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  1. #1
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    I need to get bigger

    K I have been working out for about a year now.. Just starting to figure out my diet etc. I am 19 235 pounds at about 6'. I havn't done anything yet but I am seriously considering it. I am about to do 6 weeks of 1-TU hopefully that gives me a little more size..We recently attepted to do GVT but I found that it just didn't feel right and I actually lost size+strength.. This is my first week back after two weeks of strep throat, gonna hit 4 sets of 10 for most excersises! Sorry if these pics are a little different I was screwing around trying to make them unique and accidently saved over the orginals .... roast away boyz
    Last edited by needmorestrength; 08-20-2006 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    keep at it natural for a few more yrs bro, you got a lot of size keep up the good work!

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I can't see your physique, you are blocking 40% of your upper body w/your arms, and the camera stops atop your abs.

    Stand back, do a double bicep pose or something, and get the legs in the pic. All we can comment on is the face and forearms.


  4. #4
    Surferboy's Avatar
    Surferboy is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with keeping it natural. Push your body to it's natural limits first, and then if down the road you feel like you need to get over that natural plateau, you can look into something a little stronger. You will be glad you did in years to come.

  5. #5
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yea I wanna keep it natural for as long as possible.. dont mind doing the occasional 1-tu or 1-ad.. but yea I'll take some more pics.. havn't been working my legs much

  6. #6
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    havn't been working my legs much
    that struck me as funny, people that don't work out their legs always seem to get defensive about them....slap some weight on that bar and SQUAT baby!

  7. #7
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lol couldnt agree with you more bro.. had some lower back problems so I havn't trained legs or done dead lifts since march.. but its starting again!! Can't wait till they get some size.. unfortunatly during my time off legs I lost motivation to train calves so they lost size too! here's to hoping for some quick recovery!! why'd that strike you as funny Major? I got chicken legs can't hide it haha

  8. #8
    DOUGTM1SS is offline Associate Member
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    People who don't work their legs but do the rest remind me of FLAMINGOS.

  9. #9
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree.. But dont forget that people get injured.. and instead of taking 4 months off totally I kept at it on my upper body just not as intense.. But some people have nooo motivation to train legs.. most people who work out to get rid of fat, are mainly concerned with upper they dont bother.. To each their own I suppose? lol there a guy in my gym like 260 pounds and never trains legs.. yikes

  10. #10
    Mass Quest is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOUGTM1SS
    People who don't work their legs but do the rest remind me of FLAMINGOS.

  11. #11
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    I agree.. But dont forget that people get injured.. and instead of taking 4 months off totally I kept at it on my upper body just not as intense.. But some people have nooo motivation to train legs.. most people who work out to get rid of fat, are mainly concerned with upper they dont bother.. To each their own I suppose? lol there a guy in my gym like 260 pounds and never trains legs.. yikes
    Yeah bro, kudos to you for training upper body when you couldn't do legs. I was in leg immobilizers for 5 months awhile ago after double knee patellar tendon surgery, but my (__!__) was in the gym refining my upper body religiously. Now, I'm very happy that I did just that!


  12. #12
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Exactly.. I believe you got to train around injuries.. not quit.. It still give one a sence of self satisfaction! Is that you in the magazines Swolecat? cuz thats AWSOME!!! that sucks about your injury..knees and lower back are bitchy areas in the body!

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