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  1. #1
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    how much does your squat suit add to ur raw max?

    what type of suit, and how do you train for using the suit?how often do you put it on in training? do partial rack pin squats help your suited max increase? any hints or help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    METAL pro, use it a couple of times to break it in, then again during a strength speed phase and circa max off a box and the hardest part about learning a suit is when the suit locks you up near the bottom of your squat, so i personally don't think the partial squats are going to help.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    METAL pro, use it a couple of times to break it in, then again during a strength speed phase and circa max off a box and the hardest part about learning a suit is when the suit locks you up near the bottom of your squat, so i personally don't think the partial squats are going to help.
    do you use the suit whille using bands? what helps you break paralel, any tricks to getting down low with the suit on besides more weight on the bar?

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    METAL pro, use it a couple of times to break it in, then again during a strength speed phase and circa max off a box and the hardest part about learning a suit is when the suit locks you up near the bottom of your squat, so i personally don't think the partial squats are going to help.
    i am also familiar with alot of wetside principles, but maybe you can help me andexplain circa max and speed strength phase? what strength of bands are you using? are both phases done on the dynamic leg day?what percentages are used? i have tried to make heads and taiils of some old louie simmons articles but , i couldn't grasp the concept. i also have seen 2 completely different explanations of circa max and don't know which one to believe is the rt one.

  5. #5
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    speed strength is a regular speed cycle, strength speed is very heavy band tension - light bar weight (blue and green bands for a 500-700 squatter instead of just green) i like it at the beginning of a competition cycle, followed by speed strength (it makes your speed weight feel like absolutely nothing) and circa max (lighter bands than st/sp heavier than sp/st and bar weight approaching your max) to help you peak. i wouldnt recommend using the suit with straps up for st/sp. one trick i learned from chuck v was when the suit locks up, push your knees out and youll drop a couple more inches. the best way to learn about all the squat phases is to get louie's special strengths video and the dynamic squat manual from dave tate (he listed speed strength and strength speed backwards in mine though)

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    speed strength is a regular speed cycle, strength speed is very heavy band tension - light bar weight (blue and green bands for a 500-700 squatter instead of just green) i like it at the beginning of a competition cycle, followed by speed strength (it makes your speed weight feel like absolutely nothing) and circa max (lighter bands than st/sp heavier than sp/st and bar weight approaching your max) to help you peak. i wouldnt recommend using the suit with straps up for st/sp. one trick i learned from chuck v was when the suit locks up, push your knees out and youll drop a couple more inches. the best way to learn about all the squat phases is to get louie's special strengths video and the dynamic squat manual from dave tate (he listed speed strength and strength speed backwards in mine though)
    foe speed strength, it is heavier bar weight and ight bands? what percentage should the bar weight be and what bands to use for a 500-700 poud squat/

  7. #7
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    speed strength - wave between 47-51-53% with green bands for 500-700 squatter.
    strength speed - 15-20-25% with blue and greens
    circa max - 47-51-53-27 with blues and purples

    all the percents and stuff are just guidlines, if the weight is moving too slow on your speed strength work, lower the weight and vice versa.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    thanks bob cat. makes sense. by the way did you learn that squat trick persnaly from chuck v or an article he wrote?

  9. #9
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    i went to a seminar that he did

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    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    i went to a seminar that he did
    thats great! chuck is the man

  11. #11
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    he is, and he's a real good guy too. took us all out to eat lunch that day. oh yeah, and he went through his workout before he put us through it.... yeah he's kinda strong

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    he is, and he's a real good guy too. took us all out to eat lunch that day. oh yeah, and he went through his workout before he put us through it.... yeah he's kinda strong
    what number did he put up the day you trained with him? is his program typical west side?

  13. #13
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    i dont remember what he squatted with, only worked up to like 6 or 7 i think, but it was speed work, rack pulled 905, then did some assistance stuff. his workout was basically the same as on his dvd, one day he does speed squats, then raises the box a bit and goes heavy, heavy dl move and and some assistance, the other day is all assistance. you hear people say that you can train alot or train heavy, well chuck does both.

