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  1. #1
    UConn5717 is offline New Member
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    Storrs, CT

    advise on returning to normal

    I took a stack of deca , sust and d-bol for a little over two weeks and had to stop fairly abruptly due to the fact that my blood pressure skyrocketed to 190/140. I was on 400 mg of deca a week, 500 mg sust a week, and 30 mg of dbol a day for those two weeks. The problem i am having now is that my libido never returned to normal. My balls are still a little small and my piece really isnt working the way it should. I am 21 years old and really need some advise on what to do now. I am currently on 50 mg of clomid a day trying to recover. If anyone has any ideas, i would welcome any of them. Also, it has been 2 weeks since i quit the stuff.

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Deca is active for 3 weeks in your system... so 3 weeks after your last injection you should start the clomid. 100 mg a day for 10 days, then 50 mg a day for another 10 days.

  3. #3
    UConn5717 is offline New Member
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    Storrs, CT
    does the fact that i spiked my test levels so quickly have anything to do with the way that i am feeling, because no one i have talked to has had to deal with this. Are clomids going to be enough or am i going to have to see my doctor and get my test levels checked. I just feel like its weird that all this is happening and i only took the sauce for a little over two weeks.

  4. #4
    CutieFace Guest
    it's the dbol , more than likely which is raising your blood pressure....
    have you ever done a cycle before? what are your stats? usually starting off w/ a simple cycle is preferable for the first time, so you know how your body will react....


  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Blood work would not be a bad idea just to give you some piece of mind. Clomid is your key right now, even though you were only on for that short period of time. The BP could be related to the dbol like C.F, has stated, or it might be the deca which is a long shot due to the short time span that it took for the pressure to raise.

    get on 100mg of clomid a day for 2wks. That should be suffecient considering the amount of time you were on. And if not now. Make sure and get blood work done before you cycle again.

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