Attachment 151742
Early Morning dryer look.
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Attachment 151742
Early Morning dryer look.
Nothing new
I need to get more pics up, my bad guys. I mean half the point of logs is to SEE the results. Working on it. After three days off, feeling fresh and ready to roll. Monster chest workout today. Just added masteron as well. 100mgs EOD. I think I'm about 12-13% BF so let's see what it does. Throwing clen back in at low dose 60mcgs ED to lose a little bit more lard. Scale said 199.5 pounds today and I look less bloated in the face so I'm assuming its not water. Good old juicey juice ;)
Nothing new to report besides the masteron is being a bi*ch with the acne but deff noticing increased vascularity in 3 days and improved muscle density. I keep forgetting to take pictures but im nothing special so no worries.
Mast is cool shit for sure, just sucks the results pretty much vanish when you come off.
It's like final contest prep aid.
I'll b on it short enough. Same shit, but I'm thinking 50mg Qd just cause I don't like the volume of eod shots.
I am about to run a similar cycle but adding Proviron. Heard many good things about the tren/test cycle with this compound. BTW you're looking great keep it up bro.
Took the weekend off, going to go a bit heavier with less volume now so I wanted a nice CNS recovery from my usual high volume and moderate weight type lifts.
Middle of Week 7 one week on masteron. Currently 200 pounds. Seeing a little bit of the hardening effects already. Dont mind the clutter, my storage room has a much nicer mirror then mine.
Attachment 151010Attachment 151011
trying to hit 205 at current body composition at least. Shouldn't be too hard now that the test is finally working its magic. I'll get pic of back soon. I keep forgetting bc I got a busy schedule between work, eating, lifting, cooking, and.... shitting.
finally able to rep 315. Got it up for 6 today. My chest was always a dominant muscle but was never strong. Its gettin there.
Slight Diet Change
Morning 10AM
6 Servings Egg whites
3 XL egg yolks raw
1 and 1/2 cups oats
Meal 2 12:30PM
10 ozs Chicken w/ mustard
Brown Rice
Meal 3 3:30PM
Can of tuna
3 raw eggs
baked beans
Meal 4 PWO Shake ~5:45
65 grams whey
50 grams dextrose
12 ounces skim milk
Meal 5 7:00 PM
8 ounces of chicken breast
2 baked potatoes with salt and pepper
2 eggs
Same as meal 3
or chicken and bown rice
Meal 6 10:00PM (Sometimes I miss this and increase meal 6)
8ozs of tuna or chicken
1 serving of rice or another potato or fruits
Meal 7 Before Bed Around 12:00 AM
10-12 ounces of flank steak or salmon
1TBSP olive oil.
*Broccoli and spinach eating sporadically with meals
Training Split
Delts +traps
Repeat (legs on and off replaced by a second rest day when off)
arms day today, fck yeah.
Hammer Curls 2 warmups 1 working
Overhead Dumbbell Ext. 2 warmups 1 working
Preacher Curl 2 warmups one working
Skullcrushers w/ Smith machine " "
Lying Dumbell Curl (60 degree angle) " "
Pressdowns 1 giant set and 1 drop set
Barbell Curl Puff puff pass style*
*8 Reps pass to partner grab again fail, pass, grab and fail, pass, grab and fail, cry, pass.
lifts up an average of 10 pounds per exercise.
Cutting down the volume and using a gym buddy for forced reps and eccentrics on the working sets is magical.
U look the same pretty much from the start to the pics below, would have droped some bf before doing a mass phase would of seen more progress that way, get your diet in order as well seems to be off quite abit if your main purpose was to put some mass on, dont see much of a big dif from what u ran
I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. I dont like fruit and I have been eating more eggs and less whites lately. Carbs seem to be in the right spot since I've gained a little fat and not much. I'm think I'm stuck in a rut here at 203. Dont wanna push and pack on fat.
basically going to keep up the grind and post ending pictures in 2 weeks, nothing special to post about in the foreseeable future. Tren seems to have significant diminishing returns after week 6. Will keep that in mind for next time. I also have poor genetics as well so this was no easy task. I will try and see what is wrong with my diet. Protein is there and carbs are around 350 and tapered off towards evening. Fats about 100. I don't really give two shits about micros besides sodium and potassium. If they are that important the average person would be all sorts of fvcked up since last I checked anybody whom is not into lifting/fitness even counts their MACROS. I'm almost positive I was overdoing the training. Damaging the muscle excessively causing more time for repair and less for growth in between lifts, probably bc tren makes one feel like Thor. You live and learn.
getting past 205 (and maintaining an non fat boy look AKA below 15%) at 5'7 seems to be a task. Christ, dexter jackson was my height and was 220! (granted he was shredded). 30-40 pounds of lean muscle doesn't seem crazy difficult to attain if I became a walking pharmacy for 8 years using 5 times the dose of of a normal cycle and 5 times the drugs with extremely high HGH use and some slin implementation.
The Strength Continues...After new training implementation.
Arms 2 weeks ago vs now (Dorian Yates Blood and Guts training gets the cred and Marcus for posting the vid jogging my memory and inspiring this)
45lbs x 8 vs 55x 8 DB Hammers
45lbs x8 vs 55x10 DB Preachers
30lbs x 8 vs 40x9 Incline DB curls
Random exercise Dropset or RP
110lbs x 8 vs 120x10 Overhead DB extension
80lbs x 8 vs 90x12 Skullcrusher
90lbs x 8 vs 95x112 Pressdown
Random exercise Dropset or RP.
