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Thread: Having a kid while on Test?

  1. #1
    jitzer is offline New Member
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    Having a kid while on Test?

    What's up guys. I'm 40 yrs old and right now I'm on 500mg of Cypionate /week. My wife is 34 and we want to have a kid. When I go off Test my libido drops to zero and I also don't want to lose my gains. I've been doing gear on and off several times since I was in my early 20's. Is it dangerous to try to get her pregnant while I'm on or is there any alternatives to keep my libido and energy up and still get her pregnant? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    Hardly dangerous, but some people shoot blanks while on cycle.

    Do you not finish every cycle with a pct of clomid and nolvadex to boost your natural test levels?

  3. #3
    MILKMAN73 is offline New Member
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    Are you on any orals? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. Test is test, for the most part. On a side note, I always recommend hCG while on gear.

    Like Jitzer said above, if you are worried about it, finish your cycle with PCT and go to pound town. Not like you should be staying at 500mg/week forever anyway. BTW, include HCG and your testies will keep making their own juice and it'll be more like 750/week (arbitrary number... but higher than the 500 you have now).

  4. #4
    onefm's Avatar
    onefm is offline Associate Member
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    I was on 500mg of Enanthate /week at 35 when I got my old lady preggo. We now have a bright 8 year old son.
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  5. #5
    Testie's Avatar
    Testie is offline Associate Member
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    I have 3 kids all healthy and I was using test every time, I’m not a Doctor just telling you my experience, good luck!!!
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  6. #6
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testie View Post
    I have 3 kids all healthy and I was using test every time, I’m not a Doctor just telling you my experience, good luck!!!
    That’s amazing, we’re you on HCG or anything else?

    In all the times I haven’t pulled out I’ve never gotten my girl pregnant.

  7. #7
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    I have a 3 year old baby girl that is healthy and smart. She was conceived while i was cruising 100mg Cyp bi-weekly.

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