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  1. #1
    finalzero's Avatar
    finalzero is offline New Member
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    New... my first post... I think

    Cool forum,

    Thought I would come back to have a look around after a year, lots of stacked people on here.. feel tiny now

    I have been for 5 years now, of which the past three years I have been training proper 5/6 times a week and just about to start my third cycle. Cycles have been tiny in comparison to most people but I find its safer that way and I am lucky enough not to get 90% of the side effects. Current stack is:

    Anabol Tabs = 350 6 every other day
    Testabol Enanthate (British Dragon) 200/250mg on Day 1 and 4
    Boldanon (British Dragon) 200/250mg on Day 3 and 7

    Cycle should last me about 14 to 18 weeks give or take.. I use the Anabol to come off the stack (works for me) by reducing the dosage each week and then spreading the intake to almost a week apart at which point I will go with some HCG to be on the safe side and if needed do Nolvadex every other day for 15 doses.

    I used a similar stack previously and on my first year of 'going on' except for the Bold I did Pakistani Sustanon for 12 weeks (this stuff is crazy!) - simple low doses that were spread apart far enough to keep things in check; results take longer but the last as my body has time to get used to the settings

    Got two pics, one is from last year where I weighed in around 193lbs, about four weeks after that photo I was completely shredded weighing in at 182lbs and had finished my second cycle four weeks previously (went from 5 years ago at 147lbs to 180/190lbs+ as in that photo).

    The other photo was taken in January of this year where I had been off any cycles for almost a year; I changed my diet as I had a fight a 1 month ago for which I needed to add on some extra pounds - went the safe way and just controlled my diet taking in more carbs and lowering my protein intake a little. Worked well as I did not retain too much bodyfat - I am around 210lbs in the second photo... right now I am edging towards 217lbs but ultimate goal is to hit 225lbs before the end of the year as I am going for my first competition so wish me luck

    Height is 5'11, no legs to show.. had a bad injury from my last MMA fight and my knee has not healed up since so leg training has suffered badly but I intend to get some physio work done to strengthen the damaged knee and tendons in my leg

    All critique welcome!

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    Last edited by finalzero; 05-03-2005 at 07:33 PM.

  2. #2
    clhp20's Avatar
    clhp20 is offline Member
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    Nice bro, I am also a fan of lower doses

  3. #3
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    you look pretty muscular. i would say ur chest could use a little better work. but overall pretty good.

  4. #4
    Klossus's Avatar
    Klossus is offline Associate Member
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    lookin nice man, def like the lower doses as well

  5. #5
    Jantzen4k's Avatar
    Jantzen4k is offline Anabolic Nittany Lion
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    looking good bro!


    any leg pics?

  6. #6
    Aboot's Avatar
    Aboot is offline Banned
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    Welcome to the board man. Looking good.

  7. #7
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome, you look nice and solid.

  8. #8
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building
    how old?

  9. #9
    finalzero's Avatar
    finalzero is offline New Member
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    Hi, thanks for the feedback.. yep chest has come a long way from the pics above, much more depth now (doing allot of dumbell pull-overs) and front delt development in tandem to the upper chest has really set off my upper body now (strange that... trained chest with everything but eventually it just started to respond..).

    I have old leg pic's, will need to dig them out (from when I was a much lower weight class) - as I mentioned my injury has really set me back, I have lost allot of size and development on my legs (still got definition) due to the injury.. have been trying to training my calfs and bits of legs here and there but need to see a physio before I do any serious damage.

    I should be ready for competition in November, I have three or four area's to work on and have plenty of time to get good symmetry and balance ready for competing.



    Oh, Age is 29 (January b'day).. I have been training in some form or another for over 12 years so it has helped with aging.. I think

  10. #10
    finalzero's Avatar
    finalzero is offline New Member
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    Will post back and arm pic's soon..

  11. #11
    finalzero's Avatar
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    Oldish pic of my back...