All exercises are preceded by a pyramided warmup weight of 2 sets and the final weight is done until failure and the followed by my gym partner assisting me on the concentric motion and then squeezing out any negatives I have left. So a total of 4 working sets per body part.
Might as well post more that I've logged
Same time frame as the above
Military Press 225x5 vs 225x10 (rest pause sometimes)
Side raises 40x8 40x13 (rest pause sometimes if the above wasn't done this way.)
Rear Delts *cannot really post I change up these several times.
Shrugs 405x7 vs 405x10
Front raises Drop set from 40lbs to 10lbs. hasn't changed much
Pullups 8 reps vs weighted with 25 pounds for 6
Row 225x6 225x10
Seated cable row 200x10 vs 240x8 (rest pause style)
T-bar row machine 90x10 115 x 10 Wide grip
Same thing for close grip but 2 more reps.
Pulldowns 120x8 vs 140x 8
Lat pullover (didn't track sorry) drop set.
all this over 2 and 1/2 weeks*****
rest day........aghhhh hate them. Necessary evil though.
beautiful sunday for some sun.
Attachment 151474
These eyes scared me... 0.0
Due to annoying persistent shoulder discomfort and promising logs and readings, I will be adding TB500 (thymosin beta 4) into my log at 4mg a week for 4 weeks and doing shoulder rehabilitation circuits starting friday. If it works I will add more for a maintenance phase. I really hope it does.
It is from ID not AR
weight at 204, but I gained some tummy chubby.
Just did back and got 15 pullups vs the usual 10-12.
Weighted Pullup w/25 lbs x 7
Bent Over Row 235x8 (Rest Pause)
Cable Row (Close grip) 260x8 (drop set)
Pulldowns 140x8 (nothing new here, shoulder pain preventing me from pushing it here and I suck at these)
T Bar Machine 115x8 (Wide Grip)
Wide Grip Row Machine (forgot the weight)
Shoulder Day
No pain except for DB presses, which sucked.
DB Press 95's x 9
Side Raise 45 x 9 R.P.
Front Raise 45 x 9 R.P.
Rear Rope Pull 50 x 10 D.S.
Shrug Machine 10 Plates x 8 R.P.
R.P. = rest pause
D.S. = drop set
After knocking down a wall and scraping paint off a ceiling for 5 hours today at work, it was time for legs......
Shoulder was very kind to me today, this is why I have clue wtf if wrong with it, considering I just did delts yesterday.
Did some squats today for the first time in 4 months after a lower back injury doing stiff leg deads followed by another injury doing leg press.
Numbers were nothing impressive on squats lols.
Leg Press
Quad extension
Hammy curls
Calve Raises seated and standing (very intense and heavy)
Never really go high intensity on legs nowadays being that my legs (not calves) are large enough to where dress pants don't look right and I need to buy shorts with a bigger waist then I have to fit into them comfortably. I have a very errr um condensesd lower body making my thighs big easily.
More of a maintenance and strength routine.
So the thymosin beta 4 came today, BUT they never said they shipped it or contacted me and did not charge my card.
I'm assuming this is because I made a new account to get 10% for a first time order and used an address that was already existing in their system.
They might have caught it and tried to cancel it but someone retard shipped it.
So today at lunch, before I got the package I replaced the order. F*CK!
So basically I got 8mgs free, but also paid for another 8mgs. I'm pissed as a motherfcker.
If they charge me again. I'm going to be very angry. They somehow managed to ship the order within 5 hours after placing it so I cannot cancel. I love life. However after checking my bank account 10 times there is no charge for my other order. Fingers crossed.
Whatever, first shot today along with HCG. Will see how it helps over the next 4 weeks and now probably 8.... this shit better work now lol.
first day of TB500 and pain is still present no surprise there.
However, I must admit that it does feel like someone put some WD40 in my shoulder. Feels smoother and less sticky. Nice.
We will see if there is a real difference on chest day tomorrow.
there was a noticeable pain decrease on my chest day. In particular flat bench. Lets say the pump actually over powered the pain in my shoulder.
This is 2 days later. Cant wait to see how my joint will turn out in another 26 days. Excited to say the least.
Well more thymosin came so now I have 32 mgs
Will do 6mgs/4mgs/4mgs/4mgs/4mgs/2mgs/2mgs/2mgs/2mgs/1mg/1mg split.
Did a 7 different shoulder rehab exercises today and there was really no pain at all. The cracking went from loud and sharp to dull and relatively pain free. Shoulder a bit sore from the exercises, but this stuff is very nice so far. Please note, my shoulder had not reached the point where it debilitating and I could not lift rather only a very annoying inconvenience that hurt during certain lifts more than others. Very damn pleased tho!
last 12 days on tren
Going to do carb cycling with a little TKD twist to shed a few pounds and then post pics the day or so of my last pin. Almost time to part ways with my favorite beast.
so I think I found one of the thing wrongs with my diet.
The GI index of carbs I thought to be complex.....
White potato has a very high GI meaning it gets absorbed into the blood stream very fast. Will be replacing that with something slower digesting sources like certain fruits or more goddamn brown rice.