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Thread: Sore again?

  1. #1
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Sore again?

    I have been hitting the gym consistently(5days a week) for months now and still get sore? I have been familiar with working out for years! Is it due to my age that I can possibly get a little sore every time i work out? same muscle group twice a week, now just a little sore, not like after a layoff and getting back to it. I know getting a little muscle sore means you have really activated the muscle building/growing experience in short. My job is physically demanding, climbing/lifting, but work and working out is a whole different beast, always has been. Anybody have any suggestions, I'm all ears :-)

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Not sure of your situation, but if you haven't taken labs, then get a complete panel taken to make sure everything is in working order.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Sounds like you are doing the right things to me if you were not sore from your other physical activities. You can also just take an aspirin a day or some type of NSAID a day to see if that helps. Make sure you are getting plenty of water intake.

  4. #4
    John Andrew's Avatar
    John Andrew is offline Member
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    After 32 years I know that the only times I do not feel sore are when I stop training for any period. Then I get real pain cos I am too old, arthritic, and too many injuries! I then have to hit the weights to go go back to a good soreness that show me i have been working right! Note! I mean soreness after, not some immediate pain that shows injury. ANY ABNORMAL Severe Pain and I am off to hospital. Lets be honest, I am closer to 60 than 50, my body cannot recover as easily, I must warm up more, I must be more careful. BUT still I am slowly getting closer to my goals. Aspirin can work!

    This is not an easy lifestyle, I would just rather have the pain of effort and growth and a positive lifestyle than the pains that come from "normal" lifestyles. Good luck. John

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    tks for the imput

  6. #6
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Iron, didnt see your age but assumming over 40. Im 44 go 5 days a week, and yes as yrs go on I seem to be sore as well. God forbid taking a extended layoff. One thing that has helped me a bit is stretching more. Im not flexible and always felt this a waste of time but I couldnt even imagine jumping right on the BP without stretching good and slowly working up in weight. Other than that, Ibuprohin has become my good freind!

  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I usually take alieve, and I have always been into stretching, but now I always warm up on the elliptical or treadmill first. I think I may train to intense sometimes and have a tendency to over do it.

  8. #8
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I'm 38, but have been doing ironwork for 15yrs and its been rough. us older guys gotta stick together

  9. #9
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    ironbeck, I understand what your saying about pain being different than extended layoff pain, am I right in thinking you've been feeling pretty good so have been intense but at the same time keeping volume up?[all muscle groups 2xweek] let us know, also vettes right ,a male panel would be an excellent tool to see where you are. before this last 5 month run at the gym were you in layoff mode?

  10. #10
    kolaking's Avatar
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    Thats normal for me as I've always gotten sore after most every workout even in my 20's. I like the way it feels so it never has bothered me plus I knew if i was sore I was gonna grow. I assume you mean only muscle soreness and not joint or tissue? If this is something new for you I would go with the tip for blood workup.

  11. #11
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Assuming that its only muscle soreness it could still be a good thing or a bad thing.

    That is the fact that you are still able to shock the muscles is a good thing, however if they are not getting a chance to recover then you will not experience much growth. I would try modifying you workouts to either as they are but do 3 wk or change to less work sets and see if you experience any increased growth. If you do then its just a matter of deciding how to modify your workouts to acheive maximum trauma yet allowing sufficient recovery for growth.

    This happens to most everyone who lifts for a long time we experience a point where we are no longer able to benefit from the same workouts that used to be the best.

  12. #12
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I'm talking about muscle soreness definitely, i try to keep the number of sets down to 4-5 and no more than 3 exercises per muscle group, due to keeping my joints from being over worked.
    I do train all muscle groups, I believe the more muscles stimulated, I will get the most out of my AS :-)
    and I have recently been going every other day now and it seems to be working out better/energy wise.
    Also I was not in lay off mode, was training at a gym down the street, more for overall well being and cardio, not for mass, but recently have been uping the weight ...but very gradually. Don't get me wrong, I'm strong as an ox naturally, just getting older choose to train with better technique that heavy weight.
    I had bloodd work before I started this cycle...and every thing was good, and just came from the doctor yesterday, only issue is my bp was up 10pts 130/80.

  13. #13
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Example of a routine would consist but not limited too:
    10min warm up elliptical
    5min stretching

    Leg press
    warm up set no weight + more stretching
    set one 400x15/just a little more stretching
    set two 600x15
    set three 700x12
    set four 800x15
    set five 600x 15 just separating sets four and five/time to take the weights off
    Obviously I can go much heavier but feel no need

    Squats: (smith machine)
    set one 135x10
    set two 185x10
    set three 225x10
    set 4-5 same as 3

    Leg extentions
    4-5 sets x10
    ending in all the machine weight in set 4, then back down 50lbs for set 5
    after each set of squats i start to incorporate shoulders with behind the neck/ rotating back and forth almost as long as my pulse tells me I can.
    Shoulders:behind the neck
    set one barx15
    set two 135x 12
    set three 185 10
    sets 4-5 same as three

    By this time, music jaming...I'm friggin sweating hard and have a good wind going on.

    lateral shoulder raises
    sets 1-4 variety of weights(machine) and reps what ever gets the best burn

    Then cardio either speed bag/jumprope/cruches cross training for five sets/20 min. then 10min jogging on treadmill

    Or 20 min jogging/5min stairmaster and maybe another 10min on elliptical

    Shirt is usually soaked
    Last edited by ironbeck; 04-28-2012 at 10:47 AM.

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    welcome to the geezer club IB
    yesterday was chest, and yes, i'm a little sore right now. today is back, so i can look forward to being sore there tomorrow. the only thing i'm reallly concerned about are sore knees, and so far, no issues (recent knee operation)
    I always try to mix up my routines a little, which is another reason i could be a little sore. I don't know... it's something I'll get used to I guess

  15. #15
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    tks, proud member of the geezer club lol.......I recently have been taking about three days off a week and it seems to be helping, by giving me more recovery time. Definitely more energy.

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