    Sorry no recent pictures to show of my back but the one included is of my back a year ago.. incidently back has always been one of my powerful muscle groups (next to shoulders) and I have always done giant workouts for back, my recent trip to the pit comprised of this:

    Chin-Ups - 4 sets x 8 to 10 reps each (wide grip)
    Lat Pull-Downs (front) - 6 sets x 8 - 10 reps (going up to 282lbs on the weight)
    Lat Pull-Downs (rear) - 3 sets x 8 to 10 reps (usually a set weight e.g 170lbs)
    Bent over Barbell Rows - 4 sets x 12 to 14 reps (maxing out at 270lbs)
    Close-Grip rows or T-Bar rows - 3 sets x 8 to 12 reps (maxing out at 282lbs)
    Close-Grip pull downs to chest - 3 sets x 8 to 12 reps (set weight e.g 170lbs)
    Rest and stretch for 3 to 5 minutes (I do complete stretches to promote good muscle growth)
    Preacher Curls or Arnie Curls (seated incline dumbell curls) - 4 sets x 8 to 12 reps (maxing out at 40 to 60lbs on dumbells)
    Rope pull ups or cable curls - 4 sets x 12 to 16 reps (set weight e.g 120lbs)

    Stretch and Warmdown..

    That routine usually takes me 1 hour to complete as long as I don't get chat to anyone - I generally do not rest for too long between sets as I like to do both power training and bodybuilding to help develop my stamina as well as muscles.

    I alternate the above after three weeks and either completely turn it upside down or replace certain excercise with say dumbell rows and seated machine rows (Hammer Strength etc), other times I simply cut down the number of excercises to keep things interesting.

    I am a hardcore believer of "Form Over Flattery" - simply meaning I don't go to the gym to chat or to spend some time or to show the people next to me how much I can hurl about, I go their to punish myself at the end of a long day having worked my socks off in the office.. I bust my guts out in the gym. My martial arts training really helped to keep me focused on form, I knew early on good form means great development and no injuries and its paid off, I can now bench 280lbs on my own without a spot in complete confidence that I can generate clean reps and control the whole set focusing on developing my chest rather than battling with the weight trying to control it.

    Well thats enough preaching, I know the hardcore boys will know what I am talking about

    Peace Out my Homies
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  12. #12
    finalzero's Avatar
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    mo pics mo pics mo pics...
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  13. #13
    finalzero's Avatar
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    I will be changing my diet soon in preperation for the competition in November and I just wanted to know if anyone had any tips?

    I have been told that I should cycle for 13 weeks before competition, not sure what this means, any ideas?

    I have been interested in Nitro tablets, are these really any good or just a waste of money?

    Thanks in advance,


  14. #14
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    I like the look you're carrying.

    Great shape...great development

    Your steroid use has me a bit baffled tho...especially the PCT part.

    Pay a visit to the steroid forum and we'll talk you tru your next cycle.

    Looking Solid tho Bro

    Nothing bad to say at all

  15. #15
    finalzero's Avatar
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    Cheers mate, thanks for the feedback.... I think I am too hard on myself most of the time.

    Allot of people have said to me your looking great, nice look etc but I try to keep my head down and just train - we already have too many gas heads in local gym who thing they are gods gift to bodybuidling (like anteriordeltoid... haha).

    I am after a certain look, I like the 80's look like what Arnie, Franco Columbo and Sergio had, very athletic compared to the raw mass the latest pro's carry - well most of em, Jay Cutler and Dexter Jackson are an exception in my book, both have great form.

    Haha, not sure what you mean by PCT.. my post cycle therapy has been okay so far, I have not had any gyno related incidents or the estrogen related issues like depression and lathargy.. I might be a little more tolerant than most people (not to say that I am immune, still need to keep things in check).

    I use Ginseng in Royal Jelly for my PCT, helps to get my body back on track after the shock of cycling and works wonders for me. I get my stuff imported from China (any good chinese herbal shop should do it), tastes like isht but works great (I normally do 1 month cycle of this stuff) as it restores your bodies own natural test levels and helps flush the body out of any toxins and normalize your body.

    The first time I tried HCG (I did one shot once a week for three shots) I found it to be very strong, by the second week I could feel the difference. I felt like I was on Pakistani Sustanon again(!) - probably due to my test levels returning to normal.

    I am only keeping HCG as a backup, if I feel I am okay (and my doc checks me out to be fine) then I will not use it but I will do the Nolvadex cycle to make sure my body is okay after coming off from the cycle.

