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  1. #41
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Decoder
    why are you on Prednisone, I am also on it.
    I had an analyphlactic (sp?) reaction to something - the severity was similar to what happens when people can get killed from a bee sting. The problem is - I don't know my bee sting. And it may result in it happening to me again to figure it out - or it may be something rare I came in contact (most likely injested) with in another country.

    Prednisone was used as an anti-inflamatory to keep my throat from swelling shut and all around swelling (looked like I went 10 rounds with Tyson). Also was on Benedryl, Morphine, Tortle, and my favorite... Epiniphrene... talk about running a marathon while lying down - there were a few times I said, "Yo - my heart feels like it is about to explode... can we skip this one?" I was at my all time best - all natural prior to that little cocktail and poor diet at the same time - didn't even really eat the first week. But today, about a year later... I am about 40lbs heavier than I was then

    If you are on Prednisone - get off. It is a Cortico Steroid that will make you very hungry and raise cortisol levels - bad combo. When I got back to the gym, I was very shaky and lost a lot of strength. Not sure why YOU are on it - but if you are not in urgent care, there must be better options for you than cortico steroids .

  2. #42
    pumpseeker's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Warrior
    This is my current split for evening resistance training - I have been using it about 6 weeks now but finally began writing everything down last week. I have made my best gains the last few years when on this split, especially when keeping good records of my workouts :

    A = GVT (2-3 days rest for small bodyparts, 3-4 for large), B=POF (3-4 days rest for small, 4-5 for large), C=Holistic (4-5 days rest for small, 5-6 for large).

    Worked in something like this:

    Chest: A, B, A, C, repeat
    Back: A, B, A, C, repeat
    Delts: A, B, C repeat
    Biceps: A, B, C repeat
    Triceps: A, B, A, C, repeat
    Calves: A, B, A, C, repeat
    Quads: B, B, C, repeat
    Hams: A repeated
    Abs: B, B, C, repeat

    Currently prioritzing Delts and Biceps.

    A) GVT = German Volume Training. 10 sets of 10 reps, flat pyramid, 60 second RI's. For strength and hypertrophy.

    B) POF = Positions of Flexion. Basically what 90 percent of the people in the gym try andd do. For limit strength.

    C) Holistic = 1) Power Movement (4-5 reps), 2) Rythmic Movement (12-15 reps), 3) Holistic (40 reps). Done non stop - on big Giant set. Extreme intensity. An example of Delt day was using 1) Hammer Front Press (4-5 reps), 2) Standing Side Laterals (12-15 reps), and 3) Upright rows (40 reps). Like I said, you go non stop from exercise to exercise - not necessarily ever needing a spot (unless safety is an issue) but dropping weight as you get fatiqued. Last Holistic Delt workout I did this: 1,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3,1. Took about 20 minutes from start to end. Talk about a pump! If you are familiar with Power Factor Training, this scores a really high Power Index. Great for hypertrophy - not necessarily strength. You switch from fast-twitch, to slow-twitch, to fast-twitch, to slow-twitch, ... This can easily overtrain an Intermediate or Beginnner - just on CNS involvement alone. And you can see why this gets the most rest days You can work out hard - or you can work out long... can't do both.
    Jesus man! Read alot? I thought I did.

  3. #43
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pumpseeker

    Jesus man! Read alot? I thought I did.
    Call it a hobby

  4. #44
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    139 difference. really no difference. in the coloured pics the bodyfat looks a bit higher.

  5. #45
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    It is hard to tell a noticable difference bro What I suggest is to take multiple poses including standing relaxed but looking good anyway bro keep up your hard work man!!!!!!

  6. #46
    Decoder's Avatar
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    I have no choice because of my medical problem i have been on Prednisone 60mg for 3 months now my cheeks are really big i cant stand it. I am tapering down to 35mg one more month and i can get off it, my body fat has risen since i been on prednisone. How long did it take for the swelling in your cheek's to go down once off prednisone? Btw looked at your pics i can't see a notable difference in size. Could be cause of the angel the picture was taken or something. Not saying you didn't gain any, i just can't tell by that pic. Take more.

  7. #47
    Dan3814's Avatar
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    Bro, not to flame you but people are quick to tell you what you want to hear on this board..Those pics look just about the same except one is color and one is not...2 months and all that juice i would expect to see much more progress... IMO, you could have reached those gains of creatine... Try using some ripped fuel,it always worked for me...

  8. #48
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Well... it's like trying to convince me I have 9 fingers when I use and see all ten everyday. I have made lots of progress in the last 5 months... and in the two month span in those pics.

    And Dan3814, brah... you say "all that juice" - you act like I pigged out on my first cyle I basically just ran some Deca and Equipoise . And at very reasonable dosages... with a Deca frontload. And yes, I am familiar with Creatine - but right now I am playin' with da kine gear.

    Anyway - I will be doing what Decoder said and take new pics - at some new poses... some a little closer in. Maybe holding on to something to show some size - like a quarter next to my arms for Pete to compare with. An try and eliminate some hard flash - but I shoot with film (I'll be sure to buy color film again) and it has a hard flash indoors. I will try bouncing the flash more off the ceiling or something... to show more natural lighting.

