Here`s my friend from my gym what do you guys think, natty or not ? Btw it was arms day
PS i have his permission
Here`s my friend from my gym what do you guys think, natty or not ? Btw it was arms day
PS i have his permission
I think he could be natty.
Chances are he is not because most kids have done some prohormones or SARMs or such.
However, if he were 9% bodyfat and that size versus his approximately 13%? Bodyfat then I would say he is on juice.
6 years of lifting no stop? If so, Im assuming natty.
Looks a little soft IMO. Big for sure though and if natty great job,if not ,then not so great job (based on looks)
I see decent mid and lower chest, no upper chest. Nice shoulders and back. Besides that u sure why but his arms look weird. Like it's a veiny cylinder with no curves or muscle bellies ..
Full naty benched 150kgs 6 reps last week
ok..they aren't that big. Considering I haven't trained in the 2 years prior to,6months ago. And 2 years ago when I started. I only lifted for a year roughly and prior to that I haven't trained since high school and the marines roughly 10+ years ago. With that said lol I don't think they are my weak point. Natural
Attachment 168109pardon my massive obliques popping and building out .makaes me look like I got the beer belly lol . I'm just a beginner. No where near yalls level
Last edited by Marsoc; 03-05-2017 at 05:10 PM.
Look good Devil dog!
I'd say natty but who knows he could be juicing and just not optimizing his cycles, he still has some underdeveloped muscle, good back, arms seem to hold water or fat being that there isn't much definition but good mass and his chest is a little underdeveloped but at his age he's got a great base and a good physique, better than most dudes in the gym .
Clydesdale Arnold peaks on my outside bicep are coming in from hammers and inside/closed DB curls. Always had more meat on the inner head from wide barbell curls. I can't show those yet..peep show closed till I advance
Thanks fellas, just catching up is all
Lol. I tapped them back with gorilla tape a few years back and it will hurt to much to un tuck them .jk
I just don't want to be dependant on compounds after my first cycle , especially if I keep lowering my natural system whI h fucking up my natural is the biggest concern . Maybe when all else fails and my levels are degraded I may. Then again I'm spur of the moment guy and May Say fuck it and start randomly. I'm seeing decent , slow but results I can retain wth diet and training. I want to see where that takes me if I strip some bf down after I build some muscle up but keep it clean and lean while i pack muscle I think I'll be good. i don't want to think I can only achieve great physical and mental feats with juice. Didn't you ever see the movie gataka ? That's where I'm coming from lol. I'd really like to start. But my hold up and i know I shouldn't be in the fence either do it or don't.
Last edited by Marsoc; 03-06-2017 at 05:57 PM.
It will be like vandalizing a solid marble statue of a Greek god if I ,eww this system up
Dude I can say this in all honesty (only bw in a few weeks will tell for sure) but prior to all and any steroids, I got my test checked in 3/2016 it was 384, then I got it checked again in 5/2016 it was 424, very low for a 32 year old man.
I got a half assed attempt at trt by doctor 1x month 200mg shot of cyp. Got one in July, one in august. I said f this, I was told to do a light pct, and stop fake ass trt.
So my reasoning was, "I got pct in place, and a bottle of Watson cyp. If I'm shut down and need these pct drugs to restart, might as well make the shut down worth it." So I grabbed a few more vials from a ugl and ran a cycle.
Did the 500 per week thing, increasing to 600 at half way.
Now this is were I'm trying to make my point. During and after pct from that cycle, I feel/felt better than I ever have in all my life. I think I had opiate induced adrenal fatigue syndrome, from my 15 years of alcohol, pills, and heroin use.
I think the pct after cycle restarted me better than I was before cycle. I sure feel that way at least. Without being nasty, I have more solid erections than I did in 10 years, ejaculate volume soakes two squares of paper towels like cleaning up spilled water. I can have multiple orgasm and keep going during sex.
Afaik, I'm better after cycle and pct than I was before.
Only bw will tell, I'm scheduled for that in 4.5 weeks. That will be 6 weeks after pct finished
Looks natty to me, should cut some bf and would be in very good shape !
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