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Thread: whats you body weigh and totals

  1. #81
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rahulsingh265 View Post
    Keep up hard work and all the best for next meet
    Thanks brother

    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Good numbers. Damn shame about the red lights, learn from it!
    Cheers man, i plan on it!

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Good job, now you have the first one under your belt all you will have to think about next time is your lifts. All the other worries you can work on now until the next one.
    Thanks BG, yeah it'll be good not having to worry about technicalities next time, going to do everything a lot stricter (rack times/keeping head down etc) this next prep so i can put all my focus into the lifts.

  2. #82
    pushit_05's Avatar
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    Recent numbers hit:

    BW: 240
    BF: 20%
    Squat: 425
    Bench: 335
    DL: 515

    These are training maxes though as I only max out a couple times a year. These we're also my natural maxes from a year ago. Now that my back and knee are heeled from my first couple cycles I finally got back up to where I was. I also train without a belt so not sure what belt +wraps would get me.
    Last edited by pushit_05; 03-28-2015 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #83
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushit_05 View Post
    Recent numbers hit:

    BW: 240
    BF: 20%
    Squat: 425
    Bench: 335
    DL: 515

    These are training maxes though as I only max out a couple times a year. These we're also my natural maxes from a year ago. Now that my back and knee are heeled from my first couple cycles I finally got back up to where I was. I also train without a belt so not sure what belt +wraps would get me.
    Those lift are very similar to mine.

    Belt does greatly help me at squatting...
    It gives me mental cue to stay tight. Which I lose sometime when im beltless. I feel it being safer for my hip too due to the constant form.

    Never used wrap... I hate that wrap are considered raw...
    Wrap will lift the weight for you at the hardest angle of the lift.
    It migh gives you maybe 50-80pounds to your squat...

    Note aside: tomorrow morning I have a Mock meet planned
    Im very excited.
    Im aiming for minimum 405 squat 315 bench 500 deadlift.
    Judge like the IPF
    At under 198.(barely under but still)
    I will post my results tomorrow.

  4. #84
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    Go get it!

    I actually don't consider a belt or wraps raw but when you're maxing things can get wonky. I've seen people lose 50-100lbs just from taking their belt off so if wraps are out the belt should follow. I have yet to hear anyone say Malanichev's 1014 squat is anything but mind blowing. Then Lillibridge just did 1003 in training, sickos. Injury prevention is #1 to me and luckily have never had anything serious happen.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushit_05 View Post
    Go get it!

    I actually don't consider a belt or wraps raw but when you're maxing things can get wonky. I've seen people lose 50-100lbs just from taking their belt off so if wraps are out the belt should follow. I have yet to hear anyone say Malanichev's 1014 squat is anything but mind blowing. Then Lillibridge just did 1003 in training, sickos. Injury prevention is #1 to me and luckily have never had anything serious happen.
    Lillibridge got 1014 yesterday, truly impressive.

    Raw isn't up for debate, by definition it's belt/knee sleeves and wrist wraps, raw plus is that plus knee wraps.

  6. #86
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    Did he?!?! Sick, I haven't seen it yet. Their dad has done such an awesome job with that whole crew....

    I mean raw can be whatever I want to classify that as. No one has to agree with me or give a shit. My personal definition of raw is your body and only that. Those are the definitions some federations classify it as but I don't have to personally live my life by them. Would it make everyone feel better if I changed the word raw to naked?

  7. #87
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    I am doing my first meet in a little over a month.
    I train and will compete naked as some say. No wraps, straps, sleeves, or belt. I do use chalk though.
    I don't have anything against anyone who uses anything to lift more. It is part of the sport.
    I do think that gear has gotten a little extreme though.
    It used to be deadlift was the biggest lift. With gear, people squat and bench hundreds of pounds more than their deadlift. Kinda silly.
    Just my opinion though.

    The one thing that drives me crazy about powerlifting is high squats and obscene arches on the bench. Short people doing super wide sumo deadlifts irk me too.
    That is part of the reason why I will compete naked and squat ATG.
    I don't have to compare myself to someone half squatting with wraps that add 50-75 pounds.

