why is it so hard for everyone to believe that Stan is all natural. if he was juicing, he'd be well over 200lbs. think about it fellas, the guy is 5'7, 185. that's it..
why is it so hard for everyone to believe that Stan is all natural. if he was juicing, he'd be well over 200lbs. think about it fellas, the guy is 5'7, 185. that's it..
did he juice?
Looking at the pics over and over again with 13 years of training i think he is natural...he's not big at all really
I'll agree he may be (mostly) natural in terms of steroids (I still think he's done a light cycle or three), but I'll bet my bottom dollar he's used all the same diet drugs as the pros.
i have friends that have supier genetics and look dry as hell in relaxed poses, maybe because most of my friends are black is why i find it hard to believe that stan does not juice, people can be all natural and look like that
Last edited by scams; 05-15-2003 at 10:16 PM.
You can take juice to do anything, even look like that at his weight, why is it u think everyone who goes on it has to be like a 230+lbs monster ripped????
what is he part asian and ?
And Irish or Scottish, hence the last name Mcquay.
think this thread is dead but ill post anyway
Yeah I'll pay $15/month to admire him. I don't think so.
bandwidth fees guy, but still $15 is a little much for a young one like me =I
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