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  1. #1
    Boudreaux's Avatar
    Boudreaux is offline Junior Member
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    Liquidex only for PCT

    I read a thread from Hooker about Arimidex . It said that if taken 1mg/ day or more, it can raise your test levels by 85%. That's all I have right now. Will that be fine to take for my PCT, and nothing else? My cycle was Primobolan only for 8 weeks.

  2. #2
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boudreaux
    I read a thread from Hooker about Arimidex. It said that if taken 1mg/ day or more, it can raise your test levels by 85%. That's all I have right now. Will that be fine to take for my PCT, and nothing else? My cycle was Primobolan only for 8 weeks.
    no. you need clomids most definately. Other options could be nolva, trib... you can find clomids and nolva on AR-R .com

  3. #3
    liftsiron's Avatar
    liftsiron is offline New Member
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    I agree clomid or nolva are needed for pct. L-dex is an AI and will not signal the increased production of FSH and LH needed to restart the testes.

  4. #4
    Boudreaux's Avatar
    Boudreaux is offline Junior Member
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    Ok i'll do that, thanks.

  5. #5
    Boudreaux's Avatar
    Boudreaux is offline Junior Member
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    How much Clomid should I take/day, and how long should I run it?

  6. #6
    supersteve Guest
    Actually letrozole (an AI) causes a significant increase in FSH AND LH.

    But even though Primo isn't that suppressive it's probably best to take clomid/nolva as they will get the job done quicker.

    How were your gains on this cycle out of curiosity?

  7. #7
    liftsiron's Avatar
    liftsiron is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boudreaux
    How much Clomid should I take/day, and how long should I run it?

    100mgs for 14 days then 50mgs for another 14 days or longer if precieved needed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Boudreaux
    I read a thread from Hooker about Arimidex . It said that if taken 1mg/ day or more, it can raise your test levels by 85%. That's all I have right now. Will that be fine to take for my PCT, and nothing else? My cycle was Primobolan only for 8 weeks.
    I think maybe I wasn't clear in that post...

    I don't know where the 1mg/day "or more" comes from...I never said anything about taking more than 1mg/day..and I said 1mg/day will raise your test levels by 58%, not 85% .

  9. #9
    Boudreaux's Avatar
    Boudreaux is offline Junior Member
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    I was on a cutting diet with low calories, so I didn't gain any weight. I lost alot of fat, low water retention and didn't lose any stregnth or muscle mass. I cut up really well while on it.... It did everything I wanted it to do.

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