    The rules state you have to break parallel. If you have to pause u-tube to try to figure out if a squat is deep enough then I think it isn't.

    Go deep or go home.

  8. #88
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    But the thing is the belt anyway for me dont add weight but does give me the safety of mind that I can handle the weight... especially at deadlifting... and at squatting I feel more stable and It feel just safer overall.

    But wraps lift the weight for you.

    Sumo isnt even the same lift...

    And parallele is strerch way to often...


    Yesterday I did my m9ck meet and did 1235 total at 193.

    315 bench easy (ive been greedy i jumped to 335 and failed)
    405 squat (felt heavier than usual)
    515 Deadlift(felt heavy but went up fast)

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I am doing my first meet in a little over a month.
    I train and will compete naked as some say. No wraps, straps, sleeves, or belt. I do use chalk though.
    I don't have anything against anyone who uses anything to lift more. It is part of the sport.
    I do think that gear has gotten a little extreme though.
    It used to be deadlift was the biggest lift. With gear, people squat and bench hundreds of pounds more than their deadlift. Kinda silly.
    Just my opinion though.

    The one thing that drives me crazy about powerlifting is high squats and obscene arches on the bench. Short people doing super wide sumo deadlifts irk me too.
    That is part of the reason why I will compete naked and squat ATG.
    I don't have to compare myself to someone half squatting with wraps that add 50-75 pounds.

    The rules state you have to break parallel. If you have to pause u-tube to try to figure out if a squat is deep enough then I think it isn't.

    Go deep or go home.
    Knee sleeves may add weight, but generally they're just for comfort and safety. low bar squatting without wrist wraps is almost unbearable especially if you use your thumb in the grip. My knees are so dodgy i couldn't imagine squatting max weights without sleeves, but i can and do (sometimes) squat the same weight without them.

    The belt is another story, definitely adds weight, stabilizes your entire core and helps your tightness immensely but it's also a safety measure creating a much safer environment for the spine, especially the lumbar which is most susceptible to injury in the squat and deadlift.

    Sumo - deal with it. (lol)

    Wraps - that's why theres raw +, raw is no wraps.

    Depth and arch - This is why the IPF is considered the top powerlifting federation, they're extremely harsh on depth as well as keeping your heels on the floor which limits how much you can arch greatly. You can't even lift your head off the bench because it's considered a leverage.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    But the thing is the belt anyway for me dont add weight but does give me the safety of mind that I can handle the weight... especially at deadlifting... and at squatting I feel more stable and It feel just safer overall.

    But wraps lift the weight for you.

    Sumo isnt even the same lift...

    And parallele is strerch way to often...


    Yesterday I did my m9ck meet and did 1235 total at 193.

    315 bench easy (ive been greedy i jumped to 335 and failed)
    405 squat (felt heavier than usual)
    515 Deadlift(felt heavy but went up fast)
    Awsome stuff man

  11. #91
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    Yesterday I did my m9ck meet and did 1235 total at 193.

    315 bench easy (ive been greedy i jumped to 335 and failed)
    405 squat (felt heavier than usual)
    515 Deadlift(felt heavy but went up fast)
    Nice job man! Showing up is literally the only battle as we are all in this for the fun of it.

    Low bar, ATG squats are accomplished by widening your grip a lot. My hands touch the collars which is annoying without a monolift. I honestly think belts are the biggest contributers to a raw lifters total. I have literally seen 600lbs squatters fall over with 500 without a belt. It changes the entire way you breath for stabilization. Its much more difficult to have to use your abs as the belt and then press air against that. I take nothing away from anyone for using a belt or wraps (I use both sometimes) but I always train with nothing.

  12. #92
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    Bench max today: Wide grip with 3 sec pause, hit 365lbs
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  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushit_05 View Post
    Bench max today: Wide grip with 3 sec pause, hit 365lbs
    Fuark strong stuff man!