    P.s any diet info would be great, here is my current training shcedule:

    Monday: Chest + Triceps or Biceps
    Tuesday: Heavy Pull Overs + Biceps or Triceps
    Wednesday: Legs (deep squats, heavy squats, presses, extensions, ham curls etc)
    Thursday: Shoulders + Triceps
    Friday: Back + Biceps + optional incline or decline bench presses


    Monday to Friday I pretty much have eat the folloing:

    AM: Fuel food (Mashed potato, two or three eggs, baked beans + toast)
    Mid-AM: Jacket Potato plus Protein shake
    Lunch: Egg Fried Rice + Chicken or Roasted Chiken (no seasoning, just olive oil) + baked potatoes (I call this the Ronnie Coleman stack )
    Mid-Afternoon: Fruit Salad or Tuna Salad + Fruit
    Afternoon: Jacket Potao, Salmon/Tuna + Protein shake
    Evening: Carb Fuel or half a protein shake
    Training At the gym -->
    Eveining Meal: normal healthy meal

    The above is my stack diet, when I am coming off carbs I just replace the carbs above with smaller quantities of protein based food like tuna/salmon salads etc. Also a good trick I use is to eat smaller amounts but more often so in between the major meals I will have things like fruit, sandwiches etc so I am never full or hungry, that way when its meal time I can have a normal size meal and then keep eating small (and healthy) to the next meal.



  16. #16
    finalzero's Avatar
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    New pics, just finished my final course for a while... did 8 weeks of boldenon, reacted really good to this, got allot of muscle hardness and am starting to ripp very quicly now so should come out good once I complete my cardio cycle for the next couple of weeks.

    Also easing of Anabol (helps me come off the cycle) so I don't crash from the bold and enanthate . Got Nolvadex for my PCT and HCG ready incase I need it; overall I am very happy with the results.

    Not made any major gains in weight but ended up with more muscle maturity and better looking physique - as a bonus I have retained my average weight of 205 pounds so very pleased with this (right now I am hovering on 215 pounds but I am aiming to shred down to 198 and retain my development).

    Here is a post from a few days back after donig a shoulder workout... Wheels are coming back finally, got the all clear from the dock but I am not allowed to do heavy squats or presses (basically anything that puts compression on the knee joint) as I could end up with water under my knee caps and then I am well and truely f****d. I am slowly building up my form again on legs (I was pushing close to 215kg squats before the injury.. without a spot), right now doing ham strings, extensions, cable work to stengthen the knee joint and then I will slowly push the weight until I am confident again.

    Injury really knocked my back, lost confidence and it affected my other routines as well... (hmm, thats a subject for a new post!).

    More pics to come soon... hopefully of my legs!

    Last edited by finalzero; 06-09-2005 at 03:44 PM.

  17. #17
    finalzero's Avatar
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    Big delts
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    Last edited by finalzero; 06-09-2005 at 03:48 PM.

  18. #18
    finalzero's Avatar
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    Some pics of me about 3 weeks ago while I was on cycle:
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    Last edited by finalzero; 06-09-2005 at 03:46 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Looking good, keep up the hard work.

  20. #20
    finalzero's Avatar
    finalzero is offline New Member
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    Thanks dude,

    This forum has been an inspiration for me during the difficult times. Not sure which direction to go in now, I have two options, try and reach 240llbs body weight or stay where I am now at 212llbs.

    I will be starting my cutting diet soon and will mix in allot of cardio as well to rip up fast, worked in previously but I ended up loosing quite a few pounds in the process (looked good though).

    I can either cut right up ready for competition in November or give the comp a miss and add on some more lean muscle weight.

    What do you guys reckon?


  21. #21
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Excellent work bro.

    Your looking nice and lean the only thing i think u could use some work on is the bottom portion of your finger looks a little lagging. What i meant is it should be a little more cut.
    But other then that great work bro keep it up....

  22. #22
    devil1's Avatar
    devil1 is offline Jacked Jarhead
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    lookin good bro

  23. #23
    Jase's Avatar
    Jase is offline Associate Member
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    Looking good bud, nice to see some one with such a nice out look on the sport-good attitude.


  24. #24
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    $hit hot man good thick muscles, like the training shots

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