... Save the juice for later when your gains have hit a wall and it's time to take it to the next level...

    PLus at 6'1" and only 175lbs you have alot of room left for natural growth...

  6. #6
    This Is Bench Day is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2002
    I'm glad you took my advice. I know I got the same advice not to do my cycle when I was your age -- but I didn't want to hear it. Trust me though, it's best not to get on that young... the other bros will back me up. Wait 'til you get out of highschool and you gain more experience lifting.

    The bottom line is that people who say they can't gain naturally -- just plain aren't trying hard enough to eat enough.

    Here's how I think of the nutrition of growth. There are two main factors -- and a lot of little factors that I won't discuss. The first factor is protein.... you say you're getting 300 grams of that, which is a good amount to aim for. The second is caloric intake -- this is very simple... if you take in less calories than you use up in a day... you're not gonna grow.

    My personal philosphy has been to get in those extra calories in whatever ways possible. And then when I start to get a little fat... I'll take a week or two off from big eating to lean up a little bit. This has meant keeping cookies in the kitchen at all times Making plenty of trips to Mcdonalds... Another thing... probably the best thing you can do is drink a gallon of milk a day.... seriously... my best gains have come in periods when I drink a gallon of milk a day. It's about 1600 calories and 128g of protein.

    The important thing is to have both factors there -- high protein. And higher than maintenance caloric intake -- and you WILL GROW. Hope that helps.

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