  14. #94
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    Thanks, I feel like we should just turn this into a max thread since everyone is always improving lol

  15. #95
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    Got 430 on bench on Sunday pretty easy. Barely missed 470. I think I'm good for a max of 450ish. On the road to 500. 5 weeks out from first bench meet. I'm hoping to get at at least 405 in the meet.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubster
    Got 430 on bench on Sunday pretty easy. Barely missed 470. I think I'm good for a max of 450ish. On the road to 500. 5 weeks out from first bench meet. I'm hoping to get at at least 405 in the meet.
    Why the big difference between the gym and platform expectation?
    Are you doing touch and go in the gym?

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubster View Post
    Got 430 on bench on Sunday pretty easy. Barely missed 470. I think I'm good for a max of 450ish. On the road to 500. 5 weeks out from first bench meet. I'm hoping to get at at least 405 in the meet.
    Nice going man, go get it! Probably dumb but are you working your pauses? 5 weeks is still plenty of time to prepare for 470!

  18. #98
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    I guess I'm the only one who only competes if I'm going for a record

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubster View Post
    Got 430 on bench on Sunday pretty easy. Barely missed 470. I think I'm good for a max of 450ish. On the road to 500. 5 weeks out from first bench meet. I'm hoping to get at at least 405 in the meet.
    nice bench what's your body weigh

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    I guess I'm the only one who only competes if I'm going for a record
    Nah there's plenty of people like that, you guys wouldn't have anyone to set a record against if it wasn't for us chumps :P

    I compete to do my best and have something to work towards. Setting records is essentially a pipe dream at the moment with how i compare to the top of my division. I'd need copious amount of drugs and insane training protocols for the next 3 years to hopefully set some junior records before i'm too old for it, so there's no way i'm waiting for that to compete lol.
    BG and swolehead like this.

  21. #101
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    5'11 193, will be getting down to 183 for the summer for first meet. Have been focusing on power lifting for 7 months and love it so far!

    Will be aiming for: 280 bench, 455 deadlift, 385 squat. Totals going up quick though as i get used to this training style so might go for more.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    5'11 193, will be getting down to 183 for the summer for first meet. Have been focusing on power lifting for 7 months and love it so far!

    Will be aiming for: 280 bench, 455 deadlift, 385 squat. Totals going up quick though as i get used to this training style so might go for more.
    If you keep those loft at 183. That is some good numbers!
    Right now im cutting and I can barely do few reps at my normal 10rep max

    A friendly advise... dont cut natty(or at cruising low dose) strength drop so fast.
    Or cut extremely slowly.

    Good luck

  23. #103
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    Gym repped a p.b. last week on the bench after my session. 250 lb Touch and go (no bounce though)

    6'1 190, about 17%.

    Ordering sleeves and a belt so I can start squatting again. I was a catcher in baseball, my knees are screwed

  24. #104
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    If you keep those loft at 183. That is some good numbers!
    Right now im cutting and I can barely do few reps at my normal 10rep max

    A friendly advise... dont cut natty(or at cruising low dose) strength drop so fast.
    Or cut extremely slowly.

    Good luck
    I will be cutting natty, that scares me a bit haha. Have 3 months so hopefully a slow cut will do me some good. Also those totals are without knee wraps/wrist wraps/belt so I think they are quite realistic even conservative.

    Will be looking to start a cycle after and move up to 94kg depending on my gains. I'm pretty leaned out at ~190 and seem a lot taller or "longer" than most people at 83.

    How did your cycles help the core lifts? Was thinking of a test-e / test-c cycle with dbol as my first one following this meet (it is WADA tested).

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post

    I will be cutting natty, that scares me a bit haha. Have 3 months so hopefully a slow cut will do me some good. Also those totals are without knee wraps/wrist wraps/belt so I think they are quite realistic even conservative.

    Will be looking to start a cycle after and move up to 94kg depending on my gains. I'm pretty leaned out at ~190 and seem a lot taller or "longer" than most people at 83.

