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  1. #1
    Rumble1251 is offline Junior Member
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    Just got CLomid and Clen

    Read a few posts. I just got Clen and CLomid. When should clomid be done. How much or how mnay squirts per day.

    How about the clen? How many squirts per day. never done clen before. First cycle but experienced in training some.

  2. #2
    imann is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    Clomid is for the half life of your longest lasting juice)Have never personally done clen , but it all depends on your cycle, diet,dosage,etc.
    why don't you post the specifics; cycle,traing,cylcle exp.,training exp.,diet,age.....then people xould give you more advice.

  3. #3
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    Bump for dosages!

  4. #4
    skohen is offline New Member
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    Seems to me like you're gathering gear already. You should spend ALOT more time doing research. Buying these things off a list without knowing why and what they are on the list for is insane...don't do anything you'll regret on in 2-3 months time. You need to do an educated decission about whats good for you and not. We all have very diffrent variables to take into account. You could very likely have choosen to follow a plan that are meant for individuales with a totaly diffrent story\background than yours. I know this won't answer you question...others have done that, this is just meant as a reminder.

  5. #5
    skohen is offline New Member
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    Seems to me like you're gathering gear already. You should spend ALOT more time doing research. Buying these things off a list without knowing why and what they are on the list for is insane...don't do anything you'll regret on in 2-3 months time. You need to do an educated decission about whats good for you and not. We all have very diffrent variables to take into account. You could very likely have choosen to follow a plan that are meant for individuales with a totaly diffrent story\background than yours. I know this won't answer you question...others have done that, this is just meant as a reminder.

  6. #6
    unclemoney's Avatar
    unclemoney is offline Senior Member
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    You should do clomid for 3 weeks.... 300mg the first day... 100 the next 10.... and then 50 for the last part of the 3weeks.... 300/100/50...... I'm not sure about the clen though...

  7. #7
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Seems to me like you're gathering gear already. You should spend ALOT more time doing research. Buying these things off a list without knowing why and what they are on the list for is insane...don't do anything you'll regret on in 2-3 months time. You need to do an educated decission about whats good for you and not. We all have very diffrent variables to take into account. You could very likely have choosen to follow a plan that are meant for individuales with a totaly diffrent story\background than yours. I know this won't answer you question...others have done that, this is just meant as a reminder.


  8. #8
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    Can we just have some dosages (i.e. number of squirts etc)!
    Last edited by Bigun; 10-23-2004 at 09:54 AM.

  9. #9
    mayhem229's Avatar
    mayhem229 is offline New Member
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    unclemoney has the best advice....thats the schedule I use and I am doing well.........ya want squirts if mathe is challenging for you Ill give it to you in squirts.....Ready Hombre.........ok the bottle comes in a 70 ml bottle. and its 35 mg per that means on your first day you want to do 300mg (I spread them out 100mg am...100mg afternoon....100mg pm) so to get 100mg you have to do approx 3 full syrenges ( the syrenge that comes with the bottle)at 35mg per 1cc (you get 35mg of clomid with each full syrenge..1cc). 3 Full syrenges mathmatecally comes out to 105mg or 3ml...Where you are challenged with math Im challenged with spelling...But Im here to help.......

  10. #10
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    I am not challenged with the math bro, I just didnt have a syringe so didnt want to mess up my PCT smart ass

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