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  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    Exclamation A challenge to AR Members: Give Blood

    I'm on my way to give blood and I think everyone else should do the same. There are no excuses not to help out at a time like this.
    I know you aren't afraid of needles, so don't even try that excuse.

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    LOL good point

    Yes guys please help out - I have just heard that the potential death count is NO LESS than 10,000 but that the world trade center buildings on a normal day accumulatively hold 50,000 people in them so who knows where the death count will fall when all is said and done - those that have not died would really be able to use some help. I will be giving blood this afternoon. If you are sitting at your desk reading this thinking to yourself how sad this is and how you just don't have the time or energy to give blood or whatever excuse you are giving yourself, STOP. Stop pretending you care and just do it. Because I promise you - if Manhattan were your hometown and that was you in a hospital bed in need of blood - you would be wishing to god that there were people out there with more motivation than you had now. Make a difference guys - go help out however you can.


  3. #3
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'd go donate but if you're using gear they won't take it.

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    thats not true - what are you taking?

  5. #5
    Bert2's Avatar
    Bert2 is offline Female Member
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    First off, I would like to say how sickened I am by this horrific event. I have spent my day contacting our employees travelling in the US on business to confirm their whereabouts, etc. The gym that Pete and I go to has been turned into an emergency shelter for all those that have landed at our local airport. So far only 3 have been deboarded and there are at least another 40 planes to go.

    As for giving blood, I don't know about in the US, but here in Canada, they won't accept your blood if you've taken illegal drugs or have had sexual intercourse with someone who is/has taken them. (I think within the last year)

    God bless all those that we lost today.


  6. #6
    landshark's Avatar
    landshark is offline Associate Member
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    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    OK guys,got off my lazy ass, and this computer, and gave my share. Tell you what though, if I had to juice IV instead of IM, I'd stick to d-bols and winny
    Least I could do though, well worth it.

  7. #7
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    I went to red cross about noon and donated. It was busy. Just a little heads up. I think you can make apointments but Im not sure.

  8. #8
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Mike
    thats not true - what are you taking?
    T200 and d-bol. I'm pretty sure they have a questionnaire that asks that here in Canada.

  9. #9
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the lines are so long here that they've started to send people home. i say we level the whole goddam middle east. 10,000 people dead? fuck that. someone's gotta pay

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    oh ok I apologize nathan didnt know you were in canada

    Thank you guys very much for donating you're big men for doing so - was funny I was donating this afternoon and was chatting it up with the nurse bout the gauge of the needle etc. she asked what I did for a living cause she wondered why I knew so much bout neeles - I told her "computers" and walked away LOL

    Just found out my Uncle was working in the Pentagon today when the plane hit....

  11. #11
    ptbyjason Guest
    Mike, was he in that part of the building? I know because the way it is built most of it wasn't affected.

    Hard message to respond to due to the seriousness/fun of that post. I would have loved to see the response on her face when you said that. LMAO

  12. #12
    r6guy is offline New Member
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    I was thinking about giving blood but what about the Sus, dbol , and deca in my system? Heh. Well maybe that'll help some ppl.

  13. #13
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Well it is a sad day for everyone. Everybody needs to help out in everyway they can. My sympathies for those of you who's families were hit by this diaster. Hope your uncle is ok Mike. I say bomb em all! But that is why I am not president I guess.

  14. #14
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Mike
    oh ok I apologize nathan didnt know you were in canada

    Thank you guys very much for donating you're big men for doing so - was funny I was donating this afternoon and was chatting it up with the nurse bout the gauge of the needle etc. she asked what I did for a living cause she wondered why I knew so much bout neeles - I told her "computers" and walked away LOL

    Just found out my Uncle was working in the Pentagon today when the plane hit....
    No prob Mike. Just try to remember that I'm NEVER wrong. Ever. Please don't ever quote me on anything as this statement is not legally binding.

  15. #15
    Mike Guest
    But you said......oh nevermind

    Dont know - havent heard from my uncle yet - but yes they way it is set up its possible to have been in one side and not even know a plane hit it - so he may be alright

  16. #16
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Keep us posted Mike..

  17. #17
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i had a similar exipirience to mike today. she asked if i get light headed around needles. i told i would do it myself if she wanted. she declined, but i know i could have done it better

  18. #18
    CYCLEON Guest
    I am on a haevy crystal DNP cycle - dont think they want that actually and too dangerous for me. - Id like to give it tho - I had several friends in that building.

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