    How did your cycles help the core lifts? Was thinking of a test-e / test-c cycle with dbol as my first one following this meet (it is WADA tested).
    I stoped cycling and started cruising/blasting a year ago.

    But before having touch to anything I had naturally low testosterone so strenght always sucked...

    But as far as I can say it greatly help.

    Progression started feel easy and continuously went up.

    So it helps for sure.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    I stoped cycling and started cruising/blasting a year ago.

    But before having touch to anything I had naturally low testosterone so strenght always sucked...

    But as far as I can say it greatly help.

    Progression started feel easy and continuously went up.

    So it helps for sure.
    Awesome, good to hear! What cycles did you find helped with strength gains the most if you don't mind me asking or what have you tried that you liked? Also, blasting and cruising with low T, you mean that you ramp up the dosages for awhile then go back to a low, more normal dose since you can't cycle due to low T?

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post

    Awesome, good to hear! What cycles did you find helped with strength gains the most if you don't mind me asking or what have you tried that you liked? Also, blasting and cruising with low T, you mean that you ramp up the dosages for awhile then go back to a low, more normal dose since you can't cycle due to low T?
    Exactly, doctor alway refused to treat me because of their personal biais toward testosterone so I self medicate.

    And I enjoy the gear so im using more than needed. I use 250-350mg/week as cruising.

    And for now I almost only blasted with tren and oral a few times.
    I dont get my T higher due to acne...

    Tren has given me huge strenght gain...
    Im addicted to tren it is an awesome compound which is so versatile... If it were smoother(side wise) I would be on it year round... but sides can be pretty harsh...

    NPP helped a bit. Helped me keep progressing without giving me a huge boost.

    Anadrol gave me too much headache to push properly

    And testosterone also helped me progressing but thats it...

    Soon Ill try anavar and I have high expectation on this oral.

    Thats pretty much all I tried for now...
    (Tried winstrol too but not for long... I hate that steroids ...)

    But I must say that I dont react well to anything... my genetic is not good. And my body dont react as strongly to AAS than most people...
    Tren hasnt given me magic gain or magic fat loss or appetite loss(like I wishes it does. .) Same with npp or test...
    500mg test do not gives me huge sex drive or massive gain. Or anything ... all I get no matter the dose is side effect and little bit of gain...

    And still my gear is legit.. 250mg gives me over 2000 free T...
    I saw more gain with low dose for extended period of time that big dose for short period...

    Thats why im cruising so high... and still...
    So you can expect double the gain I make by doing the exact same thing... XD

    Example: ive been 8 weeks on NPP/Test at 350mg weekly(both). Ive eaten easy 4-5k calories daily for that duration. My weight hasnt changed... I look fatter but not bigger...
    Blood test has shown uncalculable testosterone and low range E2.
    And I didnt get any signifiant muscle...
    gained strenght but not much else..
    Or my genetic is so bad that 200lbs is my genetic max at 700mg of aas weekly or im extremely not responding XD either way im ****ed XD

    So good luck
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 04-10-2015 at 06:15 AM.
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  28. #108
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks! If that is you in your avi I think your genetics are fine haha, broad shoulders skinny waist. I guess genetics do determine a lot on how much you get out of AAS? From what I've read about tren , the sides make it not worth the risk, at least for me. Good info appreciate it!

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Thanks! If that is you in your avi I think your genetics are fine haha, broad shoulders skinny waist. I guess genetics do determine a lot on how much you get out of AAS? From what I've read about tren, the sides make it not worth the risk, at least for me. Good info appreciate it!
    My waist is far from skinny XD angle might make it look so but my jeans are 34...

  30. #110
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    Had a club meet today, was a lot of fun and good practice for the future if two meets i want to do are close to each other. I ended out hitting;

    Squat - 162.5kg (358lb) Easily
    Bench - 105kg (231lb) Complete grind
    Deadlift - 165kg (364lb) Easily

    @ 74.3kg (164lb) Morning weight

    I should've got at least a 170kg (375lb) deadlift but i took a conservative jump for my second attempt when i should've gone for the 170 and passed on my third.

