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  1. #1
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Spinal surgery!!!


    I'm new to the board so forgive me if I do something wrong with this post seeing how I am NOT good with a computer and this is my first post. Hell I can hardly type and forgive me for the typo's I can't spell worh a crap either. Anycase I thought I'd ask you guy's about a surgery I'm getting ready for coming up on June 13th. (that's right Friday the 13th)

    About two month back I had one of the worst pains in my life between my shoulder blade and spine. I just thought I over worked the muscles however this pain did not go away. After about two weeks I took a trip to the doc and had ungodly amounts of CT scans x-rays and whatnot to figure out what the problem was. The first two weeks my doc thought it was a pulled muscle but after that we noticed my right arm losing strength. I'm talking about an alarming loss of strength. Anycase I went to two Ortho's and it was determaned that the bones in my neck have deteriated and are collasping. At first they were thinking I would need to have three of the bones replaced (c3-c4-c5-c6). After another Mylogram (those suck by the way) they determined that I would only need to have two of the bones fused.

    Have any of you gone through a surgery like this and what type of limitations should I expect? Anything you bro's might offer would be a big help to me. Not real cotton (southern for keen, for you Canadian and Northern Bro's) to being cut up but so far I don't know of any other options. Hence the reason I'm asking.

    BTW, I'm 38, weight is 220 (down from 267) and I've been lifting for the last two years sold. My diet is down solid and I don't drink or smoke.


  2. #2
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    My boy has the same exact problem and his doctor recommended fusing the 2 vertabrates using the same procedure you have planned... He has been on pain meds Percs and a few others for 5 years to deal with the pain... I wouldn't recommend the fusing because as it was explained to him there's only a 50/50 chance that the operation will get rid of the pain and strength loss... Plus you'll forever have 2 vertabrate fused, so a reduced range of motion in your spine...

    There is a new procedure I just heard about 2 weeks ago that just started being used... Kurt Angle from the WWE just had it done... Only thing is I'm not sure if they can do it with your discs deteriorating... It's more for herniated discs... But maybe they still can do the procedure...

    It's kind of like getting othroscopic for your spine... I also know another guy that just had it done and was back to work a week after the operation...

    I have the name and # for a doctor that does the procedure locally... Not sure about Florida, but maybe he can refer you to a doctor down there... Also it's done by a neurosugeon, not a orthopedic...

    PM me your email addy if interested...
    Last edited by Jack87; 05-22-2003 at 03:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Thanks Buff, I did just that. I really do appreciate it very much.

    I feel for your boy, that pain is something else and for five years! He's got to be a tough bro. Has he elected not to have the procedure? Did his doc put him on Viox or Clebrex? Sorry for the 20 questions. Ha

    No matter what position I put my arm in it hurts like hell. I've been eating vicodin when it gets so bad I can't stand it but I hate taking the damn things for fear I'll get used to them. My arm feels like you have hit your "funny bone" all the time and two of my fingers are completly numb, very strange. My doc has me on Viox and a milder pain killer for now.

    Again many, many thanks Bro,


  4. #4
    Jack87's Avatar
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    My boy has a lifetime supply of percocets and valiums, along with a few other goodies like zanaflex and a few more I forget the names of...According to his doctor his only 2 options have been to get the vertabrate fused or stay on pain meds... He's a tough SOB for sure... To top it off he's a union pipefitter so there's no taking it easy on the job... Lot's of physical work day in and day out... I just found out about this new procedures 2 weeks ago and he's checking it out to see if the neurosurgeon here can help him...

  5. #5
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Percocets and Valiums, now you're talking. Wish my doc was so kind. I have a pretty high threshold for pain however it does wear down on you to the point that i just have to take something to dull it a little. Damn and he's a pipefitter and he still works through the pain? You are right he is a tough sob. HA

    Hey, I got that info you sent so thank you again for your help. I do appreciate it very much. BTW let me know what the doc says he can or can't do your for boy. Just curious

    Later Bro

  6. #6
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Will do... Glad I could help

  7. #7
    TANK01's Avatar
    TANK01 is offline Associate Member
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    I've had similar problems, and to be honest the pain can get so bad that the meds just dont work. I've had two vertebrae fused and it was great ! I lost some flexibility in my neck, but to not have the pain made such a difference to my life ! Sure Im not as flexible as I used to be but the pain was far more of a disability than this is !

    Best of luck !

  8. #8
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Thanks TANK01, I just got back on the board today from surgery last week. The surgery went well and they let me out of the hospital the next day. The neck brace sucks but I'll be all happy once I'm healed. I have never wanted to lift weights so bad as I do right now. I am so bored!


  9. #9
    TANK01's Avatar
    TANK01 is offline Associate Member
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    Jugg m8, it's all good from here !

    Once the pain has gone, and it will go, ur all set !

    It takes a while but it does get better, a lot better !

    If I can help in any way plz PM me !

    Best of luck !


  10. #10
    RLARG is offline New Member
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    I am 46 and have had 2 neck surgerys. The pain was so bad before I had the operations now I am great. I even went back in to Judo and kicked some ass. I love Judo, it is the best!!

  11. #11
    Bigun's Avatar
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    Hey bro, I have had spinal fusion at the C5, C6 level 2 years and still play a heavy contact professional sport.

    I do have my off days where it clicks and grinds, that goes through me a bit, but there are 2 metal plates holding it all together which makes me feel at ease.

    Hope this is of some reassurance


  12. #12
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Thanks Bigun, I had the surgery back in June of last year and get my final clearance from the doc next Tuesday. He fused discs C3, C4, C5 and C6 together. I have a plate that runs the whole length with four screws holding it in place and I can feel it when I rub the front of my neck....kinda weird but it works. I can't look down or up like I could before but side to side is good. The only problem I seem to be having a real hard time with is rebuilding my right Tricep. It's so weak and is taking forever to rebuild. You just don't really know how much that one muscle aids in all lifts until it's no longer in top forum. 'm glad I had the operation but I can tell you that body brace they had me in for 3 months sucked big time. I have never been so uncomfortable.

    Thanks for the post bro.

  13. #13
    Bigun's Avatar
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    I have the same problem with my left hand side. Rotator cuff muscles on my left hand side looks like someone scooped all the muscle out. I have had surgery twice on the same shoulder but as I am sure you know, its so **** frustrating.

    I am really careful with shoulder press and shrugs and me heavy deads and squat days are over. The added pressure on the plates from the weight isnt worth the risk. Still all that is better than being paralysed as I'm sure you'll agree.

    take care


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