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Thread: 9/4 Dynamic BP

  1. #1
    musc2002pa is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    9/4 Dynamic BP

    (click the underlined link for video)
    Speed BP w/1 chain
    bar, 45, 135 x5
    165 6x3
    175 2x3

    Rolling DB Extensions
    20 1x8
    50 3x8
    60 1x8

    Seated Rows
    70 1x10
    120 2x8

    1 Arm Low pully row
    60 3x8 each arm

    V-bar Tricep pushdowns
    60 4x10

    Speed felt better with 165 vs 175. I will probably also use a loose shirt on this day too..torn rotator is getting sore.

    Last edited by musc2002pa; 09-07-2002 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Superman75's Avatar
    Superman75 is offline New Member
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    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Looks good- strong with those big chains. 10 sets of DE bench....I also do 10 sets now too I like it better than 8 sets. What kind of grips do you use for those 10 sets like 3-3-4

  3. #3
    musc2002pa is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    Usually I take a little wider grip, pinky on the ring. I try not to use close grips, because they reak havoc on my rotator cuff. I also dont push as fast as I can because of that too. I just ordered a loose training shirt for both bench days. Hopefully that will help me step up my training, and work around my injury.


  4. #4
    BigArnie is offline Junior Member
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    Pretoria, South Africa
    musc2002pa, how much do you bench, if you don't mind me asking? The reason I want to know is I want to get an idea of what kind on % of max you're moving and what the relative speed is compared to that so I can do a comparison of my own speed.

    Lookin' good!

  5. #5
    musc2002pa is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    Arnie, my best bench is 440 with a single denim back in July. I was good for 450 that day. The 175 is right around 40%, with 165 being just slightly less. I will say I am not the best speed bencher. I use to 'catch' the bar a few inches from touching my chest, but that reaked havoc on my shoulder. I do a touch and go now. I dont put a lot of emphasis on reversal, but I concentrate more on the explosive push.

    I am going to be using a loose poly shirt on this day and ME day for awhile to help with my rotator problems.


  6. #6
    BigArnie is offline Junior Member
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    Pretoria, South Africa
    I agree with you 100% on the reversal. Some time ago I started doing a slow eccentric, a short pause on the chest and then a very explosive concentric and since then my shoulders have stopped complaining and even better, my bicep tendonitis is gone.

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