    The 162.5kg squat was super easy since i decided to leave it in the tank since i really wanted the 105 bench and 170 deadlift, i feel i could've got 165-167.5 if i went all out on my third.

    I expected the 105 bench to be a lot easier but it ended out being a really bad grind and surprisingly took a large toll on me which normally isn't the case with my bench.

    Deadlifts went amazingly, 165 flew up extremely easy but i think it just took a little too much out of me for the 170.

    432.5kg (953lb) total, 310 wilks score, 22.5kg improvement on my official total, 7.5kg improvement on my lifts.

    Really going to be focusing on my deadlift for now, my squat goes up without a worry in the world and my bench makes steady progress also, so i need to improve this poverty deadlift.
    Last edited by Khazima; 04-11-2015 at 12:06 AM.

  31. #111
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Had a club meet today, was a lot of fun and good practice for the future if two meets i want to do are close to each other. I ended out hitting;

    Squat - 162.5kg (358lb) Easily
    Bench - 105kg (231lb) Complete grind
    Deadlift - 165kg (364lb) Easily

    @ 74.3kg (164lb) Morning weight

    I should've got at least a 170kg (375lb) deadlift but i took a conservative jump for my second attempt when i should've gone for the 170 and passed on my third.

    The 162.5kg squat was super easy since i decided to leave it in the tank since i really wanted the 105 bench and 170 deadlift, i feel i could've got 165-167.5 if i went all out on my third.

    I expected the 105 bench to be a lot easier but it ended out being a really bad grind and surprisingly took a large toll on me which normally isn't the case with my bench.

    Deadlifts went amazingly, 165 flew up extremely easy but i think it just took a little too much out of me for the 170.

    432.5kg (953lb) total, 310 wilks score, 22.5kg improvement on my official total, 7.5kg improvement on my lifts.

    Really going to be focusing on my deadlift for now, my squat goes up without a worry in the world and my bench makes steady progress also, so i need to improve this poverty deadlift.
    Pretty good squat compared to your deadlift, really rare to see them close to the same at those numbers without geared lifts. Could easily shoot that deadlift up. Good job on 22.5kg improvement thats big

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Pretty good squat compared to your deadlift, really rare to see them close to the same at those numbers without geared lifts. Could easily shoot that deadlift up. Good job on 22.5kg improvement thats big
    Cheers man.

    Yeah it's kind of frustrating because it feels like i'm missing a good 20kg from my total. I'm not sure what the issue is but i'm suspecting i may be wrong about a minimalist approach when it comes to deadlifting (most likely), or that i just haven't found the right technique for me yet (less likely).

  33. #113
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    when you walk up to the bar to rip it off the ground does something just feel off when you do your sets

  34. #114
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Cheers man.

    Yeah it's kind of frustrating because it feels like i'm missing a good 20kg from my total. I'm not sure what the issue is but i'm suspecting i may be wrong about a minimalist approach when it comes to deadlifting (most likely), or that i just haven't found the right technique for me yet (less likely).
    Assuming your forms down, a minimalist approach might be the reason. Don't know if it's any help but with my program (built around powerlifting) i do 5 days on and 2 days off a week. Of those 5 days I conventional deadlift 1 of those days for a 5x5 or 6x3 or something to that effect. 1 day, usually after squats are stiff leg deadlifts for the same 5x5 or 6x3 or whatever. Now I also have sumo deadlifts thrown in for the same reps/weight ratio. So that's 2 days where they are a core lift and one day where they are thrown in for hamstring work. Also glute ham raises / hip thrusts and other hip work as auxiliary.

