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  1. #1
    Squatman51's Avatar
    Squatman51 is offline Senior Member
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    2 questions for Doc

    About your above routines... the kenelly bench workout, do you do your board work on speed days or your heavy days?

    and aobut the Finnish deadlift routine... do you take a break after each little cycle or do you go straight from the first cycle's week 7 to the second cycles week 1?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by Squatman51
    About your above routines... the kenelly bench workout, do you do your board work on speed days or your heavy days?

    and aobut the Finnish deadlift routine... do you take a break after each little cycle or do you go straight from the first cycle's week 7 to the second cycles week 1?
    the keneely routine, i would do board work on the speed day, first i would doo myspeed work , than i would do my regular board work(not for speed, but heavier for strength)

    fin routine, you can tak a break btwn wks if you need to, but it is not required, i myself would go straight through it

  3. #3
    Leader05's Avatar
    Leader05 is offline Banned
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    none of your business
    you're a brainless. lol

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    leader, if your grammer skills are any indication of how gifted your mind is, i would think you were taking the short bus home from school with the "special"kids.

    translation(because i know you cant grasp what i said) you my friend are beyond brainless.
    strike one, keep it up pal and you are going to be banned real soon

  5. #5
    Fallen_Angel is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    you're a brainless. lol
    I never figured out why goofs like this even waste the time to type anything that is mindless chatter. If you have something positive to append, then do so. Otherwise, don't post for the sake of posting. No one appreciates it.

  6. #6
    RJstrong's Avatar
    RJstrong is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    you're a brainless. lol

  7. #7
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    hey doc since were already on the topic of your dead lifting routine. i see no need to start another thread. im on week 2 55% of your max my question is after your week off after your 95%. how much weight should you try moving up for your new max. curently im at 425lbs for 2 i know its not much but just started going heavy im my deads within the last year. my bench is at 365lbs for 1 and squat is 315lbs for 15. i know its not great but at 170lbs around 10% bf i dont think its to bad. i never trained for power lifting. but im going to give a try for the winter and see how i like it. your responce will be appreciated thanks.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by 2deizel
    hey doc since were already on the topic of your dead lifting routine. i see no need to start another thread. im on week 2 55% of your max my question is after your week off after your 95%. how much weight should you try moving up for your new max. curently im at 425lbs for 2 i know its not much but just started going heavy im my deads within the last year. my bench is at 365lbs for 1 and squat is 315lbs for 15. i know its not great but at 170lbs around 10% bf i dont think its to bad. i never trained for power lifting. but im going to give a try for the winter and see how i like it. your responce will be appreciated thanks.
    hello my friend, anytime you have a question DO NOT hesitate to aske me or pm me, this is y i am here!

    when you hit 95 % take an entire wk off rest and heal

    when tyou mxa, here ind the scenario
    1st attepmt something light. something you know you can do for a triple

    2nd attempt a new personal record,

    lets say tyou got 405 on your last dead max, try 410 or 415

    3rd attempt, BALLS TO THE WALL!!! here it is the finaly go crazy,depending on the day, do wahtever feels right, 95% to 105%

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