Hi guys and gals. looking for a little help here. I'm 37 years old and i'm going to be doing my first cycle of lgd and I've been looking for some advice on the pct. The advice i have read seems to run the spectrum. Ive seen some people say no pct is necessary as it doesn't lower your natural test that much and Ive seen others suggest everything including the kitchen sink. I suspect that the truth is somewhere in the middle. I was hoping to run lgd for 8 weeks but would be willing to shorten it if it would help with a quicker recovery on the other end. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to start anything until im comfortable i have all my bases covered. what would you guys think would be an optimal length of time for my first cycle and what would you suggest for a pct. Thanks for all the help.

ps.... Lgd is the only sarm i will be taking during this time. Wanted to keep things simple for my first go to see how my body would react.