    If you are just deadlifting one day a week on your program maybe it is not enough

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    when you walk up to the bar to rip it off the ground does something just feel off when you do your sets
    Feels fine until i get to a max.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Assuming your forms down, a minimalist approach might be the reason. Don't know if it's any help but with my program (built around powerlifting) i do 5 days on and 2 days off a week. Of those 5 days I conventional deadlift 1 of those days for a 5x5 or 6x3 or something to that effect. 1 day, usually after squats are stiff leg deadlifts for the same 5x5 or 6x3 or whatever. Now I also have sumo deadlifts thrown in for the same reps/weight ratio. So that's 2 days where they are a core lift and one day where they are thrown in for hamstring work. Also glute ham raises / hip thrusts and other hip work as auxiliary.

    If you are just deadlifting one day a week on your program maybe it is not enough
    Thanks for the advice mate, my plan moving forward is to do something similar but with less reps, if i feel my recovery is fine i'll increase over time though. I'm going to try ed coan/phillipi's 10 week deadlift program as a 5th day on jonnie canditos linear program (4 days per week). So it generally looks like;

    Squat 3x6 deadlift (conventional) 2x6
    Deadlift 1x2 then 8x3 (sumo/main stance)
    Squat 6x4 deadlift variation (sumo, paused) 3x4


  36. #116
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Feels fine until i get to a max.

    Thanks for the advice mate, my plan moving forward is to do something similar but with less reps, if i feel my recovery is fine i'll increase over time though. I'm going to try ed coan/phillipi's 10 week deadlift program as a 5th day on jonnie canditos linear program (4 days per week). So it generally looks like;

    Squat 3x6 deadlift (conventional) 2x6
    Deadlift 1x2 then 8x3 (sumo/main stance)
    Squat 6x4 deadlift variation (sumo, paused) 3x4

    Haven't heard of the 10 week deadlift program but I'm a fan of throwing in squats and deadlifts together as long as they are mixed up. For example, sumo deaflifts + front squats after or squats followed by stiff leg deadlifts. Example of one of my deadlift days is:

    conventional deadlift 5x5 80% or so
    front squat 5x3
    hip thrusts 5x5
    wide rows 3x8

    More work on a lift you want to work on can never hurt. Just don't go all gung ho and spend 1 week of recovery after day 2 haha

    Also, pause work can be EXTREMELY effective. As an example, pause at knee for 3 second deadlifts at a weight of 60% of so
    Last edited by jackfrost88; 04-11-2015 at 09:23 PM.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Haven't heard of the 10 week deadlift program but I'm a fan of throwing in squats and deadlifts together as long as they are mixed up. For example, sumo deaflifts + front squats after or squats followed by stiff leg deadlifts. Example of one of my deadlift days is:

    conventional deadlift 5x5 80% or so
    front squat 5x3
    hip thrusts 5x5
    wide rows 3x8

    More work on a lift you want to work on can never hurt. Just don't go all gung ho and spend 1 week of recovery after day 2 haha

    Also, pause work can be EXTREMELY effective. As an example, pause at knee for 3 second deadlifts at a weight of 60% of so
    Looks good, that's sort of what the deadlift day looks like. The 8x3 is speed work with about 65% progressively getting heavier so not too taxing and then an entire posterior chain workout.

  38. #118
    Boozer35 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2015
    Did my first PL meet a few weeks ago. Competed in the RPS fed. 198lbs/90kg weight class and raw classic. Weighed in Saturday 5pm at 196.8lbs and by Sunday 3pm when lifting began I was 213lbs. Went 7/9 missed my 3rd squat and bench attempts due to technical errors and got all 3 pulls. Ended up 1st in my class.

  39. #119
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Boozer35 View Post
    Did my first PL meet a few weeks ago. Competed in the RPS fed. 198lbs/90kg weight class and raw classic. Weighed in Saturday 5pm at 196.8lbs and by Sunday 3pm when lifting began I was 213lbs. Went 7/9 missed my 3rd squat and bench attempts due to technical errors and got all 3 pulls. Ended up 1st in my class.
    What'd you total?

  40. #120
    Boozer35 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    What'd you total?
    I'd rather not post that in the open since all you need is a total and a meet date and you can figure out someone's personal info.

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