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobcat50
    i dont remember what he squatted with, only worked up to like 6 or 7 i think, but it was speed work, rack pulled 905, then did some assistance stuff. his workout was basically the same as on his dvd, one day he does speed squats, then raises the box a bit and goes heavy, heavy dl move and and some assistance, the other day is all assistance. you hear people say that you can train alot or train heavy, well chuck does both.
    so on the dynamic/ speed day, he does speedd squats and then a heavy deadlift move after?

  15. #15
    power65 is offline Associate Member
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    I use a custom made "Dual Quad" suit by Titan. I have to have my suits custom made because I'm a little long waisted. If I wear a "off the shelf" suit the straps are too short and the suit is too tight in the chest; ie, Can't Breath!!!!!!.
    I love the dual quad suits by Titan. They are very durable. You get a lot of life out of these suits and they are awesome.

    I get about 60 lbs. out of my suit.

    You asked about how to get down quicker in the suit???? A lot of this is mental. I know that statement sounds dumb, but it is true. If you ever notice guys always go down super slow when they put their squats suits on. Yes I know the descend is slower because of the resistance of the squat suit. But what most people don't realize is that they are going slower too because mentally your body if freaking out. You body feels the resistance of the suit and doesn't know what to do. Therefore you are extra careful and tend to go down much slower than normal. You just have to clear your head and go for it. Just drop into position. Yes it is going to be slower than normal, but not as slow as what you see most people do. You need to remember that a big part of the squat is loading the legs in the descend. I could right a whole article on this. It's physics. Maybe I'm a nerd? I loved physics in college. Took the classes for electives. Anyway, the faster you can descend "Undercontrol" the more potential energy you are storing up in your legs. Not sure if everyone understands what I'm saying here. But just give it a try. Take a light wt. like 225. Descend slowly and squat. Now take that same wt. and descend with more speed and squat as soon as you've hit bottom. You will find you have more explosive power on the squat at which you descended w/ more speed. Promise this works. You just have to convice your mind that you can still descend at a close to normal rate in the squat suit. othewise I think you're leaving pounds on the table.

  16. #16
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by power65
    I use a custom made "Dual Quad" suit by Titan. I have to have my suits custom made because I'm a little long waisted. If I wear a "off the shelf" suit the straps are too short and the suit is too tight in the chest; ie, Can't Breath!!!!!!.
    I love the dual quad suits by Titan. They are very durable. You get a lot of life out of these suits and they are awesome.

    I get about 60 lbs. out of my suit.

    You asked about how to get down quicker in the suit???? A lot of this is mental. I know that statement sounds dumb, but it is true. If you ever notice guys always go down super slow when they put their squats suits on. Yes I know the descend is slower because of the resistance of the squat suit. But what most people don't realize is that they are going slower too because mentally your body if freaking out. You body feels the resistance of the suit and doesn't know what to do. Therefore you are extra careful and tend to go down much slower than normal. You just have to clear your head and go for it. Just drop into position. Yes it is going to be slower than normal, but not as slow as what you see most people do. You need to remember that a big part of the squat is loading the legs in the descend. I could right a whole article on this. It's physics. Maybe I'm a nerd? I loved physics in college. Took the classes for electives. Anyway, the faster you can descend "Undercontrol" the more potential energy you are storing up in your legs. Not sure if everyone understands what I'm saying here. But just give it a try. Take a light wt. like 225. Descend slowly and squat. Now take that same wt. and descend with more speed and squat as soon as you've hit bottom. You will find you have more explosive power on the squat at which you descended w/ more speed. Promise this works. You just have to convice your mind that you can still descend at a close to normal rate in the squat suit. othewise I think you're leaving pounds on the table.
    i agree. i only have experience in an old marathon suit, and i usualy stick to raw meets, but i drop as fast as i can to get in and out of the whole with the most rebound as quick as possible no matter if i am or not using gear. speed is key in the powerlifts.
    Last edited by Doc.Sust; 07-18-2005 at 04:17 PM.

