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  1. #1
    Rusty250 is offline New Member
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    Cold Turkey "Come Off's"

    Im a 20 year old Australian male. Ive completed two '6 week' courses in test prope an enanthate . I really had to guess my way through dosages, and most of it in general, as theres not much gear being used where i come from, and I didnt really have anyone to talk to about it. Came off cold turkey both times, obviously not knowing this was bad at the time.

    My balls are a shadow of their former size. I mean the testicles themselves are smaller, and the scrotum sack is basicaly empty around them. Embarassed and depressed, someone suggested this site to me 2 weeks ago, and i only logged onto the message board for the first time yesterday.

    I started my 3rd cycle last week, involving relatively low dosages of sustanon250 and deca 50. From talking to people yesterday in another forum, i now realise 6 weeks is too short a course, and my dosages are pretty low.

    Ill cycle for 10 weeks now... 2ml of sus250/week, and 4ml deca 50 a week. im 73kg, so i figure this should be enough for good results. I didnt really come in here to ask about that. I came to get some advice on my PCT (also learnt joke)

    I see from other peoples threads, products called Clomid, Nolva, H.C.G etc.

    Do these apply to me? and can i lay my hands on them in Aus?

    When in the cycle should i take these products?

    From looking around here, these questions must seem so basic, but if someone has a spare few minutes, and can suggest a PCT that applies to my current course, id be real grateful. I train hard, i eat right, i just really lack knowledge about gear and PCT and am asking for help.

    If you could be kinda detailed and simplistic in your response, thatd be great.

    Also, do you think if i get this course's "come off" right, i could get my balls back to how they used to be? (the two courses i screwed up on took place in the last 6 months).

    Thanks alot for your time guys. Im really impressed with this site, and how people explained things to me yesterday. Im know im young and had basicly no-one to turn to about this, so its really something special when guys i dont even know go out of their way to look out for me,and explain these things.

    Its appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yes ...clomid and tamoxifen are what you need to research .....hcg is great to use the whole cycle through. you should do a search on them when you are ready to buy them clickhe underlinded words and it will take you to our store.....

    Note: We can't comment on dosing for legal reasons

  3. #3
    system admin is offline Owner
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    clomid clomi clomiphen

  4. #4
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Since the previous two 6 week cycles have been recent your testicles should come back to 100% after a proper pct. Do a search on PCT and you will find a ton of info.

    Be prepared to run a longer PCT due to the downtime your testicles have had...45-60 days since you have already been shut down over 6 months before your current cycle.


  5. #5
    Bertz's Avatar
    Bertz is offline Associate Member
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    man you really should shoot the sus EOD... one shot a week is no good
    Its out of your system too fast... maybe shoot half the dose EOD if you dont want to do so much

  6. #6
    Craig05 is offline New Member
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    im in the same boat as this guy, ive done one previous sust course and am doing another in a fortnight. pct is new to me as of yesterday also and havent got a lot of knowledge on it in the past day or so. ive been told to take clomid 3 weeks after my cycle ends, is this correct and can it be taken on its own? will it work?

    please help!

  7. #7
    Bertz's Avatar
    Bertz is offline Associate Member
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    if you do a search you could learn a lot

    go to the main page, steroid .com, then look at the cycles they have posted

    the typical pct consists of clomid 300mg day 1, 150mg day 2, 100mg day 3-13, 50mg day 14-24 or something like that

    and nolva at 20mg ED through the pct

  8. #8
    nomore1324 is offline Associate Member
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    hey man IMO stop doing steroids this instant until you figure out a little more about safe use and proper dosages. also knowing how to pct is key to cycle success... there is no way running a cycle is worth it without proper pct. i mean the dosages you are running, 500 sust/wk and 200 deaca/wk are fine, but bro if your testicals are small and its bugging you deca is the last thing you should be running, or tren . just hold off on the juice ofr a little and read up

  9. #9
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomore1324
    hey man IMO stop doing steroids this instant until you figure out a little more about safe use and proper dosages. also knowing how to pct is key to cycle success... there is no way running a cycle is worth it without proper pct. i mean the dosages you are running, 500 sust/wk and 200 deaca/wk are fine, but bro if your testicals are small and its bugging you deca is the last thing you should be running, or tren. just hold off on the juice ofr a little and read up

    Good advice bro!


  10. #10
    -OG- is offline New Member
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    Rest Easy Bro

    yeah bro research a little more next time. Buy some clomid or nolv they serve as estrogen blockers . Your body produes this to keep a proper balance in the body of hormones. Take a proper PCT and you should be fine

  11. #11
    Chenko is offline Junior Member
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    I say you should be on this site 24/7 until you have read as much as you can take in. I think you need to research a whole lot. I have been on here a lot since i started my first cycle about 8 weeks ago and this site is the ShaT. I have even been able to help out friends with thier cycles from reading this site. READ READ READ.

  12. #12
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Big boy check your Pm's

  13. #13
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, you need to start doing a LOT Of research and start now, if you already haven't.
    You shouldn't have any problem getting Nolva and Clomid but HCG , which would help a lot could be harder. Know up front that if you use it you use it during a cycle and BEFORE Clomid/Nolva Post Cycle Therapy . If I were you before I'd done another cycle I'd have run a week or two of HCG (I'd never use more than 500 iu/day, and I'd include Nolva with it) then a regular course of Clomid to get your nads back to normal, then lay off gear for a few months. HCG is tricky to learn how to mix and use (you need slin pins) but you really should and the info is all here. If you have Qs PM me and I'll try to help. Good luck.

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