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  1. #1
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    Tell me what you think so far

    Im 19 160 lbs 5'6" been hitting the weights hard for 3 months. Im natural neevr took anything besides n02 once but not no more because I didnt like it so just take a protien shake here and then. I have a good diet consuming about 3-4000 calories daliy. I saw a pic of a guy that has been working out for 5 yrs ina post and took sustanon 250 and he didnt gained nothing will that happen to me ive gain a noticeable amount but dont have privois pictures because of my comp crashed so lost my old pics.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tell me what you think so far-picture-9.jpg   Tell me what you think so far-picture-11.jpg   Tell me what you think so far-picture-10.jpg   Tell me what you think so far-picture-13.jpg  

  2. #2
    slizzut's Avatar
    slizzut is offline Senior Member
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    You have a nice base to work with. Keep hitting the weights hard, maintain a steady healthy and solid diet and you will see some good results over time. Good things come to those who wait.

  3. #3
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    the rest of my pics

    my goal is to get 185 lbs
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tell me what you think so far-picture-9-1-.jpg   Tell me what you think so far-picture-10-1-.jpg   Tell me what you think so far-picture-11-1-.jpg  

  4. #4
    Grappler_Mike is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    I saw a pic of a guy that has been working out for 5 yrs ina post and took sustanon 250 and he didnt gained nothing will that happen to me
    From all the info ive gathered from this board,ive come to realize one thing.
    You could be working out for 20 years but if your diet sucks your body wont look like you work out.

    Ever since reading this board and fixing my diet/sleep my arms went from 15 to 15.3 in like 5 weeks naturally.

  5. #5
    slizzut's Avatar
    slizzut is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler_Mike
    From all the info ive gathered from this board,ive come to realize one thing.
    You could be working out for 20 years but if your diet sucks your body wont look like you work out.

    Ever since reading this board and fixing my diet/sleep my arms went from 15 to 15.3 in like 5 weeks naturally.

    Diet is the most important part, for gaining and for cutting.

  6. #6
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    thanks a lot. Yea I think I have a good diet lots of water, tons of meat, rice, beans, but i eat tons and tons of meat my mom is getting mad that im taking this seriously because the bill for grocies cost a lot. I eat every 2 hrs and eat after work out to get my body some energy and food.

  7. #7
    NoobJuice's Avatar
    NoobJuice is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    Im 19 160 lbs 5'6" been hitting the weights hard for 3 months. Im natural neevr took anything besides n02 once but not no more because I didnt like it so just take a protien shake here and then. I have a good diet consuming about 3-4000 calories daliy. I saw a pic of a guy that has been working out for 5 yrs ina post and took sustanon 250 and he didnt gained nothing will that happen to me ive gain a noticeable amount but dont have privois pictures because of my comp crashed so lost my old pics.
    I have no idea how to read this. period

  8. #8
    WildOne's Avatar
    WildOne is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoobJuice
    I have no idea how to read this. period
    I laughed out loud!

  9. #9
    eacman65's Avatar
    eacman65 is offline Member
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    keep trainig hard you will get there

  10. #10
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    yea i know im a ****ty typer i just try to type fast and what ever is typed is whats type i dont go over it lol

  11. #11
    bad_man's Avatar
    bad_man is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    yea i know im a ****ty typer i just try to type fast and what ever is typed is whats type i dont go over it lol
    And I have the utmost confidence in our youth today!!!

  12. #12
    nynsb is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    my goal is to get 185 lbs
    185 could be a great goal but right now you are holding some chub in the belly area so make sure to keep your waist in check, otherwise you could look like a round chub.

  13. #13
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    good base.... keep eating!

  14. #14
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    ya train hard and consistent and you will see good results.. diet is key too .. make sure those 3-4000 calories your taking in are clean...

  15. #15
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    u need to focus more on nutrition bro...

  16. #16
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    thanks to u all. For my nutrition what would u recommend i eat all kinda os meat hamburgers steak chicken beans rice and so forth. and yea my stomach is not the best what should i do to tone it up more and suggestions? Also I work out as hard as I can with out of exceriseing myself bcause I have heart problems so I have to takew other percautions my cousin passed away 5 yrs ago formt he same heart condition i have at 19 and im 19 now so im just careful. let me know what i should do for my stomach? thanks a lot again

  17. #17
    slizzut's Avatar
    slizzut is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    thanks to u all. For my nutrition what would u recommend i eat all kinda os meat hamburgers steak chicken beans rice and so forth. and yea my stomach is not the best what should i do to tone it up more and suggestions? Also I work out as hard as I can with out of exceriseing myself bcause I have heart problems so I have to takew other percautions my cousin passed away 5 yrs ago formt he same heart condition i have at 19 and im 19 now so im just careful. let me know what i should do for my stomach? thanks a lot again

    Any diet questions you have, bring them to the diet forum and we'll help

  18. #18
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda954Stunter
    Im 19 160 lbs 5'6" been hitting the weights hard for 3 months. Im natural neevr took anything besides n02 once but not no more because I didnt like it so just take a protien shake here and then. I have a good diet consuming about 3-4000 calories daliy. I saw a pic of a guy that has been working out for 5 yrs ina post and took sustanon 250 and he didnt gained nothing will that happen to me ive gain a noticeable amount but dont have privois pictures because of my comp crashed so lost my old pics.
    5 ft 6"? At 19 you still have possibly as much as 4-5 more height growing years ahead of you, so if you gain 2 to 4 more inches, you might want to up your "wished for" weight beyond 185 lbs...

    Are you in your first 3 months of hard weight lifting? Its not unusual to have the "best muscle growth" of your life in the first 6 months of starting a weight training program. In fact when you first start lifting weights for the first time, you get growth that is as good as or better then you can get from a steroid cycle. You have shocked your body going from not lifting weights to that of lifting heavy weights, eventually your body figures out what is happening and adapts to your weight training program. Also your body tends to grow the minimum amount possible to do the job it needs to do.

    Anyways if you hit a brick wall, then dont loose faith and learn how to get around the brick wall and grow again. Steroids is something you should use as a LAST resort. Always examine your workout program, diet and other factors first.

  19. #19
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nynsb
    185 could be a great goal but right now you are holding some chub in the belly area so make sure to keep your waist in check, otherwise you could look like a round chub.
    Well but you cant bulk up and gain inches in the arms and pecs with 6 pack abs... you need calaries to grow... but then again... your advice is good too. In my case I gained up 45 lbs in the last 2 years but it wasnt all muscle... went from 7% body fat to as high as 21% but I think I was just starting a cycle when measured and had some puffy water bloat and creatine bloat going on at the time to inflate that percentage.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 07-13-2004 at 10:15 PM.

  20. #20
    Honda954Stunter is offline Junior Member
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    Yea i know i have chub, but its just because I eat like a mad man right now and tryignt o gains o I dont do that much cardio or abs work out right now once I gain ym desired weight im going to lean up and change my diet.

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