  17. #17
    Bobcat50 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    so on the dynamic/ speed day, he does speedd squats and then a heavy deadlift move after?
    he'll usually also work up to a heavy weight on the speed squats with a higher box.

  18. #18
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    I'm using a Titan Boss and getting approx. 60-70 lbs. out of it and I usually put the gear on about 6-8 weeks before a meet.

  19. #19
    power65 is offline Associate Member
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    Tell us more about the Titan Boss suit. I've heard a lot of good things about this suit. I've been meaning to call Titan to find out more about it, since they don't have it up on their website about it. They seem to drag about a year behind or so on updating their website. But I'm do a new squat suit. I'm thinking about getting a custom made Boss if it's as good as what everyone says. Please give me as much info as possible. Let me know your likes and dislikes w/ the suit. Much appreciated.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by power65
    Tell us more about the Titan Boss suit. I've heard a lot of good things about this suit. I've been meaning to call Titan to find out more about it, since they don't have it up on their website about it. They seem to drag about a year behind or so on updating their website. But I'm do a new squat suit. I'm thinking about getting a custom made Boss if it's as good as what everyone says. Please give me as much info as possible. Let me know your likes and dislikes w/ the suit. Much appreciated.
    I really like the Titan Boss. I've been using an Inzer hardcore, and personally I thought that was a good suit. However, when compared to the Boss it seemed a bit light weight. I purchased the Boss specifically for the Sr. Nationals and luckily it arrived just in time. I was suprised that I took to the suit so quickly, I mean the first day in it I felt unstoppable... so as far as the suit giving me new and improved confindence I was pleasantly suprised. It has great stopping power, which I love. I feel strong out of the hole in this suit and suprisingly my heaviest sets felt as easy as ever. Damn, I feel like I am starting to sound like a commercial... Anyway, I really dig it! I would tell anyone shopping for a squat suit that you will not be disappointed with the Titan Boss. By the way my suit is regular straps, it seemed that a lot of people at the Sr. Nat. ordered theirs with the velcro adjustable straps... if I could do it over that would be the way I would go, and most likely will be before my next meet. hope this helps... good luck shopping!

  21. #21
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    I really like the Titan Boss. I've been using an Inzer hardcore, and personally I thought that was a good suit. However, when compared to the Boss it seemed a bit light weight. I purchased the Boss specifically for the Sr. Nationals and luckily it arrived just in time. I was suprised that I took to the suit so quickly, I mean the first day in it I felt unstoppable... so as far as the suit giving me new and improved confindence I was pleasantly suprised. It has great stopping power, which I love. I feel strong out of the hole in this suit and suprisingly my heaviest sets felt as easy as ever. Damn, I feel like I am starting to sound like a commercial... Anyway, I really dig it! I would tell anyone shopping for a squat suit that you will not be disappointed with the Titan Boss. By the way my suit is regular straps, it seemed that a lot of people at the Sr. Nat. ordered theirs with the velcro adjustable straps... if I could do it over that would be the way I would go, and most likely will be before my next meet. hope this helps... good luck shopping!
    i just ordered a boss, i didn't know you can get velcro!damn it!

  22. #22
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i called titan and had them change my order. thanks RJ, i would have never known i could do that without your help.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i called titan and had them change my order. thanks RJ, i would have never known i could do that without your help.
    Right on bro... glad I could help!

  24. #24
    power65 is offline Associate Member
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    From many of your post in the past I consider you two guys very trust worthy. I too am going to order a Titan Boss. I have loved my Titan Dual Quad, but the suit is just too worn. Time for something new. That's awesome that you can get the velcro straps on it. Can't wait to get the suit.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by power65
    From many of your post in the past I consider you two guys very trust worthy. I too am going to order a Titan Boss. I have loved my Titan Dual Quad, but the suit is just too worn. Time for something new. That's awesome that you can get the velcro straps on it. Can't wait to get the suit.
    thanx for the kind words... as I said before you won't be disappointed.

  26. #26
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    rt back at you power65. if you and rj didn't post on this board i would have left this site along time ago.

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