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  1. #1
    cpjones13 is offline New Member
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    Question Finally ready to give 100%

    Whats up everyone! I've heard nothing but great things about the help you people give to rookies. I am 6'5" and 230 lbs.. My body is in decent physical shape except for my love handles and beer gut! I have never worked out in a gym for longer than 3 months because my motivation doesn't stay up! I really want to stand out though. At my size, if I could bulk up and get some definition, I think I would look phenomenal! I am having a hard time deciphering all of the supplements I should take, my caloric intake, what kind of regimen, etc. Any help would be immensely appreciated!!

    Thanks alot for your time!


  2. #2
    xtremesport14's Avatar
    xtremesport14 is offline Associate Member
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    thread is a little vague post a pic,your workout routine,diet,and exactly what your looking for as supplements. I assume your not looking for gear if you have never worked out longer than 3 months straight. Go with the 3 Glutamine,Protein,creatine. could gain a good 10lbs just with that if you work hard and eat right!

  3. #3
    fyerstarter's Avatar
    fyerstarter is offline New Member
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    Re: Finally ready to give 100%

    Originally posted by cpjones13
    I have never worked out in a gym for longer than 3 months because my motivation doesn't stay up!
    Months 3-6 are pretty damn hard. I, like you, started working out for about 7 years. Each time starting around January (new years resolutions of course) and ending in March or April. Finally about 2 years ago I decided to quick screwing around and stick with it. I found that after month 6 it's cake. Going to the gym is no longer a hassle it's enjoyable. I look forward to days I get to work out. Sometimes on my off days I wish I could be in the gym by I restrain because I know my body needs time to recuperate. So just aim for that 6 month mark and if by that time you don't love what you are doing and your results then you must be doing something wrong.

    As far as training regimen goes there are lots of different approaches. I personally subscribe to the High Intensity low volume training method popularized by Mike Mentzer. The basic idea is to train your muscles very intensely using only a single set to failure, and then rest several days (4-7) to allow your body to recuperate and regrow before returning to the gym. I'm sure this is bound to spark a debate, many people swear by it. Others think it's a load of crap. I personally have seen great results. I would recommend reading the book <i>High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way</i> if you are interested in learning more.

    If you plan on staying natural I would warn against tailoring your workout or eating habits to match those of someone who uses AAS or Prohormones. These help your body to recuperate a lot faster and to utilize calories more efficiently to build muscle without storing excess fat. If you are natural and you follow the workout and diet plan of Ronnie Coleman to the "T" you are likely to end up fat and overtrained, rather than ripped and muscular like him.

    Here are a few nutrition basics to start with. There are a lot of others on this board more knowledgable of nutrition than me. Check out the diet help section.

    First you need to figure your maintanance level of calories (where you neither gain no lose). Once you got that eat 300-500 above to gain weight or "bulk", eat 300-500 below that to lose or "cut". A popular approach is to cycle bulking and cutting in about 3 month intervals. The idea being that first you add muscle and fat, then try to strip the fat and retain the muscle, then repeat.

    Protein: 1gram or more per pound of bodyweight (good sources include eggs, meat, fish, fowl, and dairy products).
    Fat: approx 15-20% of total calories (prefferably from good natural sources such as flax seed oil, olive oil, natural peanut butter, nuts, seeds, etc.)
    Carbs: The remainder of your diet (carbs should be complex carbs such as oats, potatoes, rice, or fibrous green veggies). Stay away from sugar and simple carbs.
    Last edited by fyerstarter; 06-22-2003 at 01:21 AM.

  4. #4
    tdzzii72 is offline Associate Member
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    need more stats

  5. #5
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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    Bodybuilding is an awesome sport..if you put your heart into it you will get much satisfaction! They always say that Rome wasnt built in a day..and this is true so i would say do measurement on all your body parts such as waist,arm,leg,etc...this can be a great moto. thing..say you lift for that 3 months and your arms are 15 in. at the beginning and now they are 15 1/4..there you go..and maybe you waist is 1 inch smaller...give it time...and is the key..TRUST ME! Good Luck!

  6. #6
    cpjones13 is offline New Member
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    Clearwater, Fl.

    Thank you so much for the help! I'm getting started this week and am going to go 3 days a week so as not to burn myself out! The hard part is eating right...I'm so used to eating what I want, when I want that it will be a shock to set up 5-6 meals a day! I had my BF measured and it is at 22.5%....I just look like a big guy with some flab in my mid-section! I will have a pic or 2 posted tomorrow. Again, thanks for the help!!


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