    But I will get some new pics this weekend. I am on my last 6 days of Tren /Prop (75/50 ED) after running it for 40 days. After that I switch to Tren/Win (75/50 ED) and will run Clomid 50mg EOD during. The Tren/Win will last another 40 days - then I am off for awhile... maybe jump back on that Creatine stuff for awhile

    So my next pics will be after about 40 days on my first heavy androgenic stack. I even shaved the hair patch on my chest off... and cleaned up some stranglers on my arms. All measurements are up - especially quads, as of 1 FEB they are up 2 inches to 29 from 27... bodyweight - 262.4lbs. Even with all the extra cardio and strict dieting - I am up. Probaby from the estrogen conversion in the Prop - but I am leaning up alot regardless of extra bodyweight. Which is a feat holding this much weight. Next up - Tren/Win...

    BTW - Decoder, I was on heavy IV drip for a few then PO form at 60mg... then did the weening off thing. Once I was down to like 5 or 10mg per day in outpatient - I threw the shit away... and even though the doc said it could be fatal because my body won't be fully adjusted to producing Cortisol naturally... I thought - how bad could that be?

  9. #49
    Warrior's Avatar
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    BTW - this thread has severely aggrevated my muscle dysmorphia syndrome...

  10. #50
    Dan3814's Avatar
    Dan3814 is offline Junior Member
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    Bro, you look thick... I said those pic look similar but they are still both swole up...When you get ripped your going to be a bad ass Mofo...

  11. #51
    Decoder's Avatar
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    I'm down to 20mg's a day now can't wait to get off.

  12. #52
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Warrior, War dog... Listen your 6' I'm 5-11. I can tell you from experience you will be the one noticing the most changes and then boom one day somebody will be like G*d dame nice work... Me at 245 didn't even have the separation in my chest that you do at 250. I can tell your leaning, and I can only say If I could train you, I would make sure you lost the fat slowly so you could come out with the largest possibly muscle mass. Just me spitting but I gained around 35lb in less than 6months on my second cycle and I wish I could have matured with that weight cause dropping it too fast, I still have a complex about my body, I feel I look like a spider, large body... lean long extremities. You’re doing well, and if you aren't going back to the Marines then use this whole year to mature your muscle mass... I think the hardest part is where you are. Yeah you could lean drastic but lose body composition and be disproportionate. Or lean slowly and mature your muscle mass to a 235-240 solid...good luck bro...I know which ever way you go you'll be able to stay solid. And I'm not saying you'll suffer the same loss in body composition as I did. Just keep your head in a hole and train...

  13. #53
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Right on mmaximus25 - I am getting a lot more of those... "What supplements are you taking" questions in the gym lately. Ummm... Multi Vitamin, Vitamin C and a shit load of Myoplexes in between meals I'll post more progress pics this weekend... I am hovering at about 261-262 lbs. Up 10lbs in a little over 30 days while calories have been clean and restricted.

  14. #54
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Well here are the last few months all together. The Feb shot is from today (guess I got a new avatar to make again now ). The quad angle sucks - but oh well, thighs are up 2 inches and total boyweight is now 261lbs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cutting from 251-octtofeb001.jpg  
    Last edited by Warrior; 02-09-2003 at 09:55 PM.

  15. #55
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Entire upperbody looks larger, (chest, delts, arms, shoulders)
    Also more definition, Leg's however look the same

  16. #56
    BrLifter17 is offline Junior Member
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    Wow, with that newest pic now you just look freaky massive, especially through the shoulders and chest. Big change.

  17. #57
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Decoder
    Entire upperbody looks larger, (chest, delts, arms, shoulders)
    Also more definition, Leg's however look the same
    I agree. Quads have improved quite a bit (2 inches in size and much added strength) but I twisted my leg straight on with the lens this time (doh!)... in fact the whole pose was pretty twisted. I wish I would have opened up a little more. Errr... I hit the shutter then run into the frame before the timer goes off - I need a digital camera. Shooting yourself on film isn't the easiest thing to do, then go process... scan it in... digital cameras - you can just shoot and reshoot all ya want...

    But anyway - I got some more that turned out good. I actually cut half body off in most of them

    Thanks Decoder... I plan on leaning up more on my upcoming Tren /Win... get rid of more of that abdominal garbaaaage... deffinitly keeping muscle while leaning out though. Shit... I gained weight while leaning out Gotta love it...

  18. #58
    Decoder's Avatar
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    well 2 inch's would be hard to see by a picture posted on a website, anyways keep it up ,I suggest hitting lat's hard as possible before this cycle is done. I start my cycle next weekend.

    I expect to hit the 240's when done around 14% bf, your still bigger than me.
    Last edited by Decoder; 02-09-2003 at 10:20 PM.

  19. #59
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BrLifter17
    Wow, with that newest pic now you just look freaky massive, especially through the shoulders and chest. Big change.
    Thanks - I got shoulders to were I am satisfied. I think I will prioritize Triceps with Biceps for now on... I really want my arms to hit 20". I also want to work on my calves more... sorry no pics there. Maybe next time - in March

  20. #60
    tolinka's Avatar
    tolinka is offline Senior Member
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    Yo' you look great man, i yur chest looks alot bigger on the feb pic then the other two.... good luck!

  21. #61
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Today ends Tren /Prop and begins Tren/Win. Also beginning liquid Clomid in Grapefruit juice at 50mg every other morning to help post cycle recovery be easier. 40 more days to go...

  22. #62
    sd11's Avatar
    sd11 is offline Banned
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    Looking thick bro! Good luck with the tren and winny.

  23. #63
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Follow up for this is in Member's Cycle Results. Thought I would start fresh... From Bulking to Mid-Cutting Progress

  24. #64
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    you're carrying a lot of size bro. Looking thick and strong as hell. Good luck with everything

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