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  1. #1
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Bench arch... pain?

    After trying to get my bench form down, and getting the arch up on my bench, I have noticed moderate pain in the middle/lower middle of my back during the two to three days following my bench session. What is this soreness caused by? And are there any exercises or stretching I can do to help this area along?

  2. #2
    GRIMM is offline Junior Member
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    I believe that the pain can be attributed to the vertebrate compesing with an excesive arch. Especially if you are new at arching do not try and over do it. you must become more flexible in order to be able to pull an eaxtreme arch off. Try lying on a swiss ball on your back and let your arms fall back to the floor. This seems to really stretch me out. I do not becnh with an arch but try to loosen up before you bench. Linaments could help as wel.

  3. #3
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Swiss ball... excellent idea. Thanks!!

  4. #4
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    If it's causing you pain I'd drop the arch it's not necessary, there are plenty of top benchers who don't use an arch.


  5. #5
    BigBad's Avatar
    BigBad is offline Banned
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    The swiss ball is an excellent idea.

    Prior to benching, I lie on my stomach (on the floor), extend my arms while keeping my hips & legs flat on the floor (hence simulating an arch). I hold this for 15 seconds and repeat 3 times.

    As with anything, a general warmup is strongly encouraged prior to stretching (ie light jog, treadmill, stationary bike). This has several benefits including increasing your core temp, increasing flexibility, & decreasing chance of injury. After the gen. warmup, you should then go on to a swiss ball or the arching strech I do for example (obviously stretching the rest of your back as well).

    There are a ton of lower back stretches you can also do. If you'd like a few let me know (I don't get a chance to get on AR alot so, forgive me if it takes a while). Hope this helped. -BB

  6. #6
    strongerthanall is offline New Member
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    You might want to see a GOOD chiropractor. Not one that wants to see you three times a weeks for the next ten years but one that will give you an adjustment and send you on your way.

  7. #7
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Since this was bumped, an update:

    I tried the swiss ball... and quite a bit of various stretching. I've also been doing AR thrice a week or more. I haven't had any problems at all with my arch for the past month or more.
    It's not something I want or need a chiropractor for, more just a physical weakness I needed to get around to get my bench form up.

    Thanks for all the suggestions!

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